Blood test for tuberculosis instead of fluorography during pregnancy
How to replace fluorography Description Analog and digital X-ray X-ray of the lungs, both analog and
All contraindications to colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is a diagnostic method that is used to assess the condition of the colon mucosa. Study
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Reproductive surgery in gynecology
Laparoscopic surgeries Laparoscopic surgery is a modern minimally invasive method in gynecological treatment in Chelyabinsk and
Blood test for lamblia, roundworms, helminths
Blood and feces test for roundworms, its interpretation and how to take it correctly
If roundworms live in the human body for a long time, then the disease begins under
Colonoscopy of the intestine, how long does it take?
Duration of colonoscopy Colonoscopy is a diagnostic examination of the rectum and large intestine using a special device -
Biochemical screening 1st trimester
What is biochemical screening of the 1st trimester: interpretation and norms
Screening translated from English means “sorting” - in fact, this examination plays
What is rheovasography of the lower extremities, when is it prescribed and how to prepare for diagnosis?
A person in the modern world has to deal with a huge number of stressful situations, severe nervous, mental
How often can you donate blood to men and women?
Mantoux is not done often - the standard schedule involves diagnosing tuberculosis once every
Genetic double: genetic research, rules for taking it, carrying out the procedure, tests and decoding of indicators (7 photos)
Types of genetic analysis Depending on the purpose of the study, the following types of genetic analysis are distinguished:
Magnetic resonance imaging: features, advantages and disadvantages
Open-type magnetic resonance imaging The first tomographs without a restrictive tunnel were designed for the needs of veterinary
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