What does an x-ray of the sinuses show and how often can it be done?
An X-ray of the nasal bones is necessary not only to confirm or refute suspicions regarding
How often can an x-ray be taken?
Doctor Komarovsky told mothers how dangerous x-rays are for a child
How often can an X-ray be taken: “Modern X-ray machines give very moderate radiation, and no
Deviated nasal septum: how to determine by x-ray
General information Very often, patients turn to otolaryngologists with complaints that they have
pregnancy and x-ray
What does your suitcase look like when X-rayed at the airport and how are they looking for prohibited items?
Ultrasound Ultrasound waves are reflected differently by muscles, joints, and blood vessels. The computer converts the signal into two-dimensional or
chair after laparoscopy
What to do if constipation occurs after surgery?
Home » Laparoscopy » Laparoscopy and its types March 11, 2020 Laparoscopy Many people
What to do if your stomach hurts after a colonoscopy
What is the procedure for intestinal colonoscopy? It is very difficult to examine such a tortuous and extended organ.
Is it possible to do fluorography and mammography on the same day?
Mammography and fluorography: indications for use Mammography is an informative method for the early diagnosis of breast cancer
What diseases does skeletal bone scintigraphy reveal?
Skeletal bone scintigraphy is a modern method for studying the skeletal framework and bone tissues with
Will it be harmful to health if I have an MRI after an X-ray?
The essence of MRI, computed tomography and x-rays: distinctive features The operating principle of a computed tomography (CT) scanner is based on
MRI or EEG of the brain – which is better and how to make a choice?
Home » Methods » MRI or EEG of the brain – which is better and how
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