Platelets are normal. Platelets during pregnancy
Normal platelet count in expectant mothers and the risk of increased/lowered levels
Before answering the question: “what should the platelet rate be during pregnancy?”, we note:
Causes of blood in the stool in an adult
Mucus and blood in the stool in an adult: causes and treatment
What diseases does blood indicate? Blood in the stool is a sign of intestinal damage. Fine
Test for rotavirus: how to take it, preparation and collection of stool
Rotavirus is an infection that enters the intestines through the mouth and is more common in children. 100%
Important tests when planning pregnancy
Tests and examinations necessary before planning a pregnancy.
Preparing for conception is a very important period in the life of a woman and a man. For a long time
hysteroscopy and laparoscopy simultaneously
Hysteroscopy simultaneously with laparoscopy in gynecology
Infertility is a serious challenge for a woman. The world's leading experts are fighting the threat to motherhood.
cartyotype analysis
Karyotype study (quantitative and structural abnormalities of chromosomes) in peripheral blood lymphocytes (1 person)
Karyotype analysis can be done by people who would like to check their health and their
Polyps in the uterus
How is the postoperative period after hysteroscopy (removal of polyps in the uterus)
The growth of a polyp from the epithelium in the uterine cavity is a common phenomenon in women, regardless of
Taking blood from a vein
What is an empty stomach: definition, features, useful information
A blood test is one of the most revealing diagnostic procedures. With this analysis it is possible
Decoding the results of fecal coprogram in an infant
How to properly take a stool test in an infant - features of collection and storage, quantities for different studies
Preparation for analysis In order for the result to reflect reality as much as possible, the analysis must be collected after correctly performed
PCR for chlamydia: how it is taken from women and men, interpretation of the result
PCR analysis for chlamydia is one of the most effective methods for identifying
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