Stool analysis for salmonellosis
Salmonellosis: three types of infection, symptoms, treatment, complications
Analysis for salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is a dangerous food infection that can be contracted if
bds treatment
What is FGDS - the essence and purpose of the procedure, its results
A gastric biopsy is a diagnostic procedure of taking a sample of tissue from the gastric mucosa and then studying
X-ray of the esophagus with barium
X-ray of the stomach: reasons for prescribing and algorithm
X-ray of the stomach is one of the methods for diagnosing various diseases and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Examination procedure using a tomograph
Correct diagnosis: which MRI to do for headaches?
Types Among all types of headaches, migraine and standard tension are the most common.
Marriage in the lungs. What pathologies of the respiratory system are deadly?
Attacks of bronchitis One of the fairly common diseases, which is often underestimated by many, is bronchitis. It represents
Photo 1
X-ray picture of stomach cancer depending on the location of the tumor
The X-ray method has been used to diagnose gastric pathology since the beginning of the 20th century. It refers to
Taking an MRI
MSCT or MRI of the brain, which study to choose?
The advent of X-rays was a real revolution in diagnostics: doctors were able to see images of internal organs,
X-ray of the knee joint
X-ray method in the diagnosis of joint diseases
The radiographic research method was originally used to study the musculoskeletal system. It allows you to obtain information about
What is angiodystonia of the hypertensive type?
Angiodystonic syndromes (neurocirculatory dystonia) of occupational origin
04/14/2017 Last modified: July 27th, 2020 at 03:48 pm Angiodystonia (otherwise called vascular dystonia,
X-ray during menstruation - possible dangers and consequences
The female body is susceptible to any environmental changes. It is known that the menstrual cycle can be disrupted
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