A boy undergoes echocardiography of his heart
Ultrasound of a child’s heart is a quick and harmless diagnostic method.
A specialist prescribes an ultrasound of the child’s heart to examine the organ with pinpoint accuracy and identify abnormalities.
female pelvis
How does the small pelvis work in women, and what can be seen in the photo in the anatomical atlas?
The structure of the pelvis It is possible to distinguish certain components in the named part of the skeleton: the sacrum, the coccyx and two
ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy
26th week of pregnancy: fetal development, full description, photo, ultrasound
The last trimester of pregnancy begins at 26 weeks. It is rightfully considered the most difficult for
Abdominal ultrasound: what it is, indications, stages of preparation for the procedure, which organs are examined
What is an abdominal ultrasound? Abdominal ultrasound (transabdominal) is one of the types of ultrasound diagnostics,
Ultrasound of a month old baby
What examinations should a child undergo in the first year of life?
Examination When your baby turns 1 month old, it’s time for you to check the child’s health. Initial
An ultrasound determines the obstetric or embryonic period. Obstetric and ultrasound terms - differences and norms
The availability of ultrasound diagnostics allows a woman who has just learned about her pregnancy not to speculate
ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy (19 photos): normal indicators and interpretation, fetal size - table
From the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby takes its final position in the uterus. Besides that
pregnancy ultrasound
Ultrasound examination at 25 weeks of pregnancy
Having passed the twenty-five week mark of pregnancy, a woman is getting closer to the third trimester,
ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy
Why do you need an ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy, what is the weight and height of the child?
The 36th week of pregnancy is considered the beginning of the last month in the development of the fetus, its intrauterine life. On
photo 2
Normal and abnormalities of fetal development during ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy
The 23rd obstetric week is the 21st week from conception. If we consider normal months, then
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