X-ray of the lumbosacral spine: preparation, how it is done, what it shows?
Various pathologies in the spine are always accompanied by discomfort in the chest or back. Sometimes about problems
Norm of lymphocytes in the blood of men (table by age)
Table of lymphocyte norms in men by age, what do increased values ​​mean? Overestimate the role of lymphocytes
Retroperitoneal organs
Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal organs: what is included in it, how and why it is done, preparation for the procedure
The inside of the human abdominal cavity is lined with a thin membrane called the peritoneum, which allows for secretion and absorption.
How much stool is needed to analyze an adult?
How much stool is needed for analysis? Proper preparation for delivery
Last updated January 29, 2020 at 06:57 pm Reading time: 4 min Many
What foods raise white blood cells: after chemotherapy and when there is a shortage in the body
The state of health is largely determined by the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body. One of
Leukocytes in liquid
Deciphering the leukocyte blood count in children (normal values ​​in the table)
The percentage of different types of leukocytes is called the leukocyte formula of blood: decoding in children gives
Lifespan of leukocytes: place of formation and lifespan of leukocytes in the blood
Cellular elements of blood (image obtained using a scanning electron microscope). Biconcave erythrocytes and
4 common symptoms indicating the development of anisocytosis
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.13 3 104 Red blood cells The composition of blood is formed by its liquid
X-ray (x-ray) of the large intestine (irrigoscopy with irrigography)
One of the effective diagnostic studies of the digestive organs is an X-ray of the intestines (irrigoscopy). The procedure is carried out to
Creatinine in urine. Normal, what is increased, decreased, reasons, table by age
Creatinine in urine. Normal, what is increased, decreased, reasons, table by age
Determination of the level of creatinine in urine is carried out using several methods and is essential in diagnosis
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