Sugar in urine during pregnancy - norms, reasons for increase, consequences

Tests for pregnant women Urine tests

07/11/201801/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 1220 Views pregnancy, sugar, diabetes

In this article we study sugar in urine during pregnancy. Glucose in urine during pregnancy is one of the most important and mandatory tests, allowing timely detection of the development of such a dangerous condition as gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is the most common type of metabolic disorder in pregnant women. Despite modern treatment methods, this condition is accompanied by a high (about eighty percent) rate of complications in pregnant women and the fetus.

The term gestational diabetes mellitus refers to hyperglycemia that first appeared or was detected during pregnancy. In the absence of timely treatment, GDM can cause the development of severe gestosis of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, severe asphyxia of the child, etc.

Timely determination of sugar in the urine during pregnancy makes it possible to identify the development of GDM in the early stages and begin comprehensive treatment aimed at preventing the development of complications.

  • 1 Glucose levels during pregnancy
  • 2 Normal levels of sugar in urine during pregnancy
  • 3 Sugar in urine during pregnancy - causes and consequences
  • 4 Which doctor treats endocrine disorders in pregnant women?
  • 5 What are the dangers of high sugar during pregnancy?
  • 6 Sugar in urine during pregnancy - what are the symptoms?
  • 7 What treatment is required?


The results of a laboratory test of urine for glucose levels are assessed according to three criteria:

  • sugar content less than 1.7 mmol/l is normal;
  • from 1.7 to 2.7 mmol/l - permissible glucose level;
  • more than 2.79 - sugar is above normal, glucosuria.

It turns out that sugar in urine during pregnancy should not be higher than 2.7 mmol/l. If glucose in the urine of an expectant mother increases for the first time or its amount is slightly higher than normal, there is no need to panic. This does not always indicate the presence of the disease, so it is better to retake the tests and listen to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Reasons for the increase

The appearance is due to several reasons, which are divided into physiological and pathological.



  • hormonal changes;
  • predominance of somatotropin in the body;
  • sporadic glycosuria. In this situation, the doctor will prescribe a repeat test to confirm or refute diabetes;
  • nutrition and lifestyle of the expectant mother. Indicators may also increase when eating simple carbohydrates.

If necessary, a glucose uptake test should be performed. To do this, the pregnant woman drinks a diluted glucose-containing solution, and two hours later takes a blood test. If there are no abnormalities in the blood and an increase in the fluid secreted by the kidneys, we can conclude that the problem is in the metabolic process. In addition to sugar, there should be no protein in the urine during pregnancy, despite the fact that the need for it increases.


Impaired reabsorption function of the kidneys . If normal, the component may be in the initial sample, but if repeated, it will only be in the blood.

Prediabetes condition . A pregnant woman may not even be aware of a prolonged increase in sugar until this period.

Causes of increased sugar in urine

During filtration, glucose from the primary urine is almost completely returned to the blood, so it is not normally found in the secondary urine that is excreted.

The appearance of sugar in the urine during pregnancy can have various reasons:

  • presence of diabetes mellitus - true or gestational;
  • endocrine disorders, for example, hyperthyroidism;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury causing metabolic disorders.

Of the listed reasons, most often the pathology lies in the kidneys. In this case, glucose increases only in the urine, and blood tests show normal levels.

Sometimes the reasons for the appearance of blood sugar during pregnancy lie in poor nutrition, for example, overeating or excess consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. In this case, it is strongly recommended to adjust your diet.

There are also factors that can increase your risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. These include:

  • woman's age over 30 years;
  • development of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies;
  • more than three miscarriages or a history of stillbirth;
  • the birth of a child with gross malformations from a previous pregnancy;
  • a child from a previous birth had a birth weight of more than 4.5 kg;
  • multiple births;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • hereditary predisposition to diabetes.

If the expectant mother has one or more risk factors, she is advised to consult an endocrinologist and carefully monitor her sugar levels during pregnancy. It should be noted that in 97% of women, gestational diabetes goes away after childbirth, and in only 3% it turns into chronic diabetes. Read more about gestational diabetes →

What are the dangers of high sugar levels during pregnancy?

Increased sugar levels in the urine can be a one-time occurrence due to a diet disorder, overeating sweets for dinner, or improper urine collection. However, for a pregnant woman and fetus, constantly elevated sugar levels are dangerous in the following ways:

  1. For the expectant mother:
      after the 20th week of pregnancy, with a reduced level of the hormone estrogen, gestosis may worsen with pressure surges, body edema and large increases in body weight;
  2. there is a risk of transition of gestational diabetes to chronic diabetes of the 2nd degree after childbirth;
  3. the likelihood of thrombosis increases. Pregnant women, with their low mobility and hormonal disorders, are already susceptible to an increase in blood viscosity, and with diabetes, in combination with high blood pressure with vascular spasms, blood mobility is reduced;
  4. the likelihood of miscarriage or miscarriage increases;
  5. childbirth most often occurs with complications: the water breaks out too early;
  6. the threat of delivery by cesarean section increases in 35% of cases due to the discrepancy between the enlarged size of the fetus and the mother’s pelvis, or the use of vacuum systems or obstetric forceps, which can leave a birth injury to the fetus. Most often, such methods are used to reduce the fetal heart rate during labor.
  7. For the fetus:
      there is a possibility of developing polyhydramnios, in which the fetus will not receive enough oxygen or may become wrapped in the umbilical cord and completely cut off its access to nutrition. The risk of developing polyhydramnios in diabetes reaches 60%;
  8. the fetus is rapidly gaining body weight, which is why the woman may not be able to give birth herself. When the fetal weight exceeds 4–4.5 kg, they speak of its macrosomia;
  9. The internal organs of the fetus develop with disturbances. The most vulnerable are blood vessels, nervous regulation and visual perception;
  10. there is a discrepancy between the fetus and the gestational age, delayed development due to metabolic disorders in the “fetus-placenta” system;
  11. the fetus receives glucose due to the activity of the placenta, but does not receive enough insulin, which is fraught with metabolic disorders in the newborn.
  12. For a newborn:
      increased muscle tone;
  13. mental retardation;
  14. weakness of physical capabilities; children master motor skills, rolling over, and crawling later and worse;
  15. underdeveloped sucking reflex, which may cause problems with breastfeeding;
  16. decreased functioning of the cardiac and visual systems;
  17. asphyxia - suffocation due to hypoxia in the womb;
  18. metabolic disorders. Such children are not only born larger than others, but also maintain increased body weight during the first years of life. The likelihood of disruption of the formation of enzymes by the pancreas and the development of diabetes mellitus in the child or the insensitivity of his body to insulin increases;
  19. Jaundice develops due to increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.

Monitoring high glucose levels in routine tests prescribed by a doctor at each examination of a pregnant woman allows for successful correction.

Video: doctor on the consequences of gestational diabetes

Can gestational diabetes become chronic after childbirth?

Under favorable conditions, gestational diabetes ends with pregnancy. But 10–15% of women who have had this type of diabetes remain at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes even 10 years after giving birth. You can avoid this only by regularly checking your body:

  • 2 weeks, 1 and 1.5 months after birth, check blood and urine for sugar levels;
  • 3 months after birth, take a glycated hemoglobin test, which determines whether there were glucose fluctuations above normal over the last three months before the test;
  • At least once every three years, during normal tests, check your sugar level.

Is it dangerous?

If a woman’s condition is ignored and the necessary treatment is not carried out, the disease can have serious consequences. Glucosuria can negatively affect not only the general well-being and health of a woman, but also the condition of her unborn baby.

Complications of gestational diabetes include:

  • blurred vision;
  • kidney problems;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • swelling and numbness of the limbs, pain in the legs;
  • development of gestosis, preeclampsia.

But the most severe complication of glucosuria for the expectant mother is fetal macrosomia, that is, a pathological increase in its body weight and height. The course of natural childbirth can be complicated by the large size of the baby - the weight of such newborns is usually more than 4.5 kg, which can cause difficulty in removing it during pushing.

For the mother, fetal macrosomia can result in premature onset of labor, uterine bleeding and injuries to the birth canal. The baby is at increased risk of developing birth injuries. This situation does not have any absolute contraindications to natural childbirth, but most often delivery is carried out by cesarean section. Read more about the pros, cons and consequences of a cesarean section →

Also, consequences for the fetus against the background of glucosuria during pregnancy can include neurological disorders in the future, pathologies of the respiratory system and jaundice, and, less often, mental retardation. To avoid this, a pregnant woman needs to undergo tests in a timely manner and regularly visit a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Urine test for glucose sugar

A urine test for glucose (sugar) (urine glucose test, urine sugar test) is prescribed for pathologies of the endocrine system, kidneys, side effects of medications, complicated pregnancy, poisoning, in particular:

  • If you suspect diabetes mellitus,
  • In order to control the course of diabetes mellitus,
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of diabetes therapy,
  • To obtain an assessment of the quality of kidney function,
  • To assess the quality of functioning of the endocrine system (thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland),
  • In order to control the condition of a pregnant woman’s body (especially in the later stages).

Also, a urine test for glucose (sugar) should be carried out if there is a family history of tubulopathies (diseases that occur with disruption of the tubular transport of organic substances and electrolytes).

A urine test for sugar (glucose) is required if the following endocrine disorders in the body are suspected:

  • Hyperthyroidism (a syndrome caused by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, manifested by an increase in the levels of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine),
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease (severe neuroendocrine disease accompanied by hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, associated with hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
  • Hypercortisolism syndrome (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, a group of diseases accompanied by long-term chronic effects on the body of excess amounts of adrenal hormones, causing an increase in the level of these hormones in the blood),
  • Pheochromocytoma (a disease related to tumors of the diffuse neuroendocrine system, in which catecholamines (norepinephrine, adrenaline) are actively secreted),
  • Acromegaly (a disease associated with dysfunction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, accompanied by enlargement (thickening and expansion) of the skull (especially its facial part), feet, hands.

A urine test for glucose (sugar) is usually prescribed by the following medical specialists: pediatrician, endocrinologist, nephrologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, therapist.

To test urine for sugar, a single sample of urine is used.

Urine test strips are used as an assessment tool. The patient can independently use these test strips at home; special medical knowledge is not required for use.

48 hours before submitting urine for analysis, it is necessary, in agreement with your doctor, to stop taking diuretics. Before the test, you should not drink alcohol for 24 hours prior to the test. 30 minutes before the start of the study, you should exclude any emotional and physical stress.

In healthy people, analysis may show an increase in glucose levels in the blood and urine after eating foods rich in carbohydrates, under stress, after exercise, or as a result of muscle tension (including cramps).

The results of the test may be affected by the medications the patient is taking.

Fixing a single increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the urine is not a basis for making a diagnosis. The decision is made by the doctor taking into account the clinical picture and anamnesis (the totality of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the patient).


It is possible to accurately determine the sugar content in urine only in laboratory conditions. But a woman can notice the first signs of the disease on her own; to do this, it is enough to be attentive to her health.

Symptoms of renal glycosuria during pregnancy are:

  • increased thirst, constant dry mouth;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • unexplained fatigue, drowsiness;
  • weight changes, often upward;
  • increased appetite.

These symptoms may not specifically indicate diabetes, but they should not be ignored. You should inform your doctor about any changes in your health.

How to remove sugar from the body?

If sugar in the urine during pregnancy occurs due to the natural load on the body, and not due to the development of pathologies, then you can try to normalize the condition yourself. To do this, you should adhere to the right diet, which helps control weight and not retain glucose in the body. A conditional diet for high sugar has the following rules:

  1. Limiting foods with fast carbohydrates. These include rich pastries, chocolate, white bread, sweets in the form of candies, cakes, and carbonated drinks.
  2. Despite the benefits of plant-based foods, they also contain carbohydrates that negatively affect sugar levels. For example, potatoes, carrots, corn, grapes.
  3. You need to eat often, but in small portions.
  4. You can pay attention to the glycemic index of foods, the recommended indicator is less than 50 points.

It is not possible to significantly reduce sugar in urine during pregnancy by just changing your diet, but this will be enough to normalize many metabolic processes. We should not forget about moderate physical activity during pregnancy and special gymnastics, as they also help remove excess glucose from the body.

Which doctor should I contact if my urine sugar level increases?

If the concentration of glucose in the urine during pregnancy is higher than the normal level, the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will prescribe additional tests for the patient: a blood test for sugar levels and determination of daily diuresis. With the results of these tests, he refers the pregnant woman for a consultation with an endocrinologist.

The specialist conducts a comprehensive examination, finds out the cause of the disease, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, prescribes treatment. Gestational diabetes should not be ignored, as this condition is dangerous for both the woman and her unborn child. In addition, glucosuria during pregnancy is dangerous for the development of true diabetes in the future.

Preparation, how to take a sugar test

Tests to determine the amount of sugar in urine and blood will give an accurate result after preparation and if the sampling is carried out correctly.

Blood analysis

Before taking a blood test, a pregnant woman should eat regular food (if she refuses sweet foods and drinks, the result will not be accurate). It is advisable to stop taking vitamins and other medications for 3 days.

A woman should not eat food 10 hours before blood sampling. In the morning you are allowed to drink clean water without gases. It is forbidden to brush your teeth or do exercises.

It is important to remain calm during the procedure.

Methods for determining blood glucose concentration:

  1. Standard analysis. Blood is taken from a finger in the morning.
  2. Carrying out a tolerance test. Prescribed at 28-32 weeks of pregnancy, even if an increase in sugar has not previously been noted.

In this case, blood is taken from a vein 3 times. The initial portion is taken on an empty stomach. Next, the woman should drink water with 50 g of glucose. After 30 minutes, the second portion of blood is taken. After 1 hour, take 3 servings.

3. Using test strips at home. Standard training required. Glucose concentrations can be measured throughout the day and the data recorded. They must be transferred to a specialist who monitors the pregnancy.

If an increased/lowered indicator is detected, the tests are repeated. If the results are confirmed, further examination and treatment are prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Analysis of urine

To properly collect a urine test, it is recommended to follow a normal diet, but exclude foods that can color the urine (tea, beets, coffee). Medicines are also stopped for 3 days. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to sterilize the container for collecting the analysis. It is also necessary to carry out a thorough washing procedure.

Methods for determining the concentration of glucose in urine:

  1. Standard analysis . It is necessary to collect the morning urine sample (150 ml is enough) in a sterile vessel and immediately take it to the laboratory. After 4 hours the material will be unsuitable for research.
  2. Daily analysis collection. Urine is collected in a single container within 24 hours. In this case, the collected material is stored in the refrigerator. It is important to sterilize the container for collecting material each time it is emptied, as well as to carry out the washing procedure. The collected material must be delivered to the clinic within 4 hours.
  3. Using test strips at home. A similar preparation schedule must be followed. You can measure the concentration of glucose in your urine several times during the day. The results obtained must be provided to the gynecologist.

If there is glucose in the urine, a blood test is necessary. If a change in sugar concentration is confirmed, further examination by a specialist is necessary.


To make a correct diagnosis, an endocrinologist prescribes a general blood test called a “sugar curve.” This test shows the body's sensitivity to glucose and makes it possible not only to determine the amount of glucose in the blood, but also to consider how the body reacts to a sugar load.

The study is carried out in several stages after the 24th week of pregnancy. The procedure is done on an empty stomach and 2 hours after drinking water with diluted glucose. If the amount of sugar in the blood during pregnancy is normal, but its amount in the urine remains elevated, we are talking about disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, and not about diabetes. If sugar is really elevated, treatment is necessary. Read more about normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy →

Preventing Gestational Diabetes

If you know the causes of gestational diabetes, then it is easy to determine measures to prevent its development. Here are the main ones:

  1. Normalization of weight and its gradual reduction without fasting using foods allowed for diabetes.
  2. Periodic monitoring of sugar levels to compensate for lack of insulin if necessary.

    Measuring blood sugar levels in diabetes is indicated at least 4 times a day with recording of the results in a special journal

  3. Equalization of pressure levels. High blood pressure creates ideal conditions for increased sugar levels.
  4. Physical activity. It is worth going in for sports only if there is no tone, high blood pressure and pregnancy is not complicated. Any load evens out blood sugar levels.

There is a special knowledge course “Diabetes School”, which can be taken in clinics or family centers. During the classes, you will be explained in detail the rules for self-monitoring your glucose levels at home using a glucometer or express strips, and will also explain the necessary dietary restrictions.


Despite the fact that glucosuria in expectant mothers is in most cases a temporary phenomenon, ignoring it is very dangerous. Timely detection of an increase in sugar levels in urine and blood during pregnancy and additional research can quickly identify the cause of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis. There is usually no need to take medication for gestational diabetes.

The basis of treatment is adherence to a diet, thanks to which glucose in the urine during pregnancy will be maintained at an optimal level. To do this, the expectant mother should limit her consumption of sugar, salt, sweets and honey as much as possible.

It is recommended to follow the principles of separate nutrition, that is, not to combine the consumption of fats and carbohydrates during one meal. You also need to avoid fast food, potatoes, and baked goods as much as possible. It is advisable to consume more non-starchy fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.

In addition to diet, glucosuria requires giving up a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity also lowers sugar in the urine and blood. Hiking, light gymnastics, swimming - all this not only improves a woman’s well-being, but also strengthens her health, relieving lower back pain, constipation and sleep disorders, which often affect pregnant women.

In some cases, diet and exercise cannot adequately reduce glucose levels in the body, so the endocrinologist prescribes special medications to the woman. Insulin injections are usually prescribed.

There is no need to be afraid of drug treatment, since, firstly, insulin does not penetrate the placental barrier to the fetus, and, secondly, after childbirth, the woman’s body returns to normal and the need for the drug disappears. Despite this, the woman will need monitoring from an endocrinologist even after the birth of the baby in order to prevent the development of possible complications.

Normal blood and urine sugar levels in pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

Due to the general restructuring occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, glucose levels in the blood and urine change. Also, the norm values ​​will vary depending on the growth rate of the fetus.

  1. 1st trimester. At this stage, the embryo requires energy to form organs. And in a woman’s body the hormonal levels change (including an increase in insulin production). As a result, sugar levels are slightly lower than the norm for a healthy person. In the blood, digital values ​​are in the range of 3.2-5.1 mmol/l. There should be no sugar in the urine.
  2. 2nd trimester. This period is characterized by stabilization of hormonal levels and small size of the fetus. Blood and urine sugar levels should correspond to the general norm. The range of blood glucose concentration is 3.3-5.5 mmol/l. There is no sugar in urine.
  3. 3rd trimester. Hormonal changes occur again as the body prepares for the birth of a child. The fetus already has the appropriate size, takes nutrients from the mother’s blood and puts pressure on the kidneys. As a result of increased load and compression of the kidneys, glucose may be observed in the urine. Its permissible range is 1.7-2.7 mmol/l.

Due to an increase in the total weight of the mother and the grown fetus, the pregnant woman’s thyroid gland may not cope with the load and produce insulin below the required norm (this provokes an increase in blood glucose).

The mother also exchanges nutrients with the fetus, as a result of which the glucose concentration may decrease. Taking into account changes in the body, the range of blood sugar concentration is 3.8-6.1 mmol/l. At 28-32 weeks, the gynecologist often prescribes a stress test to exclude the onset of gestational diabetes.

4. Birth of a child. After the baby is born, the last hormonal change occurs. The body prepares for breastfeeding, as well as for the formation and normalization of the menstrual cycle. As a result, the amount of sugar in the blood and urine is equal to the values ​​​​of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Gradually the indicators return to normal.

Deviation of indicators from the norm (in any direction) is dangerous for the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Regular testing allows you to identify abnormalities at an early stage and begin gentle therapy (prescribed by a gynecologist who manages the pregnancy).


If elevated sugar is detected in the urine during pregnancy, in most cases the situation has a positive prognosis. In 97% of women, gestational diabetes goes away on its own shortly after giving birth. This situation is not uncommon, so there is no need to panic.

If the cause of increased sugar in the urine in pregnant women is any disease, the prognosis is generally positive. Properly selected treatment can eliminate most pathologies.

Of course, you will have to maintain the amount of glucose at a normal level throughout pregnancy. To do this, the expectant mother will need to follow a special diet. Strict adherence to all medical recommendations will avoid complications.

Author: Olga Rogozhkina, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for

Reasons for deviations from the norm

The appearance of sugar in the urine can be caused by both physiological and pathological factors.

An increased level of glucose in the urine in pregnant women is called glucosuria. This phenomenon can be observed as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy and increased blood flow in the kidneys as a result of stress on the organ and stimulation of insulin synthesis. These factors are not pathological, but in these cases medical supervision is required.

Glucose in urine can increase if a woman has the following diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Immune diseases
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Meningitis
  • Kidney failure
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Liver diseases

Deviation from the norm provokes the consumption of sweet foods in large quantities. Stressful situations also cause an increase in sugar in the urine. In some cases, it is affected by high levels of the substance and hereditary predisposition.

Excessive body weight of a woman and poor nutrition are factors that contribute to increased glucose levels.

An increase in glucose in the urine is also considered pathological when this phenomenon is accompanied by symptoms such as constant dry mouth, fatigue, and frequent urination.

In medicine, there is such a thing as gestational diabetes, which is a temporary condition. In this case, the concentration of glucose in the body increases in order to normally provide energy to both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Is elevated glucose levels dangerous for the fetus?

A small amount of glucose in the urine does not affect fetal development. Also, you should not be afraid when the substance is observed for a short time, that is, once.

For the health of the unborn baby, increased sugar in the urine of a pregnant woman is dangerous when a woman is diagnosed with a disease such as diabetes. Glucosuria provokes high blood pressure and swelling. In such cases, the danger of gestosis develops. This condition poses a threat to the life and health of both the fetus and the pregnant woman.

If a large amount of glucose is found in the urine, this contributes to the baby’s weight gain.

As a result of pathological deviation, the risk of premature birth increases. In addition, complications are possible during labor.

Consequences for the child and woman

Due to the high concentration of sugar during pregnancy, the fetus may develop incurable defects and anomalies.

Consequences of glucosuria for the baby, which manifest themselves in the absence of correction of sugar levels.

  1. Diabetic fetopathy - a child is born weighing up to 6 kg. Often there is fetal shoulder dystonia, clavicle fractures during childbirth, and there are many pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin, which is why the skin takes on a burgundy tint. The defect causes dysfunction of the pancreas, liver, and spleen. As well as disruption of the functioning of blood vessels, heart, brain, nervous system, absence or underdevelopment of the vertebrae, coccyx, femurs, kidneys.
  2. Severe fetal asphyxia.
  3. The appearance of clinical syndromes of hyperinsulism or postnatal hypoglycemia.
  4. Development of mental and neurological disorders.
  5. Respiratory distress syndrome is especially common in newborns due to a lack of surfactant in the lungs.
  6. Risk of perinatal death of a fetus up to 22 weeks or a newborn up to 7 days.
  7. Development of paralysis or Duchenne-Erb paresis (pathology of the peripheral nervous system).
  8. Manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, polycythemia and many other anomalies.

There are cases where, due to glycosuria, infants were diagnosed with congenital diabetes. Such babies are doomed from the first days; they will suffer from insulin dependence for life.

Elevated sugar is the cause of the development of various respiratory dysfunctions, and in 7% of all cases, the child is diagnosed with mental retardation.

Renal threshold and glucose

The primary function of the kidneys is to regulate the body's chemical homeostasis through urine formation. The kidneys cleanse the body of toxins and foreign agents. The kidney structures filter the blood, removing unnecessary substances, absorbing (absorbing, absorbing) the necessary elements back into the bloodstream. At the same time, the ability of the renal tubules to return glucose into the bloodstream is limited.

When the critical level of blood sugar is exceeded (8.9-10.0 mmol/liter / 160-180 milligrams/deciliter), the renal tubules can no longer cope with the increased load, as a result of which excess glucose is excreted (excreted) in the urine. This mark is called the “renal threshold” and is individual for each person, but, as a rule, approximately fits into the above range of blood glucose concentrations.

In pregnant women, the renal threshold usually decreases in the second half of pregnancy (usually the third trimester), and a urine test demonstrates the presence of sugar.

The renal threshold for glucose is:

  • in an adult with normally functioning kidneys 8.9 – 10 mmol/l (decreases with age),
  • in a child – 10.45 – 12.65 mmol/l.

Some chronic kidney diseases raise the glucose threshold. With nephropathy accompanied by impaired glucose resorption (renal diabetes), the appearance of sugar in the urine is possible with normal or low blood sugar levels.


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