Signs by which pneumothorax is determined on an x-ray
Pneumothorax is a disease that occurs as a result of injury or against the background of a complicated course of another
Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis on x-rays (photo)
Respiratory diseases are a fairly common problem in the modern world, since the air
urine culture tank during pregnancy
Useful tips: how to properly collect urine for culture
In urological practice, urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial diseases, in treatment
Laparoscopy of appendicitis (removal of the appendix using the laparoscopic method): how is the operation performed and how long does the postoperative period last?
A progressive surgical method of diagnosis and surgical intervention - laparoscopy, is successfully used for the treatment of gastrointestinal
Low blood level
Hematocrit is reduced during pregnancy 1-2-3 trimester in a woman, child, adult man. Reasons for increasing
Pregnant women should undergo regular examinations and blood tests because
How is a CT scan of the hip joint done and what does it show?
April 26, 2020 mrt Home page » MRI and CT of joints Views: 4356 Hip
CT scan of the cervical spine
Computed tomography of soft tissues of the neck in Mytishchi
Medical services in the modern world occupy a separate and significant niche. Compared to two thousand
Lower jaw
Modern diagnostics in dentistry: MRI of the jaw
MRI of the jaw is a diagnostic method based on the phenomenon of magnetic resonance, which appears when exposed to
take an x-ray of your leg
What is a leg x-ray and when is it prescribed?
In what cases are leg x-rays taken? This procedure is prescribed to the patient when there is suspicion
Red blood cells in the blood are low in adults and children. What does this mean, reasons, how to increase
Why red blood cells decrease in the blood: common causes and methods for correcting indicators
The role of red blood cells in the body Red blood cells are blood cells that perform one of the most
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