Test tube blood test
Hematocrit: concept, norms in tests and deviations - decrease and increase
What is hematocrit in a blood test? In medicine, it is considered more correct to use the term “hematocrit”
Interpretation of kidney ultrasound: norms and pathologies in adults
Kidney structure To understand what diffuse changes are, it is necessary to understand the functional structure of the kidney
Bile examination
Laboratory examination of stool for dysentery
The importance of timely diagnosis. Recognizing dysentery in practice is not so easy because there are infectious
Protein in a child's urine
Protein in the urine of a child (Proteinuria): Etiology of proteinuria, Diagnosis, Recommendations
Diseases of the urinary system in newborns and young children are a serious problem in
Bleeding during early pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy: is there always a threat to the expectant mother and her baby?
The period in the first twelve weeks is recognized as early pregnancy. Bleeding in early pregnancy
Stringy mucus
Flora smear: interpretation of analysis results, normal indicators and pathology
A small amount of red blood cells in a flora smear indicates the normal state of the female body.
Urea (urea) in a biochemical blood test. What is it, what is it responsible for
Urea (Urea nitrogen, Urea, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Urea, Plasma Urea, Carbonic acid diamide, urea, blood urea)
What is urea During the digestion of proteins, peptide chains break down into amino acids. As a result
Analysis for tumor marker NSE (NSE) - what is it and the norm
Methods to identify the disease at an early stage So that you can determine what type of
Antithrombin III: what is it, analysis and norm in the blood, deviations, role in diagnosis
What is an anticoagulant plasma system? Anticoagulant system in blood plasma, in order to
Degeneratively changed and normal red blood cells
What is hypochromia of erythrocytes, types of hypochromic anemia
You are here: Blood test - Red blood cells - Hypochromia of red blood cells Etiology Classification Symptoms Diagnostics Treatment
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