What is the risk of Rh conflict for a child (when the mother is positive and the father is negative) during pregnancy and compatibility table for parents’ blood groups
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.10.08 22 707 Blood test Every woman dreams of getting pregnant
How to test the thyroid gland - an overview of the necessary studies
The thyroid gland is one of the organs of the endocrine system. It is located in the area of ​​the cartilage of the same name
What do hemoglobin levels of 140 g/l mean in women, and why do they increase?
Hemoglobin 150 in a woman: reasons for the increase, normalization of the level and doctors’ recommendations
Iron deficiency in the blood is anemia, which can cause serious dysfunctions of the body and
What should normal feces look like in a newborn?
Blood in the stool of a baby: what do parents need to know when they detect blood streaks in the stool of a baby?
A baby's stool can tell a lot about his health. It is by the contents of the diaper that the mother determines
Computed tomography of the thoracic spine: what does it show and how to do it?
CT scan of the thoracic spine - what is it? The vertebral column plays a rather significant role.
Degrees of inflammation of the adenoids
Where are the adenoids in a child and what do they look like: photo
Modern diagnostics for adenoids includes many different types of examinations. One of them is radiography,
Blood for estradiol
On what day of the cycle is it correct to take a blood test for the hormone estradiol for women?
Low levels of the hormone, how to bring it back to normal A low level of estradiol is also observed with
Description of Kawasaki disease in children
Hereditary neutropenia and leukocyte abnormalities
Kawasaki disease (syndrome) in children: how dangerous is this systemic vasculitis? Description Many years without success
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All types of medical tests quickly and without waiting in line You need to take tests for hospitalization,
What is human chorionic ganodotropin
HCG levels in women without pregnancy. The value of the indicator for men
What is hCG Human chorionic gonadotropin is a unique hormone synthesized by chorion tissue almost immediately
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