How to properly prepare for a CT scan
A modern X-ray method with a high degree of information content - computed tomography - has taken a leading position
children's blood test ESR
Norms of ESR in the blood of a child: reasons for increase and decrease
What does the analysis say? To determine the ESR, venous or capillary blood is taken from a child.
features of anoscopy
What is anoscopy and how is the procedure performed?
At an appointment with a coloproctologist, the doctor must conduct an external examination of the anus and palpation of the lower parts
What is a daily urine test for protein, how to collect urine correctly?
Causes of increase Proteins (albumin and globulins) enter the urine due to the filtration function of the kidneys.
What is the relationship between menstruation and analysis?
What tests can and cannot be taken during menstruation?
» Blood tests A general or biochemical blood test or some other test is absolutely necessary
How to give urine correctly: for general analysis, according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, daily, for PCR studies
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creatine phosphokinase
Blood test for CPK: tables with norms and deviations of creatine kinase
What can affect CPK levels? Specific enzymes are examined in the blood, the amount of which
Anatomy of the human pelvis
Using MRI to diagnose diseases of the pelvic organs
A study such as magnetic resonance imaging was not an independent method literally two decades ago.
General information - Image No. 1
How to properly take blood tests for hormones in women in gynecology
To obtain reliable results from hormone tests, you need to prepare for them in a certain way. Endocrine
How to quickly increase platelets in the blood at home: effective methods
How to raise platelet levels First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the decrease in these blood cells and
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