What will an ultrasound show during pregnancy in the 9th week: photo, fetal size and other important indicators

Every mother, regardless of age, wants to give birth to a healthy baby. Excitement and anxiety of a pregnant woman at this stage can negatively affect the health of the fetus. To reinsure herself in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, she can undergo an ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy, checking her state of health and the unborn child.

If this is the first examination of a pregnant woman, then she will also be able to find out the size of the fetus and get the first photo of her baby.

Purposes of Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is prescribed to pregnant women to monitor the development of the fetus. The first diagnosis can be carried out as early as 9 weeks. At this time, specialists can identify possible pathologies in the development of the embryo and determine the condition of the mother’s internal organs.

The sooner any abnormalities during pregnancy are noticed, the easier it will be to deal with them..

Another indicator for ultrasound is that some women experience discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy. The appearance of various types of pain, which are expressed in painful contractions in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as the presence of brown discharge with an unpleasant odor, indicate a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in order to prevent the death of the baby, it is necessary to immediately identify the source of the pathology and take appropriate measures.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 9 weeks

Many women note an improvement in their well-being, although some unpleasant sensations still linger :

  • The expectant mother more and more often feels the desire to rest and lie down;
  • Toxicosis continues to torment (although starting this week the nausea should gradually recede);
  • Still experiencing dizziness;
  • Nasal congestion may occur;
  • There is sleep disturbance and inability to get enough sleep.

As for external changes:

  • the waist increases;
  • the breasts swell and become even more sensitive than before (it is in the first trimester, especially at the end, that a sharp increase in breasts occurs);
  • A blue network of veins appears on the chest; these are dilated saphenous veins (but this can also happen later than 9 weeks).

What does it show?

By doing an ultrasound at 9 weeks of pregnancy, you can see an accurate picture of the course of pregnancy. Diagnostics reliably provides data on the condition of the woman’s internal organs and the characteristics of the fetus, without complicating interventions. Exposure to waves does not affect intrauterine defects.

When undergoing an ultrasound examination, the following indicators can be identified:

  • exact gestational age;
  • number of embryos in the uterus;
  • area of ​​attachment of the fertilized egg;
  • embryo mobility;
  • detection of uterine pathology;
  • compatibility of placenta and fetus.

Reference! If a specialist finds negative changes, he will definitely order a repeat study.

How is an ultrasound examination performed?

Depending on the indications and degree of visualization, a woman can undergo 2 options for ultrasound:

  1. Transabdominal. The sensor is placed on the surface of the abdominal wall.
  2. Transvaginal. Ultrasound is performed through the vagina.

In the first case, the woman lies on her back and gel is applied to her stomach. It is advisable that the bladder be full, so the pregnant woman may be asked to drink about a liter of water before the procedure. This will improve visualization of the uterus. By moving the sensor, the specialist examines all the structures of the fetus, its position, the size of the uterus, the features of the placenta and blood flow in it.

The second version of ultrasound is also performed in the supine position. The sensor is inserted into the vagina, after which a condom lubricated with gel is put on it. This ultrasound method is possible only in the early stages of pregnancy and allows you to obtain a more accurate image of the fetus. Both research options are painless for women.

The price for ultrasound of the uterus and fetus varies greatly depending on the clinic. Usually the cost is 1000-3000 rubles. In public clinics or in a hospital, if there is an urgent indication, a woman will undergo an ultrasound for free.

Fetal development at 9 weeks

At week 9, the embryo enters a new life stage. Before this period, it had a tail and was in a bent position, but at week 9 the body begins to gradually straighten. The outlines of a nose, eyes, and ears appear on the face. The process - the tail disappears without a trace.

Although he still looks like an alien creature with a large head, his facial features are already starting to take on a human-like appearance. He begins to move actively, moving his arms and legs. But due to the small size of the fetus, the expectant mother does not yet feel any movement inside herself during this period.

Development of internal organs

It is at the 9th week of pregnancy that the baby’s previously developed organs begin to work intensively:

  1. Urinary and intestinal system. Waste products begin to exit through the umbilical cord into the mother's body.
  2. During this period of pregnancy, the baby's thymus gland fully develops, which protects the body with the help of T-lymphocytes from foreign proteins.
  3. Development of the central nervous system. Cranial and intervertebral nerves are formed.
  4. Due to the formation of the genital organs, testosterone is produced. This hormone promotes tissue growth, metabolism and the development of the body as a whole.


It is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child at this stage. To do this, you will need to conduct an ultrasound examination at a later date.

If an ultrasound is performed for the first time, the specialist must diagnose organs not only in the fetus, but also in its mother.

Changes in a pregnant woman's body

Until 9 weeks, the uterus does not increase significantly, but after this time everything changes. It takes on a rounded shape and increases in size weekly.

Although the transverse, anterior and posterior dimensions may increase by only a few millimeters, its length at week 9 can reach more than 7.5 centimeters.

The amniotic sac grows all this time, by this period its diameter can reach about 4 centimeters. The yolk sac located in it grows up to 5 millimeters in length.

In the ovary where fertilization occurred, there is still a yellow body. At 9 weeks the body reaches about 2 centimeters in diameter.

Forum: How did you feel in the 9th week?


The mood is good, cheerful, despite the toxicosis. I can’t look at food at all, I have no appetite. During the day I only eat crackers and apples. Today I noticed a pinkish discharge, but I read that this happens. I'm still worried.


I'm in a depressed mood and don't want to do anything. I have a loss of energy and a constant desire to sleep. Toxicosis is slowly letting go of me and I am very happy about this.


The tummy began to stick out, and the breasts became larger. I'm already starting to look like I'm pregnant. Toxicosis is gradually disappearing. I feel great.


I can sleep for days on end, but I need to work... Food is also not so easy, because desires change quickly... One minute I want apples, and 10 minutes later I dream about cheburek.


The problem is that I feel nauseous 24 hours a day. It makes you feel endlessly dizzy, sometimes to the point of dizziness and apathy. After work I come back like a squeezed lemon. There is no strength, neither eat, nor drink, nor move. The food is normal, balanced, a little bit of everything.

How do they do it?

The ultrasound procedure itself at 9 weeks is absolutely painless.

This is done in two ways:

  1. Through the stomach (abdominal).
  2. By inserting a sensor into the vagina (transvaginally).

The day before the appointment, it is recommended to exclude legumes, brown bread, cabbage and carbonated drinks from the diet to prevent the formation of gases in a pregnant woman.

I also recommend drinking two glasses of water one hour before the procedure and not urinating.

Such a diagnosis does not require any other preliminary actions.

Preparation and necessary research

Before an ultrasound examination, a woman should definitely empty her bladder. In addition, you should take special medications that relieve intestinal gases. Otherwise, pressure occurs on the small pelvis, which distorts the results.

In addition to ultrasound, other studies need to be performed in the ninth week. The woman will have to undergo a urine test, a stool sample, a vaginal swab and blood. You will also have to visit various specialists: an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a dentist, a therapist.

Dangerous or not

Doctors do not recommend ultrasound examination at 7-9 weeks unless indicated. In some cases, such a measure is necessary. Refusal to undergo an examination can cause complications and threaten the life of the expectant mother.

The first screening test is most often carried out at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy.

What can be seen in the ultrasound photo at 9, 10 weeks?

Looking at the first photo of the baby, it will be difficult for future parents to see something specific. The child is still small at this stage.

The general appearance of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy can be characterized as a small body with a large head. The eyes are covered with eyelids. The mouth is still poorly defined, and the ears are located low on the face. You can see the baby's thin legs and arms, on which fingers are beginning to appear, but it will be difficult to see them in the photo.

Next to the fetus you can still see the yolk sac, which is already much smaller than the baby.

Woman's feelings

At this stage, the stomach is already protruding, the uterus becomes much larger in size. Attacks of toxicosis become less frequent, and for some it disappears completely.

Although some, like me, still suffer from constant nausea.

In general, it all depends on the woman’s condition and individual characteristics:

  • Apathy and drowsiness often still accompany the woman, but the emotional background has stabilized a little.
  • The urge to go to the toilet is just as frequent, this is due to the enlarged uterus.

By the ninth week of pregnancy with twins, the general condition returns to normal, appetite gradually returns, and mood improves.

It's time to start comprehensive care for your body:

  • consult your doctor about the timing and necessity of selecting a bandage for pregnant women;
  • start preventing stretch marks and varicose veins.

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Ultrasound diagnostic standards: fetal size

In order to timely identify errors in fetal development and prevent death from pathologies, a specialist must conduct a complete diagnosis.

The main results of the study include the following definitions:

  1. Fruit size. At this age it should be between 13 and 16 millimeters.
  2. Condition of the baby's placenta and umbilical cord.
  3. Brain development. At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus should have two hemispheres formed.
  4. Presence of pituitary gland. Due to this brain appendage, hormones will be produced that promote metabolism and growth of the body.
  5. Development of the cerebellum. This organ is responsible for coordinating the baby's movements.
  6. Formation of the adrenal glands. Their function is to produce adrenaline.
  7. Heart condition. At this stage, the baby's heart rate should be 180 beats per minute.
  8. Examination of the mother's appendages and uterus. Since the placenta begins to form at this time, the reverse development of the corpus luteum should occur.

Important! At this time, such indicators as a non-beating heart should not appear. The absence of a heartbeat diagnoses the death of the embryo.

Therefore, the doctor must accurately determine the vital activity of the fetus.

After the diagnosis has been carried out, the specialist issues an opinion on the general condition of the mother and child. After reading unclear terms, mothers should not take everything to heart and start to worry prematurely.

To find out everything, you need to visit your gynecologist with this information, who will explain everything and, if necessary, prescribe a course of treatment.

Important! All examination results must be saved, as they will help assess the positive or negative dynamics of the baby’s development and the woman’s condition throughout the pregnancy. Doctors will also need these results during childbirth.


Expectant mothers may experience dramatic changes in their eating habits . Appetite may increase significantly . This is normal and should continue until the end of pregnancy. Still, try not to add more than +600 calories to your daily diet.

Fatigue can also last until delivery, since your body now needs to give everything it needs to create two healthy babies. We will not describe the symptoms of twin pregnancy that are already familiar to you, such as frequent urination, morning sickness, and heartburn .

Some expectant mothers of twins may often experience slight nosebleeds . Blood circulation in the vessels increases to ensure good blood flow to the placenta and weak vessels burst. By the way, for the same reason you may notice blood on your panties after sexual intercourse.

Possible contraindications

Despite the fact that ultrasound examination does not harm the baby, and helps specialists determine the dynamics of development, you should not abuse it.

Gynecologists recommend performing routine ultrasounds three times during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. But if there is a need for additional examination, you should not neglect it; on the contrary, timely treatment will help prevent a sad outcome of pregnancy.

For a more accurate result about the course of pregnancy, it is necessary to take additional tests.

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