Cardiomegaly on a radiograph in an adult. What is it, how long will it live
Enlarged heart on fluorography: causes Enlarged heart can be diagnosed at any age. Increased
Darkening of the left frontal sinus with the presence of a level. What to look out for: Symptoms
Medicine has come a long way in recent decades. Many diseases are now much easier to treat than
It’s hard to imagine modern medicine without x-ray diagnostics
X-ray. Definition. Characteristics of the method. Possibilities. Indications for the study. Advantages and disadvantages.
Once upon a time, X-ray diagnostics, discovered by the physicist Roentgen, became a real breakthrough in diagnostics, and later in
Preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and how it is done: rules and recommendations
Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound is an important part of the examination itself. In this department of human
Panoramic photo of teeth: why and how they are done, cost of the procedure
Before tooth extraction or dental surgery, the doctor sends the patient to take a panoramic photo of the teeth or
Foot in 3D
CT scan of the lower extremities: what pathologies it detects, interpretation, contraindications
Simulated image of the foot In the process of life, the foot performs a number of important functions on which it depends
When is it necessary to take an X-ray or MRI for frontal sinusitis and what does it show?
In what cases is an x-ray prescribed for frontal sinusitis? Frontal sinusitis in the picture. An x-ray examination is prescribed for
ECG shows heart attack
Methods for diagnosing heart diseases. How to check if there are heart problems? How to check your heart condition
59 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.07.17 27,969 Symptoms When there is pain in the heart area,
Modern methods of diagnosing bronchial asthma
The body's reaction to external irritants is swelling of the mucous membrane, redness and rashes on the skin. Behind
Decoding the results
Pneumonia in a fluorography image: description of what it looks like
The task of every person who cares about their own health is to undergo an annual preventive examination, thanks to which
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