ELISA analysis - what is it, interpretation of the enzyme immunoassay blood test for parasites, syphilis, HIV, tuberculosis. Norm in the table, results
Analysis for syphilis ELISA - interpretation of the analysis. Norm and deviations.
Thanks to the development of modern medicine, when making a diagnosis, a doctor no longer needs to rely on indirect
MRI of the lumbosacral spine
MRI of the lumbar spine, what does it show?
Diagnosis of lumbago 9237 Currently, MRI of the lumbosacral spine is the most advanced and
Endoscopy - types, purpose, endoscopic operations
The rapid development of medicine, and in particular the discovery of new diagnostic techniques, provides an opportunity to carefully study
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) - what is it and how is the examination performed?
FGDS of the stomach is, in official medical language, gastroscopy. This term is from Greek
The meaning of reference (reference) values ​​in analyzes
The introduction of new concepts often negatively affects the psychological state of the patient when he examines the form
Norm of PTI in the blood of women, men and children by age
What is the coagulation system? The hemostasis system is very complex, it involves many tissue,
detailed blood test
Poor blood clotting (hypocoagulation): causes, diagnosis, how to treat?
It is not for nothing that there is an expression that blood is life. Through the blood vessels it
Platelet aggregation: what does it mean, types of tests, norms, reasons for fluctuations
Platelet aggregation - what is it? Platelet aggregation is a process in which cells stick together.
On what day of the cycle is mammography done?
Mammography - what kind of examination is it? How is a mammogram performed?
The state of the hormonal system affects the functioning of all organs and systems, this is especially noticeable
Performing a chest CT scan
What does a chest CT scan show, preparation, indications and contraindications
General information During the passage of X-rays, partial absorption of radiation occurs by human tissues, depending
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