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What will an ultrasound show during pregnancy in the 9th week: photo, fetal size and other important indicators
Every mother, regardless of age, wants to give birth to a healthy baby. Excitement and anxiety of a pregnant woman
When is an ultrasound of the fetal heart performed? Fetal heart rate monitoring
Timing of detection and fetal heart rate You can detect the baby’s heartbeat early
ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches
Ultrasound with Dopplerography of abdominal vessels at ON CLINIC
Modern medicine is the most effective treatment based on accurate results of highly informative diagnostics. Doctors
Pregnant women with scans
At what stage and in how many weeks is an ultrasound done during pregnancy in the third trimester: what they look at, explanation
An ultrasound examination can be called the “eyes” of a gynecologist, with the help of which he observes the course of
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit
How to perform an ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the armpit: indications, preparation, performance, possible errors
Indications and contraindications The main indications for ultrasound of lymph nodes in the armpit are divided into absolute and
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4 weeks of pregnancy from conception. What happens to the baby, mother, ultrasound photo of the fetus
Every day of a pregnant woman is felt with trepidation and excitement. After 4 weeks, the expectant mother
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What will the ultrasound result show at 7 weeks of pregnancy: is it possible to do the study?
Pregnancy for a woman is an exciting and responsible period associated with the birth of a long-awaited baby. State
Ultrasound image of 10 weeks of pregnancy
What is visible on an ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy and is it worth doing it: normal and abnormalities
At the present stage of development of medicine, ultrasound examination is an integral part of diagnosing the female body in
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11th week of pregnancy is a serious reason to do an ultrasound
Ultrasound at the 11th week of pregnancy is a unique research method that allows you to organize the first
TRUS of the prostate gland: purposes, preparation, possible diseases
TRUSY. Preparation for examination of the prostate gland, bladder, interpretation of results
5268 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 6 minutes AA TRUS of the prostate
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