CT liver
Computed tomography of the liver: cases of prescription, preparation and contraindications
What does a liver CT scan show? CT scan with contrast Indications Contraindications Preparation for the examination How it is performed
X-ray of the hand: preparation for the procedure, interpretation and normal indicators
X-ray of the hand and wrist is a way to study their internal structure without invasive intervention. Brush
Additional diagnosis of heel spurs
Indications for an X-ray of the heel, features of the diagnostic procedure
Radiography remains the most popular method for diagnosing many diseases to this day. Especially widely
MRI power
How to choose an MRI: save money without losing the quality of the examination
Magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic method based on the use of radiomagnetic radiation, the MRI power determines the voltage,
Taking an ECG
ECG: how is it done? Preparation, step by step procedure
Electrocardiography is an accessible and informative procedure for diagnosing cardiac pathologies. The essence of the method is to fix
Patient undergoing lung ultrasound
What an ultrasound of the pleural cavity of the lungs will tell you about, how an ultrasound is done and what they look for
Ultrasound of the pleural cavity is used if diseases in this structure and adjacent tissues are suspected. IN
Ultrasound for newborns
Ultrasound of the brain in newborns interpretation table
Ultrasound of the brain in an infant is the most common way to examine parts of the central nervous system and their blood vessels
How to prepare for a colonoscopy with Lavacol
What is Lavacol: composition, release form and indications for use Lavacol is prescribed for colonoscopy,
What is an echo of the heart
Echocardiography of the heart: the essence of the method, its benefits, how the procedure works
Echo-CG, or echocardiography, is a simple and painless examination, which, thanks to ultrasonic vibrations, allows you to obtain
Bicycle ergometry (VEM): indications and contraindications, examination methods, analysis of results
What is its essence? VEM is a recording of an ECG (electrocardiogram) during minutes of physical activity.
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