How to perform transrectal ultrasound of the rectum
Medicine has made great progress in recent decades and today makes it possible to study the condition of any organ.
Ultrasound machine
What is pelvic ultrasound with Doppler, when and why is it necessary?
When is it prescribed? The pelvic organs are the bladder, in women the uterus with
What do they look for on an ultrasound at the 37th week of pregnancy and what does the fetus look like, normal indicators in the table
Mother's condition at 37 weeks According to statistics, childbirth at 37 weeks occurs quite often,
Pregnancy ultrasound day
When can you find out if you are pregnant or not: determining the exact period before and after the delay
Every woman involuntarily thinks about the impending conception if she develops characteristic symptoms or
Knee pain due to arthrosis
What is better to do: X-ray or ultrasound of the knee joint
According to statistics, arthrosis of the knee joint is given one of the leading places among all types of arthrosis.
Ultrasound of the penis
Ultrasound of the penis. Preparing for an ultrasound of the penis.
Ultrasound of the penis is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to obtain information about the condition of male
transvaginal examination
Interpretation of pelvic ultrasound in women, what it shows and normal indicators
Probably every visitor to an ultrasound diagnostic room has seen on the monitor a chaotic image of gray shadows changing
Preparing for hysteroscopy: what tests need to be taken before surgery, how to prepare
Features of hysteroresectoscopy of endometrial polyp
Hysteroresectoscopy of a polyp: management of the postoperative period As is known, there is a division into early and late postoperative
Cervicometry: what is this procedure and in what cases is it necessary?
Home Examinations Ultrasound Cervicometry There is a common expression that bearing a child is not a pathological condition.
Necessity and list of tests after a frozen pregnancy
About conception Examinations Not every pregnancy ends with the happy birth of a baby. Number of cases when
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