Types of leukocytes
What are neutrophils in a blood test in women and a table of norms by age
Functions and types of cells Neutrophils are a type of leukocyte - white blood cells that
Why does a child have elevated leukocytes in his urine: possible reasons
If, during testing, leukocytes were detected in the child’s urine, it means that there is
Neutrophils are low in a child - what does this mean?
Why can neutrophils in a child’s blood be low?
Ekaterina Smolnikova Practicing endocrinologist (10 years of experience). Has extensive experience working in private and
immature granulocytes
Large immature cells in a blood test in adults
Immature granulocytes are part of the leukocyte formula determined in a blood test. In the analysis results
Coccobacillary flora
What do cocci mean in a smear in women - what indicators are considered normal?
Gram-variable coccobacilli are one of the bacterial species. It combines in large quantities
LDL (low density lipoprotein)
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL): functions, effects on health and reasons for increasing their levels in the blood
The human body has a rather complex, but impeccably thought out structure, and efficient and healthy functioning
How to correctly collect and submit urine according to Nechiporenko?
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Glucose norms in pregnant women 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester. Urinalysis, blood test, how to give it, what it shows
Blood sugar levels in pregnant women: causes, symptoms and consequences of gestational diabetes
Norms of sugar in blood and urine in pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester Due to the general
CA 15-3 tumor marker. The norm for women, table, what it is, explanation
Characteristics of tumor marker CA 15-3, features of its decoding
How and under what conditions is CA 15-3 produced? It is a highly specific antigen, which is why it is used
Platelet distribution index
What should the platelet distribution width be?
You are here: Blood test - Platelets - Platelet distribution width Norms Carrying out the analysis Deviations
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