Revmotests - what is it? Blood test for rheumatic tests: norms
Analysis for rheumatic tests, what is it? The study is a complex of biochemical studies that is aimed at
Fibercolonoscopy: what is it, differences from colonoscopy, preparation
09/11/2020 319 Functional diagnostics Author: Tatyana FCS of the intestine is a gastroenterological study that allows you to establish
Tumor markers
Blood test for tumor marker SCC: interpretation and norm
What are tumor markers? Tumor markers, or tumor markers as they are also called, are specific
Characteristics of 4 blood groups with positive Rhesus, compatibility with other groups
Features (characteristics) of men and women with 4 (fourth) blood group with positive or negative Rhesus
This blood group was discovered later than others. The first three were discovered in 1900 by the Austrian Karl
Why do ultrasound of the cervix during pregnancy?
Ultrasound of the cervix: methods and procedures during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman undergoes a number of research procedures, including ultrasound
Study of throat microflora
A swab from the throat and nose is the norm, what does it show?
The result of the study The results of the study are written out by microbiologists on a special form. To decipher the result of a smear from
Thyroid hormone levels: table for men, women and children
A table of TSH norms in men by age has been developed to make it easier to identify hormonal imbalances. Thyrotropin
interpretation of dental CT
Computed tomography of teeth and jaw – 3D image
Before the introduction of 3D CT of teeth in St. Petersburg, orthopantomography was the leading method for studying teeth, jaws,
Why is bilirubin elevated in a newborn and how to bring it back to normal?
The child has predominantly increased direct bilirubin (from 7.9 µmol/l) in diseases of the biliary tract with
changes in squamous epithelium
Flat epithelium in a smear for flora and cytology - what does this mean?
Concept of the uterine epithelium. What is it? Epithelium in a smear, the norm in women
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