Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy - what is it, interpretation of fetal ultrasound, indicators, normal uterine vessels, uterine arteries. Table by week
At what stage is Doppler ultrasound of the fetus, arteries and placenta done: what does Doppler ultrasound determine, how to decipher the results from the table
Features of the Doppler method during pregnancy is one of the types of functional ultrasound diagnostics that examines
Alpha amylase - what is it?
Alpha amylase in the blood: functions, norm in the analysis, pathology when the level changes
Elevated alpha-amylase in the blood - main symptoms: Pain in the right hypochondrium Diarrhea Weakness Nausea
Doppler ultrasound of BCA - what is it, the value of examination in diagnosing pathologies
Hemodynamic disorders of the central nervous system pose an enormous danger to life. Despite the long absence
2nd trimester screening: when is the second screening done?
2nd trimester screening: when is the second screening done?
The second screening is not a mandatory procedure; doctors prescribe it to pregnant women to confirm
Microbiological studies
What is an INR blood test, what is the norm and interpretation
General blood tests 09/23/201909/25/2019 Chernenko A. L. 857 Views many, general tests In this
What does an AFP blood test mean? Alpha fetoprotein: decoding
Any person can develop a malignant neoplasm. The danger of the disease lies in its long-term development without
Ultrasound of the genitourinary system: how to prepare, what organs are examined in men and women
Who is examined? Most often, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed in women with clear
Physics project 9th grade topic “Use of X-rays in medicine”
Briefly about radiography X-ray is an effective technique for diagnosing pathologies in the body. First time research
Densitometry - what is this procedure?
Densitometry: what is this procedure, how is it done, interpretation of the results
The first is considered the most accurate indicator of the content of mineral salts in bone tissue. Second no less
The normal level of iron in the blood of women 20, 30, 35, after 40, 60 years, during pregnancy
Iron levels in the blood for women and men by age, reasons for high and low levels, and what needs to be examined
The norm of iron in the blood for women is the most important indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the process of necessary blood formation
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