rhinoscopy is
Preparation for rhinoscopy and stages of the procedure - recommendations for patients
In what cases is rhinoscopy necessary? Indications for rhinoscopy are diagnostic studies in the area
blood cancer treatment in Europe
Blood cancer: diagnosis, test results and prognosis
Causes of leukemia How dangerous is leukemia Types of blood cancer Signs and symptoms of leukemia Stages of cancer
purpose of tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the thoracic spine
The spinal column and adjacent soft tissues can be affected by tumor, infectious-inflammatory, post-traumatic, degenerative-dystrophic diseases, which
red blood cell size
Red blood cells are low: what does this mean and what does it mean?
What are red blood cells? Red blood cells play an important role in the human body. Their main
Spot shadows in the photo
What can cause the appearance of dark spots on the lung in the form of a spot on fluorography?
A medical examination for preventive purposes must be completed every year. A mandatory procedure during the examination is
Endoscopist: the essence of his work in the clinic
Endoscopy is a method of diagnosing internal organs using a special flexible tube and a digital camera without
Why is fluorography dangerous during pregnancy at all stages and why do it after childbirth?
Some medical procedures cannot be done too often, while others have contraindications. For many examinations
how to take sputum for analysis
How is sputum analysis performed - explanation, normal indicators
Sputum is pathological discharge from the respiratory tract that appears after coughing. Expectoration indicates a disorder
Leukocytes in the stool of a child under one year old - the norm, reasons for the increase
Children under one year of age are under the close attention of doctors. During this period, babies are not yet
Symptoms of helicobacteriosis
Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgG, IgM, IgA - positive: what does this mean
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection is a complex process, since none of the available tests alone
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