Laparoscopy of appendicitis (removal of the appendix using the laparoscopic method): how is the operation performed and how long does the postoperative period last?
A progressive surgical method of diagnosis and surgical intervention - laparoscopy, is successfully used for the treatment of gastrointestinal
Red blood cells in the blood are low in adults and children. What does this mean, reasons, how to increase
Why red blood cells decrease in the blood: common causes and methods for correcting indicators
The role of red blood cells in the body Red blood cells are blood cells that perform one of the most
Medicine capsules for high creatinine
How to lower creatinine in the blood using folk remedies
Blood biochemistry 07/13/201801/24/2019 Chernenko A. L. 1909 Views creatinine Creatinine is the end products of protein
Disorders of the renal glomeruli
Analysis for the presence of Bence Jones protein in urine: what it shows, why it is done, methodology
What is the Bence-Jones tumor marker Proteins are proteins that contain α-amino acids, which are a single
Lymphogranulomatosis symptoms in adults and children. Cancer or not? Treatment, blood tests and prognosis
June 22, 2018 Oncology Katya Tkach Recently, diseases associated with oncology have become more frequent,
Hypochromia in a general blood test in a child, women, men, causes, treatment
Microcytosis in a general blood test (microcytic anemia): what it is, causes in adults and children, symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Causes of occurrence Hypochromic anemia can occur for the following reasons: blood loss, which can be chronic
Revmotests - what is it? Blood test for rheumatic tests: norms
Analysis for rheumatic tests, what is it? The study is a complex of biochemical studies that is aimed at
Tumor markers
Blood test for tumor marker SCC: interpretation and norm
What are tumor markers? Tumor markers, or tumor markers as they are also called, are specific
Characteristics of 4 blood groups with positive Rhesus, compatibility with other groups
Features (characteristics) of men and women with 4 (fourth) blood group with positive or negative Rhesus
This blood group was discovered later than others. The first three were discovered in 1900 by the Austrian Karl
Study of throat microflora
A swab from the throat and nose is the norm, what does it show?
The result of the study The results of the study are written out by microbiologists on a special form. To decipher the result of a smear from
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