Hemolytic anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment
Why does anemia occur, and what are the causes of its occurrence in adult men and women? Which
Scheme of the projection of the apexes of the roots of the teeth onto the skin of the face
X-ray methods for examining an orthopedic patient The main method of X-ray examination used in dental practice is
Second ultrasound
Screening and ultrasound during pregnancy: 5 main differences
What is screening? In fact, everything is quite simple. This term refers to the control complex
Sick leave after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst: how many days does it last?
Sick leave after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst: how many days does it last?
Laparoscopy is one of the low-traumatic methods of surgical gynecology, which allows you to do without a layer-by-layer incision
checking globulin levels
SHBG hormone: what is it in women, the norm by age, reasons for deficiency and high levels
According to medical statistics, a greater amount of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is present in the female body.
Where to donate sperm
The nuances of donating blood for platelets, what are the dangers of thrombocytopheresis?
The procedure for a donor to donate platelets for medical purposes is called thrombocytopheresis. You can donate them voluntarily by visiting
Antibodies during pregnancy, what to do
Analysis for antibodies and titers for Rh conflict during pregnancy - treatment and prevention
Hello, dear readers! In order to increase the chances of bearing healthy offspring, it is better to get pregnant
Turning off the patient's consciousness during surgery
What kind of anesthesia is used during laparoscopy and how is the procedure performed?
Laparoscopy has become a widespread method in surgery and gynecology. The operation is that
What can happen after colposcopy and how to behave
Home Copy Colposcopy 02/12/2019 Colposcopy is a gynecological, low-traumatic procedure that helps the doctor see diseases
How to recognize a stroke
MRI for ischemic stroke shows inflammation, blood flow disorders, blockage of blood vessels and veins with blood clots
Disruption of blood supply to brain tissue (stroke) is a pathology that occurs due to damage to blood vessels or
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