Fortrans - instructions for use before colonoscopy, if the procedure is in the morning, afternoon or evening

Who is a colonoscopy indicated for and how is it performed?

An endoscopic method called colonoscopy can detect serious diseases of the colon and rectum. Among them:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative lesions of a nonspecific nature;
  • benign and malignant formations of different types.

The procedure is performed for patients with open internal bleeding or stenosis in the intestine. It is prescribed if the patient suffers from chronic constipation or is rapidly losing weight. A colonoscopy is performed to determine the cause of these symptoms. The procedure is also relevant in cases of foreign body entering the intestines.

Colonoscopy involves the insertion of a special device with sensitive sensors into the anus of the subject. The device allows you to get a clear picture of the condition of the intestines. Using a colonoscopy, you can take biological material for a more detailed study.

In this way, for example, the type of tumor affecting the intestines is determined. The procedure is carried out not only to determine a treatment regimen, but also as a preventive measure if the patient is at risk for a particular disease.

What does CORRECT preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans mean?

To understand what role preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans plays in high-quality diagnostics and how important it is to take Fortrans correctly, you need to know that colonoscopy is a method of examining the walls of the colon by inserting a special probe with cameras and lenses, lighting and tubules through the anus for possible manipulations , which allows the doctor to conduct a “live TV report” from the intestines from the rectum to the cecum.

Today, this is the most reliable way to diagnose cancer, polyps and other diseases of the large intestine. Of course, it’s not very pleasant when an endoscope is shoved into you, however, you must agree, it’s better than feeling the hands of a proctologist inside you and relying on his sense of touch, as was the case before the advent of the colonoscope.

Who is a colonoscopy indicated for?

If suddenly, after your next trip to the toilet, you find red spots of blood along with yesterday’s dinner, this is the first indication to go for an examination! The reason to decide on this may be the presence of any other “strange” discharge, periodic discomfort, or stabbing pain. Examination of the rectum is included in the standard procedure for general screening for the presence of neoplasms. Therefore, remember whether any of your close relatives suffered from any colon tumors, if so, and besides, you are over 50 - run to a colonoscopy, out of harm’s way! After all, early detection of “bad” tumors is the key to successful treatment, and removal of simple polyps significantly reduces the chance of developing more serious pathologies.

Obviously, a colonoscopy will be impossible if, even the day before the procedure, you ate vegetable stew, a large hamburger, a portion of fried potatoes, and washed it all down with sweet soda. Before the procedure, you need to properly prepare: cleanse the colon. The correctness of the diagnosis depends on the quality of intestinal cleansing! Read more about #8220;intestinal colonoscopy, what it is#8221;.

How to prepare for a colonoscopy

You need to start preparing for the procedure a week or at least three days in advance. If you suffer from chronic constipation, then believe me, a light diet for a week will not be superfluous at all!

To make it clearer what CORRECT preparation for a colonoscopy with Fortrans means, let’s look at an example.

Let's say your colonoscopy is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Monday.

For a week, it is recommended to exclude from the diet everything that causes heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and bloating #8211; those. no greens, cabbage, peppers, corn, beans, peas, eggplants and other vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, bread, and also no fried pork chops, no rich and fatty food! However, you shouldn’t die of hunger either: you can eat boiled eggs, a little boiled meat, fish, kefir, yogurt, cheese, semolina porridge.

Important! If you are prone to constipation and regularly take laxatives, increase your usual dose of laxative by 50%.

Three days before the procedure, the actual #8220;preparation for colonoscopy#8221; begins.

On Saturday, dinner should be light - for example, one egg without bread, yogurt, jelly.

On Sunday morning - at 9.00 a light breakfast - for example, half a portion of semolina porridge, without bread, tea, maybe chocolate.

At lunchtime on Sunday #8211; at 12.00-13.00 the last light meal. For example, a glass of broth, some mashed potatoes without bread. You can replace lunch with a serving of cream.

And on Monday, the day of the colonoscopy, it is permissible to drink hot tea with a small piece of chocolate, cocoa or coffee.

Diet alone will not prepare you. With the advent of Fortrans in gastroenterology, multiple enemas before colonoscopy have become a thing of the past, but maybe somewhere else this old-fashioned method of preparation is used: the day before the colonoscopy, at noon, you need to take a few laxative tablets, or a glass of magnesium sulfate solution, and when “ duty will call" #8211; Do not limit yourself to this and do enemas until the water is clean. It is important to remember that the water must not be warm! In the morning we do the enema again. But that's all in the past.

Feasibility of preparation

One of the stages of colonoscopy is filling the intestines with air. This helps to consider all its sections in detail. In order for the information to be as complete and reliable as possible, the examined organ must be empty. Feces remaining in the intestines can seriously distort the picture, which can lead to incorrect diagnosis and disastrous consequences for the patient.

Previously, in order to cleanse the organ, a method such as enemas was used. Several of them had to be installed to achieve maximum results. A more modern and progressive way is to prepare for colonoscopy with Fortrans - a specially developed drug that quickly removes feces from the intestines.

This method is widely practiced in modern medicine. Its use in combination with a special diet that the patient must adhere to before the procedure gives excellent results.

Other methods of cleansing, which method is better?

You can effectively cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy using other methods and means. You can find out from your doctor how to replace Fortrans; other laxative medications can become analogues.

Replacing laxatives with a cleansing procedure through an enema is also relevant; it can be done if more than one medicinal method does not work.

But what is better for preparation, an enema or a laxative, depends on the characteristics of the body and personal preferences.

The table provides comparative information with a known analogue and preparation for colonoscopy using an enema.

ActionThe effect of Fortrans begins within 1-2 hours and can last up to 5-6 hours.It begins to act after about 1-1.5 hours and lasts up to 4-5 hours.An enema is given at least twice on the eve of the FCS procedure and once in the morning before a colonoscopy, the effect depends on the composition of the solution and the volume injected, on average it begins after 10-20 minutes.
ContraindicationsPatients with acute gastrointestinal pathologies: obstruction, Crohn's disease, etc. Children up to 15 years of age.Children under 18 years of age. Patients suffering from: erosions, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric stenosis, intestinal perforation, etc. Cleaning with an enema is prohibited for patients suffering from hemorrhoids, ulcers, acute intestinal inflammation, and polyposis.
Side effectsAt the beginning of use, nausea and vomiting may occur, then symptoms disappear, rarely: bloating, rash.Rarely: nausea, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, vomiting.Excessive use of the procedure leads to disruption of the normal balance of microflora.
AdvantagesThe solution has no effect on the intestinal mucosa and does not disturb the water-salt balance of the body.Tolerable taste qualities of the solutionCheap procedure.
FlawsLarge volume and specific taste of the solution.Possible side effects in the form of bloating, large volume of solution drunk.The procedure is not the easiest when preparing for an examination.

Lack of fluid in the diet is one of the main causes of constipation. To get rid of it in 3 days, you need to drink a simple remedy every day.

After a complete diagnosis of the colon, the presence of damage can be determined and a biopsy can be performed.

Fortrans - instructions for use will allow you to thoroughly study all the pros and cons of purchasing this drug.

Composition and principle of action of Fortrans

Fortrans is a French-made drug. It includes:

  • macrogol;
  • electrolytes;
  • chlorine;
  • potassium.

These substances, reacting with water, which the patient drinks in large quantities, retain fluid in the intestines. As a result, the feces become very liquid and come out easily. The operating principle of Fortrans is based on this. It is believed that the use of the drug can replace several enemas based on activated carbon.

The undeniable advantage of the method is that Fortrans does not enter the bloodstream and, therefore, does not become a participant in metabolic processes and does not accumulate in the body. It is approved for use even by pregnant women. The disadvantages include the need to take a large amount of water along with the drug, which is not easy for all patients.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its fairly high safety, the Fortrans method of colon cleansing still has a number of contraindications:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • ulceration of the intestinal mucosa or the presence of a malignant tumor on it;
  • acute heart failure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug;
  • children up to fifteen years of age.

Side effects may also occur. They don't happen often. Some patients experience nausea or headaches during the colon cleansing process. Vomiting is possible. Usually these symptoms make themselves felt for a short time (pass within 30-40 minutes).

Due to the abundant and rapid passage of feces, irritation may occur in the anal area. To mitigate it, patients are advised to use toilet paper instead of toilet paper after bowel movements. The water should be warm.

Dietary recommendations

The express diet before the examination lasts three days, but better results can be achieved by following the diet for a week. In the first days, you should reduce the caloric content of your diet by eliminating the following foods:

  • fatty fish and meats;
  • cabbage, legumes;
  • baked goods, bread, confectionery pastries;
  • fast food, pickles;
  • dried fruits, bananas, citrus fruits;
  • raspberries, sorrel;
  • spinach, smoked meats;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee.

The exclusion of these products also helps prevent bloating and flatulence, improve peristalsis and motility, and reduce the volume of feces. It is recommended to refuse dinner and take only liquid and fermented milk foods.

You can include the following products in your diet:

  • lean fish;
  • boiled meat: chicken breast, veal, rabbit, secondary broths;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, whey, kefir;
  • compote, jelly, juices;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge;
  • baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

Whenever possible, foods consumed should be raw. It is recommended to drink herbal or green tea; sugar can be replaced with honey. The first courses are cooked with vegetables, fish and meat are steamed or boiled.

General instructions for use

The drug in the form of Fortrans powder is packaged in small bags. They can be purchased individually or as a whole package. The amount of powder used depends on the patient's body weight. For every 20 kilograms there is one sachet.

According to the instructions, clean water without gas is used to prepare the solution. Its temperature should be slightly above room temperature. The quantity for one procedure is liter per 1 sachet. The product is prepared immediately before use.

Once the powder has dissolved, the liquid can be drunk. Doing this in one gulp is strongly not recommended. Ideally, you should take a glass of solution every fifteen minutes. It is also impossible to stretch the procedure too long, as this will significantly reduce its effectiveness.

To make the process more pleasant, you can add a little lemon or orange juice to the water. If nausea occurs, a short break of about thirty minutes is allowed. During this time, the unpleasant sensation usually goes away. The intestinal contents expelled at the very end of the procedure should resemble ordinary water in color and consistency.

A light beige tint is allowed. The presence of solid particles in feces is a sign of insufficient cleaning. The effect of the drug ends six to ten hours after the start of the procedure.

Usually Fortrans begins to “work” approximately 90-120 minutes after taking the first portion.
If the result is not observed even after three hours, you need to massage your stomach a little in the intestinal area. It happens that at the end of the procedure, patients are left with a feeling of incomplete cleansing, even when the feces are no longer different from water. There is no need to worry about this. The action of Fortrans is so powerful that if all the rules are followed, nothing unnecessary should remain in the intestines.

The only exception is people suffering from severe constipation. Such patients may be advised to begin preparation several days before the colonoscopy. This means that the Fortrans cleaning procedure will have to be carried out twice.

Cleaning regimens depending on the time of colonoscopy

In most cases, doctors prescribe a colonoscopy in the morning. However, the examination can be done in the afternoon. The schedule of bowel cleansing with the drug Fortrans before colonoscopy depends on the time of its implementation.

If the procedure is scheduled for the morning, you need to start preparing for it almost a day in advance. The last meal should occur no later than 14 hours. It's better to eat around noon. 180 minutes after eating, you need to drink the first liter of solution.

After 60 minutes - the same amount. And the last liter or two (this depends on the patient’s weight) - an hour later. It is strongly recommended to stop taking the drug by evening. A light breakfast is allowed in the morning before the procedure.

If a colonoscopy is scheduled for the afternoon, cleansing with Fortrans is carried out in two steps. Half of the prescribed amount of solution should be drunk the night before, three hours after eating. It is advisable not to delay the procedure, so that by the time you go to bed, the stool has already passed out.

Serving number two is taken after waking up early in the morning. The ideal time is 7.00-8.00. By lunchtime, the cleansing is completed, and you can safely do a colonoscopy. A light breakfast on the day of the procedure is also acceptable, even desirable.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for any conditions that require bowel cleansing - it is advisable to consult a doctor before going to the pharmacy. You can purchase the medicine yourself, but it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage.

The main indications are as follows:

  • preparation for instrumental examination of the intestine (colonoscopy, X-ray, CT, MRI);
  • preparation for abdominal surgery - to prevent feces from entering the abdominal cavity;
  • cleansing the contents of the intestines during a diet - with frequent bowel movements, eaten fats and carbohydrates do not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream;
  • eliminating constipation.

The preparation for the examination or operation will be prescribed by the doctor. If you decide to take a laxative yourself, you must carefully study the instructions.

Combined cleansing

Fortrans before colonoscopy can be used in combination with some other laxative drugs. One of the most popular is Duphalac. To carry out the procedure, you will need two hundred milliliters of this solution and one bag of Fortrans. Scheme of combined cleansing, which is carried out on the day before the morning colonoscopy:

  • 7.00 – 8.00 – regular breakfast;
  • 12.00 – broth and juice or tea for lunch;
  • 15.00 – drink half a liter of water with 125 mg of Duphalac dissolved in it (you need to drink slowly, in small sips);
  • 17.00 – take the remaining amount of the drug, mixed in a liter of liquid.
  • 20.00 – 21.00 – use Fortrans solution (one sachet per 1 liter of water).

The liquid used for all solutions must be clean, non-carbonated, and pleasantly warm. If the procedure causes bloating, flatulence can be eliminated with the help of Espumisan.

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