High hemoglobin
High hemoglobin in women: causes of increase and methods of treatment
You are here: Blood test - Hemoglobin - High hemoglobin in women Etiology Symptoms Diagnostics
Kidney pain
Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys in women: everything you need to know
Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands is a non-invasive diagnostic method aimed at determining the function of organs and
Neutrophils are low: what does this mean, causes in adults, necessary examinations and treatment
Formed blood cells are represented by a wide group of cytological structures. According to the generally accepted classification, white blood cells
shift in leukocyte formula
Leukocyte formula (with microscopy of a blood smear to detect pathological changes)
From the article you will learn what the leukocyte formula of blood is, and a decoding of the analysis indicators
For what gynecological diseases is laparoscopy performed - preparation, operation and recovery
The surgical method of treatment is characterized by the fact that its use is always accompanied by damage to the tissues of the human body.
Total bilirubin in the blood of women
What is bilirubin in a biochemical blood test?
Bilirubin is a bile pigment, one of the main components of bile. It is mainly formed
Alkaline phosphatase in the blood is elevated: symptoms, causes, methods of correction
Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is found in all tissues of the human body, but in
Normal blood cholesterol levels in men: table of values ​​for different ages
How to avoid high blood cholesterol for women over 50
Many people are interested in a table that shows the norm of cholesterol in men by age. They
Elevated leukocytes in the blood of women - causes and consequences
Norm of leukocytes in the blood of women by age (table)
Ekaterina Smolnikova Practicing endocrinologist (10 years of experience). Has extensive experience working in private and
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment, what does it mean
Elevated platelets in the blood of women: causes, manifestations and methods of treatment
What does thrombocytosis mean? An increase in the number of platelets in the blood leads to thrombocytosis. This is a serious disease
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