Acid-base status of blood: main indicators of analysis, types of disorders
The results of clinical studies by modern scientists indicate that various microelements directly or indirectly
Westergren method
Table of ESR norms for men by age, deviations
Norm of ESR in the blood in men by age: table In adult men who do not have
Taking an MRI
MSCT or MRI of the brain, which study to choose?
The advent of X-rays was a real revolution in diagnostics: doctors were able to see images of internal organs,
Determining pregnancy at home
Can an ultrasound doctor fail to see pregnancy at an early stage or make a mistake with the timing?
The availability of ultrasound diagnostics allows a woman who has just learned about her pregnancy not to speculate
What tests help determine the development of liver cancer?
Blood tests Blood tests examine liver function and determine levels of tumor markers. Study
How many leukocytes should there be in the blood during oncology?
Cells that fight cancer In the body of every person, there are atypical cells that
X-ray of the knee joint
X-ray method in the diagnosis of joint diseases
The radiographic research method was originally used to study the musculoskeletal system. It allows you to obtain information about
What is angiodystonia of the hypertensive type?
Angiodystonic syndromes (neurocirculatory dystonia) of occupational origin
04/14/2017 Last modified: July 27th, 2020 at 03:48 pm Angiodystonia (otherwise called vascular dystonia,
Antibodies to hCG: an indicator of the threat of miscarriage
What does a blood test show for antibodies to hCG IgM and IgG?
In today’s article we will fully study and analyze the analysis for antibodies to hCG. Chorionic gonadotropins
Amylase. Normal blood levels in women, men, children by age, table. What does it mean increased, decreased, treatment
Amylase in the blood is normal in adults and children, causes of deviations
Most carbohydrates enter the human digestive tract in the form of polysaccharides - giant molecules that
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