What is the abbreviation for cholesterol in blood tests?
A cholesterol test is called a lipid profile. It has important diagnostic value for identifying atherosclerosis or
Thyroglobulin is normal in a woman after removal of the thyroid gland
Thyroglobulin - what is it? It is a protein that is a precursor to thyroid hormones in the body.
Test tube with urine
Why does a pregnant woman have blood in her urine when she urinates?
Pregnant women undergo laboratory urine tests quite often, so often that many are sincerely perplexed and
Blood test for hCG and AFP during pregnancy. What do their results say?
AFP norm in the blood of a pregnant woman by week: what does low or high alpha-fetoprotein mean during pregnancy?
Married couples who dream of children want them to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately, the statistics
Blood test for electrolytes: description, testing, norm and deviations, features
Blood electrolytes: what they are, their functions and content levels
The body is a single and well-functioning system, any changes in which cause disturbances in
Flora smear during pregnancy. Decoding and norm
Flora smear during pregnancy. Decoding and norm
A smear on the vaginal flora today is one of the most common tests that
MID in blood test: norm, interpretation and deviations from the norm
When receiving the results of a blood test, the MID is increased - what does this mean for
Liver enzyme analysis. Stool analysis. Biochemical analysis.
The liver is the largest gland. All processes occurring in the organ are provided by enzymes. In blood
Take blood from a child
Norm of lymphocytes in the blood of children (table by age)
When assessing the result of a blood test, doctors pay attention to the level of lymphocytes. Changing it may
mild chronic iron deficiency anemia
Signs of anemia in women and men. What tests should I take for anemia?
Useful articles / August 31, 2020 To diagnose iron deficiency anemia, one test is not enough. Necessary
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