white spot in the lungs on x-ray what could it be
Darkening in the lungs on fluorography: causes and how dangerous it is
If spots are found on the x-ray, do not despair. Not always the presence of darkening or
Low hemoglobin and high platelets in an adult
A little about platelets We need blood cells such as to maintain normal clotting
Herbal collection
What does every patient need to know about taking blood from a vein? What tests can be checked?
Why does hemolysis occur during blood sampling: 14,650 Blood tests are considered standard routine
magnetic resonance imaging of the lymph node
MRI of the cervical lymph nodes - in what cases is magnetic resonance imaging prescribed?
If you find enlarged lymph nodes, you should go to the doctor. Often the patient is referred for an MRI,
Median state
Magnetic resonance imaging of the mediastinum - detailed description with clinic addresses
The mediastinum is a complex of anatomical structures in the chest cavity. The mediastinum is divided into inferior and superior;
Doctor listening to patient
Interstitial pulmonary edema: symptoms and diagnosis
Causes of pulmonary edema Edema of the main organ of the respiratory system is a consequence of many diseases from the areas
The role of MRI in cancer diagnosis
Magnetic resonance imaging for cancer
This device is currently the most effective means of monitoring the condition of various
do an ultrasound
Ultrasound in Perovo (Novogireevo, Veshnyaki, Reutov). Clinic MedClub
Ultrasound at home is now offered in many modern clinics. This service is used quite a lot
Method for counting the number of red blood cells in the blood using a Goryaev camera
Counting red blood cells in the Goryaev chamber: formula with an example Goryaev chamber - an optical device necessary
photo 2
Ultrasound of a child’s kidneys: preparation, indications, interpretation - MEDSI
Renal ultrasound has become the diagnostic and imaging standard. It is performed on virtually all patients with
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