Somatoscopy: nuances of assessing the physiological and anatomical aspects of the human body

The essence of the method

The somatoscopy method allows us to determine, first of all, the physical form of a person. However, the results of the examination largely depend on the experience and competence of the doctor. To obtain the most accurate data, somatoscopy is combined with additional instrumental diagnostic methods.

As a result, not only the physique and musculoskeletal system are assessed, but also fat accumulation (type, degree, character), sexual maturity (and gradual maturation), and characteristics of the skin and mucous membranes. The teeth are examined for the subsequent preparation of a formula.

Features of self-toscopy

Somatometry is carried out to obtain a general impression of a person’s physical potential. This is a rather subjective form of examination. The results largely depend on the degree of competence, experience, and professionalism of the person conducting the research.

To obtain the most reliable data, it is recommended to combine the methodical approach with instrumental measurements. The discipline includes the following aspects:

  1. Assessment of the state of the formations of the musculoskeletal system (shape of the skull and chest, anatomical and physiological features of the limbs, type and type of posture, degree of muscle development);
  2. Nature, degree, type of fat deposits on the human body;
  3. Analysis of the degree of puberty at this particular stage of life and, in general, the characteristics of the body from the perspective of gender;
  4. Identification of the characteristic features of the dermal tissue, as well as mucous membranes;
  5. Professional examination of teeth followed by the formation of a dental formula.

Basic physical parameters

Physical development is characterized by many factors. A person can rarely regulate them on his own. Physical development is based on genetics, then phenotype (after birth). Important factors are living conditions, the influence of the environment and society - all the necessary conditions for normal existence.

When determining physical development, it is assessed how healthy a person is considered in principle. The development of different skills depends on physique, strength, and lifestyle. For example, the fitness of the body is determined by the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system.

Many functional and morphological parameters, general characteristics, and a person’s ability to physically and mentally adapt subsequently depend on this. Based on the above, the basic parameters are determined.

Research methodology

Somatometry is a diagnosis that involves taking measurements of body parts. To obtain data that should be compared with anthropometry, measurements are taken on an empty stomach, in the morning, at the same time. Body length (sitting and standing) is assessed using a stadiometer or anthropometer, and limb length using a centimeter tape. With its help, the chest circumference is determined during exhalation, inhalation and pause.

The shoulder circumference is carried out in two states - when it is tense and relaxed. The hips are measured without muscle tension, in a standing position. Body weight is determined on a scale, lung capacity is determined using a spirometer.

The diagnosis then continues with an assessment of posture and skull. A person is examined in three positions - front, back and side. The body is examined for asymmetry in the shoulder region.

The position and shape of the head, skull, chest, limbs and pelvis are examined. First, the emphasis is on symmetry. When examining the skull, the difference between the anteroposterior and transverse distance is assessed. The form can be dolicho-, meso- and brachycephalic. Must be assessed:

  • structure of the brain part of the skull;
  • absence or presence of thickened seams;
  • bone asymmetry;
  • crown structure;
  • protrusions in the area of ​​the fontanel.

During the examination, the doctor evaluates the development of the body in general, taking into account all identified abnormalities. Puberty is assessed by hair growth in the armpits, face, and body. In girls, the growth of the mammary glands is additionally monitored; in boys, the development of the Adam's apple and changes in voice are monitored.


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Injuries of the musculoskeletal system Among the injuries of the musculoskeletal system, the most common are bruises, damage to the capsular ligamentous system, sprains, ruptures of muscles, tendons and fascia, bone fractures, subluxations and dislocations

Nervous system injuries Most sports injuries to the skull are accompanied by brain injuries, which are divided into concussion, brain contusion and brain compression. Any of these injuries causes one or another

Injuries to internal organs Strong blows to the abdomen, chest, lumbar region, perineum, especially if they are accompanied by fractures of the ribs, sternum, pelvic bones, can lead to damage to the liver, spleen

Injuries to the nose, ear, larynx, teeth and eyes Injuries to the nose can be caused by a blow from a boxing glove, an opponent's head, a ball, a stick, a bruise from falling face down, etc. This may result in nosebleeds or a fracture

Overtraining and overexertion In the process of regular training, the functional capabilities of the athlete's body expand, and a gradual formation and development of fitness occurs. The basis of fitness development is

Acute pathological conditions Acute pathological conditions by their nature are a complex of pathological reactions, processes and conditions discussed in Chapter. II. This type of condition disrupts general functioning.

Fainting Fainting includes cases with short-term complete or partial loss of consciousness. Prolonged loss or stupefaction of consciousness is referred to as “coma.” Fainting conditions

Acute myocardial overstrain Acute myocardial overstrain develops in direct connection with intense muscular work. It can have a wide variety of manifestations - from pain in the heart area to acute cardiac failure.

Hypoglycemic state Hypoglycemic state is associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels - hypoglycemia. This acute pathological condition develops mainly during long and short running competitions.

Heat and sunstroke Heat and sunstroke (especially heat) are conditions that threaten human life. Heat stroke occurs due to a violation of heat transfer. As is known, heat transfer to the organ

Drowning Swimming is increasingly being introduced into mass physical culture. In this regard, teachers and trainers of water sports, as well as persons working in pioneer camps located near rivers, lakes

Average values ​​of signs of physical development of athletes Sports specialization Anthropometric indicators Total body dimensions Diameters, cm length

Converting the time spent on 30 pulse beats into heart rate per minute Time, with heart rate, beats/min Time, with heart rate, beats/min Time, with heart rate, beats/min 22.0

Age standards for starting various sports in children's sports schools Age, years Type of sport (initial training) 7-8 Swimming, gymnastics 8-9 Figure skating

Approximate timing of athletes’ admission to training sessions after injuries to the musculoskeletal system Nature of injury Timing for resumption of training Clavicle fractures 6-8 weeks

Units of measurement of physical quantities used in sports medicine Name of the physical quantity Unit of measurement Designation and name in the SI system Conversion to other units of measure

Condition of the musculoskeletal system and assessment of body type

During an external examination, somatoscopy makes it possible to determine the body type. There are three main forms:

  • normosthenic (proportional);
  • asthenic (characterized by a violation of proportions to longitudinal dimensions);
  • hypersthenic (asymmetry to transverse parameters).

However, just determining your body type is not enough. For a complete analysis, all parameters must be measured. The leading ones are: the shape of the abdomen, legs, chest, bones, fat and muscle tissue.

Rib cage

To correctly assess the chest, it is examined from two positions - frontal and sagittal. There are 3 main forms:

  1. Cylindrical is the most common. Characterized by smooth truncation of apertures (lower and upper).
  2. Flat is usually observed in young children or during adolescence. At the same time, the muscles are not very developed. In adults, excessive flatness accompanies a number of diseases that can lead to complete asthenia of the body.
  3. The conical shape is normal. It is typical for athletes or people who experience heavy physical activity. However, the conical shape can also characterize pathologies in people who are obese or have advanced pulmonary diseases.

Health problems are also indicated by deformations accompanied by asymmetry of the skeletal system or organs that are connected to the chest.

Posture is the position in which a person stands at ease. In this case, the head and body are straight and held in this position without muscle tension. Normal posture should be straight, without curvature of the spine in any direction. Bends in the cervical and lumbar region are allowed (in the range of 3-5 centimeters). In this case, the shoulders should be pulled back and the head raised. The stomach is pulled in and the chest protrudes slightly. Pathological changes in posture:

  1. By over-straightening, the curves are smoothed out. However, the functioning of the spine is disrupted. A person’s gait changes, and any actions that are caused by sudden movements, walking or physical effort become difficult.
  2. With kyphotic posture, the lumbar and cervical regions are enlarged, the shoulders and head drop down, and the stomach protrudes forward. At the same time, there is a curvature of the spine.
  3. Lordotic posture is characterized by increased curvature in the lumbar region. The stomach protrudes forward, and the upper body is slightly thrown back. This posture may be normal in preschoolers, but in adults it indicates pathological processes.

When stooping, the cervical curve is increased, and the lumbar curve is smoothed. The shoulders are lowered and the head is tilted forward. This posture is often found in teenagers who “hunch over” in an attempt to appear shorter and smooth out their angularity.

Lower limbs

The lower limbs are examined in a standing position. Normally, the legs touch at the knees and the middle of the ankles (their inner part).

X-shaped - when the joints overlap each other, but the ankles do not touch. More often this form is typical for preschoolers. Subsequently, the legs acquire a normal appearance. The X form occurs in obese people (due to increased fat deposition in the thighs).

O-shaped limbs when the knees do not touch. This can occur against the background of pathologies of the skeletal system. If this is a sign of rickets, then the deformities are determined by palpation. Thickenings in the form of bracelets are felt. With rickets, the legs and hips (saber-shaped limbs) can also be bent.


When diagnosing the feet, the width of the isthmus, the vertical of the tendon axes, and the supporting surfaces are determined. Additionally, the heels are examined during loading. There are three types of feet:

  1. Norm . It is characterized by a narrow isthmus, the vertical axes are on the same line and perpendicular to the supporting surface.
  2. Flattened . It is distinguished by a wide isthmus, the outer edge is more convex. The verticals of the axes are perpendicular to the supporting surface.
  3. Flat . The isthmus is located across the entire width of the foot (or most of it), the vertical axes and the Achilles tendon form an angle.

To ensure reliable results, a fingerprint is required. The final results are obtained using special calculations. The first method is according to Strieter, the second is according to Yaralov-Yaralyants.

Assessment of the condition of the spine and muscles

The spine is examined in the sagittal and frontal planes. Curves (including, if any, pathological) and the degree of scoliosis are assessed. Violations are divided into three degrees:

  1. The first is functional deformation, easily corrected with physical activity and muscle tension.
  2. The second is that the violations are persistent and do not appear after muscle strain.
  3. Third, deformations of the pelvic and chest bones are additionally detected.

When assessing muscles, the condition and amount of muscle tissue is taken into account. It may be underdeveloped, elasticity and relief are absent, the stomach sags. The average degree of development, when the listed indicators are more pronounced. At the same time, the stomach is tightened. Third degree – well-developed muscles.

Body fat assessment

The level of fat accumulation can be determined by bone and muscle relief (its severity). It is viewed visually. The degree of fat accumulation is determined by measuring general body parameters and the number of folds present. They are divided into three categories. The first is up to 5 mm, the second is 6-9 mm, the third is up to 10-15 in children and up to 10-22 mm in adults.

Spine assessment

Scoliosis detection

Its examination takes place in the sagittal (lateral) and frontal (direct) planes. In the lateral projection, the normal curves of the spine are assessed, as well as the presence of pathological curves, lordosis and kyphosis. The degree of scoliosis is assessed in the straight, frontal plane. The curvature of the spine can be to the left or right.

Violations can be of several degrees:

  • I degree – functional disorders that can be easily corrected through physical activity. They also disappear with muscle tension.
  • II degree – disorders are more persistent and do not disappear with normal muscle tension.
  • III degree - persistent disorders are accompanied by deformations of the bone apparatus, in particular, the chest and pelvic bones.

Examination of teeth and preparation of dental formula

The appearance of teeth is one of the indicators of proper development. The information obtained during the examination of the mouth is important for the final conclusion. From the base point and age-related changes, several periods are distinguished:

  1. Up to 2.5 years, when baby teeth are actively erupting.
  2. Age 2.5-6.5 years. During this period, teething ends and the dentition is formed.
  3. From 6.5-12 years old, milk ones change to permanent ones.

During the examination, the number of incisors, their shape, color, and location are specified. It is important what condition the hard tissues are in, whether there are inflammatory or pathological processes. All healthy and diseased teeth are identified. As a result, an individual dental formula is drawn up.

Assessment of the condition of mucous membranes and skin

To check the mucous membranes, the gums and lower eyelids are examined. Their color is taken into account (pink, jaundiced, pale, etc.). The mucous membranes are examined for the presence of hemorrhages or plaque.

Features of the skin

Skin is assessed based on external characteristics

ColorNormally pink. However, it may be icteric, pale, cyanotic. Sometimes partial or general hyperemia is observed, and the venous network is clearly visible.
PigmentCan be localized on any part of the body.
Focal skin depositsChanging its surface, color. Subcutaneous hemorrhages, erythema, eczema or peeling are visible. Striae, purulent or ulcerative lesions may be detected.
ElasticityThe skin lifts. If the fold disappears quickly, the elasticity is normal. If there are violations, the skin does not straighten out for a long time.
TurgorA small area of ​​soft tissue is compressed on the inside of the thigh. With pronounced turgor, resistance is felt; with weak turgor, it is absent.
HumidityThe skin may be dry, moist, or sweaty.

The skin is also examined for the presence of scars. They may appear after injury or surgery.

Assessment of physical development is necessary to correct any disorders that may become apparent in childhood. Many deformations can be easily eliminated. Violations may be associated with rickets. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this can lead to serious consequences and disability. Therefore, children's parameters are assessed more carefully.

Rib cage

To fully assess the parameters and shape of the chest, the formation is examined from the sagittal and frontal positions. There are three standard chest shapes:

  1. Cylindrical. The most common form. Features smooth truncation of the upper and lower apertures;
  2. The flat shape is more common in children and adolescents who do not have particularly developed muscles. In older age, excessive flatness indicates a number of pathologies that can occur in the body and lead to total asthenia of the entire body;
  3. The conical chest is recognized as a normal variant. Most often, this form is characteristic of people actively involved in sports or heavy physical labor. As a manifestation of pathology, conical cells are observed in people with severe obesity or advanced forms of pulmonary diseases.

Deformations that manifest themselves as very noticeable asymmetric phenomena also indicate problems with human health. We are talking about ailments of the entire skeletal system or problems associated exclusively with the chest organs.

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