What does fluorography show and what diseases can it detect?
X-ray examination: positive and negative aspects of the procedure X-ray of healthy lungs X-ray examination is based
Ultrasound of the sinuses
Diagnostics of the nose: how to assess the condition of the nasal cavity and sinuses
Types of endoscopy Examination of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can be done in several ways. It all depends on the character
How is an MRI of the elbow joint performed and what does it show?
What pathologies of the elbow joint are detected on MRI? In the area of ​​the elbow there are three joints, united
Is it normal to have a stomach ache after an FGD?
Preparatory period The essence of FGDS is that through the mouth into the pharynx and beyond
MRI scan of the brain
Reliability of CT research. Can anyone make mistakes? Reliability of computed tomography results. Problems.
Accuracy of the method: can MRI make mistakes in diagnosis? To obtain images, a device is used that
Features of performing a CT scan of the bladder, when is this procedure necessary, what do the images show?
Detected pathology Trauma and wounds CT allows one to assess the integrity of the bladder wall, its shape,
Causes of lumbar intervertebral hernia
Signs of the disease The doctor sees the vertebra itself and the spinal hernia on an x-ray, if you have
The branches of the pulmonary arteries correspond to the segmental structure of the lungs
Anatomy of the lungs: segments on x-ray and CT, the course of the bronchi.
Features of the structure of the lungs The lungs themselves are organs that ensure gas exchange between the blood and the environment.
Carrying out fluorography
X-ray of the lungs for tuberculosis: infiltrative, miliary, focal
What can be seen using fluorography This diagnostic method is very common for early detection
Mantoux test
Mantoux test and fluorography. How to determine tuberculosis in a child?
Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease that claimed thousands of lives at the beginning of the last century, now
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