During a polygraph test
Is it necessary to do an EEG to get a driver's license?
What is EEG and its features Electroencephalography is an examination of the brain, its electrical
Doctor and patient in the ward
Pleural sinuses, the contour of the diaphragm and the mediastinum on a plain radiograph are normal and pathological.
What is pulmonary infiltrate? With pulmonary infiltration, healthy tissue is replaced by a pathological formation filled with fluid,
CT angiography of neck vessels
Angiography of the carotid artery: main stages
Advantages of CT angiography Minimum radiation dose (compared to radiography), which eliminates the possibility of any
X-ray of fallopian tubes reviews
X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes: how effective is the method?
Are HSG and ultrasound the same thing? HSG and ultrasound are
Is it possible to have surgery if you have a cold?
What tests are required before laparoscopy?
Author: Oleg Maltsev Not many people are interested in whether it is possible to have surgery for a cold,
Why is MRI prescribed for diseases of the pancreas?
Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases using magnetic resonance imaging reveals functional and organic changes, condition
How many weeks after fluorography can you get pregnant?
All the expectant mother thinks about is the long-awaited child and his condition. Each
The importance and information content of teleradiography in orthodontics
Projections in X-ray diagnostics X-ray projection is an image on a plane obtained during the passage of X-ray
What is atherosclerosis?
In what cases is a comprehensive examination of the body necessary?
Pain, itching, discomfort that interfere with your usual lifestyle is a sufficient reason to visit a doctor. But
Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy
Indications for ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy: what will the study show and how is it done?
If a woman has not performed an ultrasound examination of the fetus at an earlier stage, then an ultrasound scan at
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