FGDS and colonoscopy
Simultaneous FGDS and colonoscopy under anesthesia: advantages and disadvantages
Endoscopy is a modern and very popular research method. It is rightly called the gold standard
X-ray of the lungs in two projections or X-ray of the chest
Fluorography (one projection) is a screening (mass) method for diagnosing primary pathologies of the chest organs, and
The child undergoes video-EEG monitoring
Why is electroencephalography needed? Complete patient guide
EEG video monitoring is a special study during which the doctor has the opportunity to obtain
Lung infiltration: what is it, what diseases does it occur in?
How to correctly decipher an X-ray of the lungs X-ray of healthy lungs X-ray of the lungs is presented in two images
MRI with contrast side effects. MRI with contrast. Why can you feel unwell, have pain in the heart and head after an MRI of the brain? What consequences can there be after an MRI?
Briefly about the MRI technique and indications The principle of MRI is nuclear magnetic resonance, which has become
Lung cancer on CT scan
Diagnosis of lung cancer on CT - what shows the study of the tumor in dynamics
Tomographic studies are by far the most effective among non-invasive research methods. Especially widely
How often do fluorography take place?
Compulsion to undergo fluorography and the patient’s personal responsibility for undergoing it
Today in our country, few people pay proper attention to their health. U
Diagnosis of chronic gastritis: necessary examinations, significance of FGDS
Methods for diagnosing stomach pathologies Statistics claim that approximately 95% of the population in one or another
fracture of the radius in a typical location
Pictures of welds, training and photos - in 20 minutes!
If the patient, after an unsuccessful fall, injured his hand near the wrist, but the pain is tolerable even with his fingers
Cardiomegaly on a radiograph in an adult. What is it, how long will it live
Enlarged heart on fluorography: causes Enlarged heart can be diagnosed at any age. Increased
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