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How to lower creatinine in the blood using folk remedies
Blood biochemistry 07/13/201801/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 1909 Views creatinine Creatinine is the end products of protein
CT scan of the stomach. Detailed information with clinic addresses.
For diseases of the stomach and small intestine, computed tomography (CT) is an effective painless method
Is it possible to do fluorography on a nursing mother: how much should you feed your baby?
During breastfeeding, medical indications sometimes arise for a woman to undergo fluorography. Naturally, nursing
Disorders of the renal glomeruli
Analysis for the presence of Bence Jones protein in urine: what it shows, why it is done, methodology
What is the Bence-Jones tumor marker Proteins are proteins that contain α-amino acids, which are a single
Lymphogranulomatosis symptoms in adults and children. Cancer or not? Treatment, blood tests and prognosis
June 22, 2018 Oncology Katya Tkach Recently, diseases associated with oncology have become more frequent,
What does a thyroid CT scan show? Preparation, indications and contraindications.
admin Home page » Diagnostics The thyroid gland is the organ responsible for the production and optimal
What will an ultrasound show in the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy: fetal size, norms and deviations
The volume of amniotic fluid becomes larger, and the placenta begins to actively develop. By the 40th week she
Abdominal X-ray: overview, what does it show?
Since over the past 2 decades, progressive gastrointestinal diseases have become more common in people
Hypochromia in a general blood test in a child, women, men, causes, treatment
Microcytosis in a general blood test (microcytic anemia): what it is, causes in adults and children, symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Causes of occurrence Hypochromic anemia can occur for the following reasons: blood loss, which can be chronic
CT scan of the adrenal glands is a modern way to diagnose pathologies
The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system of the human body. They are paired endocrine glands,
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