Is it possible to do fluorography for free under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

Today in our country, few people pay due attention to their own health. And in fact this is not good. In order to identify any disease in time, you need to seek help from a specialist at its first manifestations.

Radiography is one of the most accurate and informative modern methods of laboratory research. With its help, doctors can diagnose pathologies of various origins at the earliest stages of their development and begin treatment in a timely manner. One type of method is fluorography. It allows you to detect many serious respiratory diseases, in particular tuberculosis and pneumonia. In some cases, this type of examination is mandatory, and sometimes people want to undergo it themselves to make sure that there are no ailments. Therefore, the question of whether fluorography can be done without a referral from a therapist is very relevant. Let's look at it in detail and find out where to go and what documents may be required.

general information

This article will describe in detail how to do fluorography in a clinic without a referral. But first, let's talk a little about the study itself. According to qualified specialists, it is one of the best for diagnosing many diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, as it is highly accurate and informative. With its help, you can not only identify pathology in the very first stages of its course, but also establish the cause of its development, the degree of severity and create a detailed clinical picture of the patient’s health status. All this data is necessary to create the most effective treatment program.

After fluorography, an x-ray is issued, which shows any pathological changes in the soft tissues and fluid accumulations. Based on this, doctors make a diagnosis, after which they write a detailed transcript, which is attached to the patient’s medical record.

What the law says

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect first. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to do fluorography without a referral in Russia? To give the most complete answer to this question, it is necessary to turn to the law. The government of the country issued a draft number 77-F3, to which additional adjustments were made in 2020 aimed at combating outbreaks of tuberculosis epidemics. According to it, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to undergo a free examination. To do this, he needs to go to the nearest hospital located at the place of registration, having with him the following documents:

  • passport;
  • compulsory health insurance policy.

It is worth noting that if an X-ray examination was prescribed by a doctor due to the need for additional information, then in this case the list of documents will be slightly wider. You will also need to provide:

  • the direction in which the suspected diagnosis should be indicated;
  • medical card with the last note from the attending physician.

Now, probably, everyone will have a question about how to undergo fluorography without a referral if there is no OMZ. In this case, you can go to a private clinic and undergo an examination for money. It is very difficult to say how much it will cost, since prices throughout the country vary within a very wide range. In some regions the cost is 400 rubles, while in others it can reach one and a half thousand. People who are not residents of the Russian Federation, but temporarily staying on its territory, can undergo a paid procedure not only in commercial, but also in government medical institutions.

Paid or free examination: which is better?

Digital scanning fluorograph (the safest and most modern diagnostic method)
Passing the examination as planned - the procedure is free and is provided at the state clinic at the place of registration or registration. To do this, you need to have a passport with you, which indicates your place of registration.

If you can’t go to a public clinic, private diagnostic centers will come to your aid. They will help you choose an examination option - digital fluorography or x-ray of the lungs, as well as computed tomography.

The obligation to undergo fluorography is due to the importance of timely detection of infectious diseases of the respiratory system and early initiation of therapy.

Fluorography is a screening research method that helps to test a large number of people in a short period of time. At the same time, material costs are minimal.

What diseases is it used to detect?

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to undergo fluorography without a referral from a therapist. And this is not surprising, because X-ray examination makes it possible to diagnose with 100% accuracy a number of dangerous diseases that occur covertly for a long time, and in an advanced form can lead to many serious complications and even death.

These include the following:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • hernia of the diaphragm dome;
  • lung abscess;
  • bronchogenic cyst;
  • cavity formations;
  • various anatomical deviations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pleural layers;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • cancerous tumors.

Thus, if you know how to undergo fluorography in a clinic without a referral, you will be able to find out in a timely manner that you have a disease and begin treatment immediately, which will avoid many complications. You can find out everything related to this issue below.

Types of fluorography

If you are wondering whether it is possible to undergo fluorography without a doctor’s referral, you should also have an idea of ​​its types. Now let's look at this in more detail.

According to experts, today there are the following methods:

  1. Film. One of the first to appear. It has good information content and accuracy, but leaves much to be desired due to the low image quality. The equipment operates on the principle of a video camera. Behind the patient's back is a special machine that transmits X-rays through the body. As a result, the image is transferred to the film. The main advantage is low cost.
  2. Digital. The most common type that is widely used today. The equipment is based on a special matrix, which significantly improves the image quality and the accuracy of the final results. In addition, it is safer than the one described above, since the device sends less x-ray radiation. The photo is saved digitally on your computer's hard drive, from which it can be printed or emailed.
  3. Scanning. This method is the safest. But its disadvantage is low accuracy, so it is practically never used.

In fact, the main difference between all types of x-ray examination is the technology used. The very essence remains unchanged. How to do fluorography in a clinic without a referral using any of the methods described above? The algorithm of actions is the same in each case. You can find out about it a little later.

Indications for use

This aspect deserves special attention. Fluorography is intended for early diagnosis of various ailments of the respiratory system. For the purpose of prevention, every person can undergo examination, but there are a number of cases when it is mandatory.

Doctors prescribe it to patients with the following diseases:

  • any form of tuberculosis;
  • bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • previous respiratory tract pathologies;
  • HIV;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • carriage of Koch's bacillus.

In addition, undergoing fluorography is a prerequisite before the upcoming cytostatic radiation therapy, as well as when symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe cough appear that do not go away over a long period of time.

Is it possible to undergo fluorography without a referral? Yes, but there is one important nuance here. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, people working with the homeless or in hazardous industries, as well as kindergarten teachers and teachers at schools and universities, must undergo an annual examination. The same applies to the students themselves. In this case, you do not need to make an appointment with the doctor in advance to receive a referral. After the due date, you can immediately come to the X-ray room with your medical card and undergo an examination. We will talk about this in more detail below.

Is fluorography required?

Many people try to avoid fluorography, citing many reasonable arguments, for example, about the high harmfulness of radiation. However, there is also a fictitious danger, and such patients do not even realize how dangerous mycobacteria really are. Regular preventive examinations through fluorography are carried out in the interests of people. Early detection guarantees a positive outcome of the disease.

The obligation of the population to carry out fluorographic examination is prescribed in legislative acts. For example, Order No. 1011 of the Ministry of Health defines a list of mandatory medical examinations, which includes fluorographic examination. According to this law, the frequency of this diagnostic procedure must be at least once every two years.

In addition, the law “On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” came into force in 2001. According to it, an order or order must be drawn up for employees of a certain organization or residents of a certain area to undergo routine fluorography. Enterprises with hazardous production, as well as institutions with a high level of risk, determine the period of its validity, which is usually equal to 6 months or one year. So, how long does fluorography last? The certificate of completion of the study is valid for this particular period of time. For other citizens, the certificate is valid for one year.


This aspect deserves special attention. It is quite possible to do fluorography without a referral, but qualified specialists do not recommend doing this. This is due to x-ray radiation, which has a certain negative effect on the body. Undoubtedly, it is minimal, so it does not pose a serious threat to health. But it’s better not to take risks and consult with doctors first. As for contraindications, although there are few of them, they exist. You should refrain from X-ray examination in the following cases:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • inability to hold your breath;
  • inability to stand on your own feet;
  • claustrophobia.

If you do not have any of the above problems, then you can safely undergo the examination. How to do fluorography in a clinic without a doctor’s referral? The answer to this question will be given in detail in one of the following sections. You will be able to find out how the whole process occurs, what documents you need to have with you, and also how long the test results are valid.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are no absolute contraindications to fluorography. Relative ones include:

  • the patient’s serious condition or other reasons that do not allow him to remain in an upright position;
  • claustrophobia, feeling of lack of air;
  • pregnancy, especially in the early stages (allowed only after the 20th week);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 15 years.

In such cases, only a specialist can, after weighing the benefits and risks, decide whether to conduct this study or refuse it.

We looked at how long fluorography is valid and how often it needs to be done.

Possible complications

Many people do not want to undergo fluorography because they are afraid for their health. The fears are well founded, because X-rays affect all internal organs and systems. With strong radiation exceeding the permissible norm, there is a possibility of developing some serious pathologies. But if all rules and regulations are followed, any associated risks are extremely small. According to doctors themselves, the presence of hidden diseases is much more dangerous than the laboratory test itself. Therefore, there are no reasonable reasons for concern.

How often can fluorography be done?

According to the law, you can undergo x-rays once a year. In this case, no harm to health is created. In addition, this is how long the incubation period lasts for some diseases, including tuberculosis. But there are a number of cases when fluorography is performed more often. This happens if the image is defective and the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis from it. Also, people with serious chronic pathologies should be examined every 6 months. Thus, the photograph and transcript are valid for one year. Next, the patient comes to see a therapist, and he writes out a referral. The same applies to those cases when you need a certificate ahead of schedule, for example, for employment.

Sign up for fluorography through State Services

The unified portal of public services is a modern tool for processing documents and drawing up applications to almost all departments and government agencies. Currently, you can make an appointment with a doctor remotely from anywhere, without being geographically assigned to a specific region. It is enough to have access to the network and a mobile phone or computer.

The fluorography service is an additional highly specialized procedure, so it is impossible to obtain a coupon for the procedure using the electronic service. There is only one way, consisting of several successive steps. First, you need to make an appointment with a therapist in your clinic, and then get a referral and permission from him to conduct an X-ray of the respiratory organs.

First of all, you need to register on a single service.

In the authorization window, enter your first and last name, cell phone number and email address. Confirm your login using the security code, which will arrive in the form of an SMS alert. From now on, a simplified page is open for you; to get the maximum, enter your SNILS and passport data in the parameters of your personal account. The final stage is to visit the MFC department and activate your profile. The option of remote recording is now open to you. Below we consider a detailed list of actions.

Step-by-step instruction

An online appointment with a specialist in Moscow is as follows:

  1. Log in to your account and provide your password.

  2. In the main service window, select the services item at the top of the screen.

  3. Available categories of functions will appear in front of you, we need health.

  4. In the next window, select the option to make an appointment with a specialist.

  5. After this, you will see a detailed procedure for receiving an electronic service and its restrictions.

  6. The next step is to fill out the application. Please indicate your service region.

  7. Next, you need to choose for whom the number is issued.
  8. After this, you need to register personal information and information from documents. Be sure to write down the compulsory medical insurance policy number, which is a unique identifier and is located on the back of the card.

  9. A virtual map will appear below, where you need to select the department of the clinic to which you are attached. Please note that online booking is only available at the hospital where you are registered.

  10. Select the category of services and the doctor's specialty, for example, therapist.

  11. Select a suitable specialist from the list, and then mark the desired date on the calendar and select a free appointment time.

  12. Submit your application for consideration. If necessary, the coupon can be printed.

As soon as the time comes, come to the clinic and ask the therapist to write you a referral for a respiratory examination. Residents of Moscow can make a reservation using the website, which has a similar feature.

The article looked at how to sign up for fluorography through government services on the Internet. Unfortunately, such a procedure is not implemented on a single portal in electronic format, but it is possible to carry out it in several stages, first make an appointment with a therapist, and from him receive an official recommendation for an X-ray of the lungs. It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than twice a year, so as not to cause damage to health due to the radiation dose.

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How to get tested

So, in fact, we have come to the question that worries everyone, namely how to get fluorography done in a clinic without a referral. Everything is very simple here, since the legislation does not restrict citizens, but only gives certain recommendations regarding how often to be tested for tuberculosis. As noted earlier, if the last time an x-ray was taken was less than a year ago, then you must first consult with qualified specialists.

But without a referral, fluorography can be done in one of the following cases:

  • the presence of any pathologies of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems that occur in a chronic form;
  • diabetes;
  • the need for corticosteroid or radiation treatment;
  • if you are a representative of certain professions.

It is worth noting that fluorography without a referral is free and can be performed in any state hospital in Russia by every citizen. You just need to come to the clinic and go to the x-ray room. The procedure itself lasts only a few minutes. But it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take you, since everything here depends on the availability of the queue.

The whole procedure looks like this:

  1. The patient must undress to the waist and remove his watch, belt, jewelry and other metal objects.
  2. After this, he enters the cabin of the device and presses his chest tightly against the screen of a special monitor, and places his chin on the stand located on it.
  3. You need to fix your body in this position until the very end of the procedure.
  4. At the specialist’s command, you must hold your breath and not move.

In a few seconds the photo will be ready. Then it is sent for decryption. In the certificate, the doctor does not indicate an exact diagnosis, but a special code. If the patient does not have any health problems, then a digital value is written in the document. If a disease is present, the doctor makes a diagnosis and records it in the medical record. All this is completely free. Fluorography without a referral is no different from one prescribed by a doctor, so you should not have any special problems. If you receive a refusal, you can contact the head of the department or the head physician. And if this does not lead to anything, then to solve the problem you should submit an application to the prosecutor's office.

Do I need a compulsory medical insurance policy to get fluorography?

A compulsory health insurance policy is not required if the patient seeks services at a paid clinic. The examination can be provided free of charge under VHI (if the insured person has it).

If the patient does not have an insurance policy, then he will undergo FLG for a fee. To receive the service for free in a public clinic, you must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. You must take this document with you to the examination, otherwise fluorography will be denied.

Note! In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, the patient can only count on ambulance care in the event of a threat to life. All other medical services are provided on a paid basis.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, so if a patient goes to a clinic in another city, he does not need to pay. Refusal to provide assistance is equivalent to a violation of human rights; you can complain to the regulatory authorities.

General tips and tricks

So, we already know that fluorography can be done without a referral. But to get accurate results, it is very important to do the examination correctly. First of all, this concerns smoking. Doctors recommend refraining from a bad habit if you plan to go to the hospital. Smoke can negatively affect the quality of the image, making it impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, you will be sent back for x-rays, so you will have to re-expose your body to harmful radiation.

In addition, there are some laboratory research methods that are not advisable to combine with fluorography. These include:

  • radiography;
  • mammography;
  • metrosalpinography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • irrigography;
  • cholecystocholangiography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • CT scan.

The use of several examination methods at once creates too high a radiation dose on the body, which can cause the development of serious diseases. If you plan to undergo a comprehensive examination, then it is better not to do fluorography without a doctor’s referral. A preliminary consultation will help you avoid many problems.

Alternative to fluorography

Today in modern medicine there are quite a few different laboratory research methods designed to diagnose diseases of the respiratory system. One of these, which is most often prescribed instead of fluorography, is an x-ray of the lungs. It also has good accuracy and information content, but it causes a large radiation load on the body, which makes it more harmful.

If you have any suspicions or alarming symptoms of any respiratory disease, it is better not to hesitate. You should immediately go to the hospital and undergo fluorography without a referral. If you are indeed diagnosed with a pathology, it will not only allow the doctor to confirm the fact of its presence, but also to obtain detailed information about the extent and stage of its occurrence, as well as draw up a detailed clinical picture.

Interpretation of fluorography

During X-ray diagnostics, fluorescent microscopic particles are produced that penetrate the lung tissue and transfer the pattern of the lungs onto the film. The presence of pathological processes in them is indicated by various changes on the film:

Irradiation during fluorography

  • not having clear contours;
  • focal prints;
  • focused dark spots;
  • segment displays;
  • strengthening of lobar imprints in the root zones.

If one of these types of darkening is detected, the patient is prescribed an additional study - a detailed radiograph, which consists of obtaining an image of the chest in various projections. To avoid making an erroneous final diagnosis, a qualified radiologist interprets the final data.

Identification of a focal spot up to 10 mm may indicate problems of the vascular system, the formation of oncological pathology, and disruption of the functional activity of the respiratory organs. For a more accurate diagnosis, a computed tomography scan and laboratory examination of sputum are necessary. The presence in the image of a single segmental spot of a triangular configuration, with clear boundaries, indicates the presence of a foreign body in the lungs, a consequence of injury or an endobronchial neoplasm.

The presence of focal shadows may indicate myocardial infarction, and in some cases its clinical symptoms resemble signs of the early stage of tuberculosis

Multiple “triangles” are observed:

  • for acute or chronic pneumonia;
  • accumulation of pleural effusion;
  • cancerous tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • metastasis of the tumor from nearby organs.

A lobar spot with a clear outline appears with purulent inflammation of the lung tissue or bronchiectasis, and focused spots appear with pneumonia of various stages, bronchial asthma and helminthic infestation. The presence of dark spots on fluorography without specific configurations characterizes exudative pleurisy, staphylococcal pneumonia, accumulation of fluid in the pleura, myocardial infarction.

There are many reasons why various shadows appear on an x-ray. The patient cannot independently diagnose the disease! That is why, if there are any changes, practicing radiologists use special codes in which organ pathologies are encrypted. Only an experienced doctor can interpret them correctly and prescribe the next stage of diagnosis.

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