Interpretation of ultrasound of the carotid arteries and norms. Why is an ultrasound of the neck vessels done: what the procedure shows. What are the indications for the study?
#!UZIna4alo!# The importance of the carotid arteries, located in the neck and chest, in the human body is overestimated
LDL (low density lipoprotein)
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL): functions, effects on health and reasons for increasing their levels in the blood
The human body has a rather complex, but impeccably thought out structure, and efficient and healthy functioning
How to correctly collect and submit urine according to Nechiporenko?
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Glucose norms in pregnant women 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester. Urinalysis, blood test, how to give it, what it shows
Blood sugar levels in pregnant women: causes, symptoms and consequences of gestational diabetes
Norms of sugar in blood and urine in pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester Due to the general
Platelet distribution index
What should the platelet distribution width be?
You are here: Blood test - Platelets - Platelet distribution width Norms Carrying out the analysis Deviations
CA 15-3 tumor marker. The norm for women, table, what it is, explanation
Characteristics of tumor marker CA 15-3, features of its decoding
How and under what conditions is CA 15-3 produced? It is a highly specific antigen, which is why it is used
Erythrocytes in the blood are elevated in a child: what does the analysis mean, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies
Blood test for a child with low red blood cells
Low red blood cell count in your baby If your baby's blood test shows
MRI of the lungs - what shows, the price of the service in Moscow and St. Petersburg
The bronchi and lungs are part of the life-supporting respiratory system of the body. They are located in the chest cavity
Thrombocrit (PCT) what is it, norms by age, what does an increased and decreased indicator mean and the reasons for abnormalities in the blood test
Thrombocrit is the proportion of whole blood volume that is taken up by platelets (blood platelets).
Doppler ultrasound of the aorta
What types of ultrasound are there: types, diagnostic features, advantages and disadvantages
Ultrasound examination (or sonography) is one of the most modern, accessible, informative methods of instrumental
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