CT scan
CT scan of the lower extremities: indications, methodology, alternative methods
Computed tomography is an x-ray research method that makes it possible to visualize the human body layer by layer.
Pathogenic microorganisms
What tests for STIs exist - description and preparation
STIs are infections that are transmitted during unprotected sexual contact. Theirs by right
photo 7
Photo of ultrasound of a boy and a girl: differences and common features of fetuses of different sexes
The birth of a child is deservedly called a real miracle, and most future parents want to find out the gender in advance
What to do after laparoscopy. Pregnancy after laparoscopy indications, contraindications, photos
Recovery after laparoscopy: limitations during rehabilitation, doctor’s recommendations
Rehabilitation after laparoscopy Recovery after surgery takes from 2 to 4 weeks - in
Possibilities of puncture biopsy under ultrasound control in the diagnosis of mammary gland diseases
Breast biopsy is the most reliable method of differential diagnosis between benign and
error in determining gender
Reasons for incorrectly determining the sex of a baby during an ultrasound examination
As soon as she sees the long-awaited two stripes, a woman begins to wonder whether she is expecting a boy
Where are the human lungs located?
Human lungs - how do the main organs of the respiratory system work?
It is important to know what the lungs are, where they are located in a person, and what functions they perform. Organ
Osteomyelitis of the leg: clinical picture and therapeutic measures
Every person during his long life is faced with various diseases, which can sometimes be overcome
EEG video monitoring
Method for diagnosing epiactivity on EEG: features of the procedure
Such a severe pathology as epilepsy is traditionally difficult to diagnose. Its most characteristic symptom is
Features of CT scan of the mammary glands: how the study is carried out, what it shows
What is computed tomography Pros and cons Contraindications to CT PET CT scan of the breast
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