Ultrasound examination
The test is positive, but the ultrasound does not show pregnancy
April 12, 2020 Admin Home page » Ultrasound during pregnancy and childbirth Views: 959
Laparoscopy surgery for ectopic pregnancy. How is laparoscopy done for ectopic pregnancy? Rehabilitation after laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy
Violations of the health of the female reproductive system can cause various problems during conception. One
photo CT scan of the upper and lower jaw
What is a CT scan of the lower and upper jaw, and why do they take 3D dental x-rays in dentistry?
CT scan of the jaw is an x-ray method for studying the condition of the bone and soft tissue structures of the lower part
structure of the stomach.jpg
MRI of the esophagus: when is it indicated and what information can be obtained?
To diagnose gastric diseases, MRI is prescribed much less frequently than more traditional methods (FGDS, fluoroscopy
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What will an ultrasound show during pregnancy in the 9th week: photo, fetal size and other important indicators
Every mother, regardless of age, wants to give birth to a healthy baby. Excitement and anxiety of a pregnant woman
Clinical significance of determining protein fractions in blood serum.
Characteristics of the main protein fractions of Albumin. Albumin accounts for more than half (55–60%) of plasma proteins
Tumor markers for lung and bronchial cancer - types of markers, preparation, testing and interpretation of results
In medicine, tumor markers are commonly referred to as enzymes produced by malignant tumors. Tumor markers are formed
What can you eat after a colonoscopy: list of allowed foods, sample menu
Restoration of normal bowel function takes place under the supervision of the attending physician. Nutrition after intestinal colonoscopy -
Somatotropic hormone is the main growth factor
HGH is growth hormone. Somatotropic hormone: norm and deviations
The pituitary gland secretes several chemical compounds that regulate the activity of the endocrine glands, metabolism and
Formation in the body of the sphenoid bone of the human skull in the form of a depression
Digital x-ray of the sella turcica in Vladivostok
Due to the widespread increase in the number of people suffering from various neurological ailments, X-ray examination of the brain
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