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Is it possible to diagnose appendicitis using an ultrasound examination?
The appendix is ​​a miniature worm-like appendage of the cecum, a unique organ whose purpose has been revealed relatively
Pregnancy 5 obstetric weeks. What's happening, ultrasound, size, fetal development, pregnant woman's feelings
Pregnancy 5 obstetric weeks. What's happening, ultrasound, size, fetal development, pregnant woman's feelings
Fetal development in the first trimester is a complex process during which its main
The structure of the soft tissues of the neck.jpg
What does MRI of the soft tissues of the neck show: is there any need for preparation?
Introduction The soft tissues of the neck are the skin, muscle structure, blood vessels, lymph nodes, nerves
Prostate MRI. How does the research work and what will it reveal?
Prostate CT is one of the modern methods for diagnosing diseases of this organ. Under
How is an MRI of the hip joint performed and what does this study show?
Magnetic resonance imaging of the hip joint is a diagnostic technique that uses electromagnetic waves. This
Is ultrasound during pregnancy harmful to the fetus, is the risk justified and does it exist at all?
Pregnancy is a mystery. Pregnancy is a miracle. Pregnancy is...sometimes very exciting and...
several blood tests
Normoblasts (normocytes, erythroblasts): what are they, the norm in the blood, causes of increased
© Author: Z. Nelli Vladimirovna, laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Research Institute of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology, specially
What is transesophageal echocardiography (TE echocardiography), how informative is it and how often is it prescribed?
In the modern world, of all diseases, heart pathology occupies a leading position. This fact causes
Peptide connection with insulin
What are c-peptides in a blood test? What does the cepeptide level indicate?
Ekaterina Smolnikova Practicing endocrinologist (10 years of experience). Has extensive experience working in private and
Ultrasound of the scrotum
What is ultrasound - from the physics of the process to scanning methods and data decoding
Detection of urological diseases of the male genital area is rarely complete without ultrasound examination of the scrotum. In studying
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