MRI of the shoulder joint - the essence of the method
MRI of the shoulder joint - how it is done and interpretation of the results
MRI of the shoulder - features of the procedure Magnetic resonance imaging - a technique for obtaining images of organs, which involves the use
Neutrophilia in a child is the main sign of inflammation
The importance of neutrophils in the diagnosis of diseases Characteristics of cells As mentioned above, neutrophils are
Carrying out the procedure
Fluorography of a smoker. What does fluorography of a smoker’s lungs show: are changes visible?
Why is fluorography of the lungs done and what is the procedure? Fluorography is a type
blood from a child's vein
General blood test from a vein: what it shows, norms, interpretation
Any pathological process in the body is reflected in blood counts. Therefore, a blood test from a vein
ENMG examination of the upper extremities
ENMG of the upper extremities is the optimal way to quickly diagnose the condition of the nervous system and muscles
Electromyography is a method of recording the electrical activity of muscles at rest and during contraction. Neurologists
Types of X-ray examinations and radiation dose during X-rays
Properties of X-rays The following properties of X-rays have been used in medical practice: Enormous penetrating power. X-ray
MRI of the chest in the diagnosis of cardiac and pulmonary pathologies
Organs of the chest schematically Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to study the structure of the internal organs. The method provides comprehensive
Troponin: what is it, when and why is it screened for cardiac patients?
Troponin test is a biochemical analysis of blood composition, which makes it possible to detect the presence of
Basophils are reduced in adults and children: what does this mean?
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.02 898 Leukocytes Man exists in an ocean of microorganisms, not
Echoencephalography for children
(NSG) Neurosonography - what is it and when is the examination performed?
When is the procedure performed? This safe examination method is prescribed for adults and children. Used for detection
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