Ultrasound in Perovo (Novogireevo, Veshnyaki, Reutov). Clinic MedClub

Ultrasound at home is now offered in many modern clinics. This service is quite popular because it allows you to undergo this accurate and informative study not in a clinic, but at home, at any time convenient for you. At the same time, the accuracy and quality of the research does not change at all.

This became possible relatively recently, when compact and mobile ultrasound devices appeared. Stationary ones, used in clinics and medical institutions, are quite massive, but portable models fit into a relatively small suitcase. The device is used together with a laptop, which processes the signal and allows, using a special program, to obtain a clear ultrasound picture.

Who orders an ultrasound at home?

Carrying out ultrasound at home is quite popular, but people of certain categories turn to it most often:

  • Elderly people who find it difficult to move outside the home, getting to the clinic by transport.
  • People with temporarily limited mobility, recovering from injuries and serious illnesses.
  • People with disabilities.
  • Late pregnant women who find it difficult to get to the clinic, especially in unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Mothers with small children who have no one to leave with them during working hours to go to the clinic.
  • Children for whom visiting the clinic and having an ultrasound scan can become undesirable stress.
  • Just people who do not have free time to visit the clinic or do not like to be in them.

It is not so important why a person calls a doctor to perform an ultrasound at home; he will receive a complete and qualified examination according to the same standard as in the clinic.

Ultrasound for pregnant women

The use of ultrasound for pregnant women does not harm either the mother or the unborn child. In addition, thanks to modern devices, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional and complete image of the fetus, to identify certain developmental pathologies at different stages of pregnancy, depending on the period itself.

Examination during pregnancy is most often carried out at a period of 18 weeks, when the fetus has already formed and individual areas of the child can be examined in detail. This procedure is not only safe, but even pleasant for parents, because you can examine the fetus in detail, how the child moves his fingers, moves, and develops.

At the Medclub clinic you can undergo an ultrasound of any area or organ! The ultrasound procedure is performed by qualified uzologists. If necessary, you can get not only a description, but also an image and a memory recording.

What kind of ultrasound can be done at home?

Modern mobile ultrasound machines do not differ in their characteristics from stationary ones installed in medical offices. Therefore, at home, a doctor can conduct the same study as in the blade.

Also, a Doppler ultrasound can be performed at home, with the help of which the blood supply to individual organs is studied, as well as the speed of blood movement through the vessels, the structure of blood flow, the state of the vascular system and other parameters.

It is very important that when conducting this study at home, the doctor can draw up the same protocol and certify it with the necessary seals and signatures. That is, from both a medical and legal point of view, the result of an ultrasound will be no different from what was done in the clinic.

Of course, the cost of this study will be slightly higher, which is obvious, given that in addition to paying for the doctor’s work, it will also include his travel expenses. But this is a small price to pay for your own comfort and saving time and effort.

What's on the monitor?

Often lying on the couch during an ultrasound, we wonder what's on that monitor? During the study, dynamic images of the human body are obtained in different sections and these images must be “collapsed” into a spatial whole. To understand ultrasound, the anatomy of the area of ​​the body being examined must be well known and, in addition, one must be able to recognize the painful conditions of the areas being examined. All this, combined with a “steady” hand when carrying the sensor, forces one to immediately recognize the pathology. However, most often this is not so simple, so the research time in doubtful or difficult cases is extended.

In addition, the tests are standardized and each doctor scans the organs in a specific order, without missing any areas.

How to call a doctor to perform an ultrasound at home?

Today, more and more clinics are adding any type of ultrasound of all organs at home to their list of services. But that is why choosing a medical institution may take some time. You need to find clinic phone numbers, call them, find out what day and time you can call a doctor.

But with the “Your Doctor” service it has become much easier. You just need to go to the website and select the required service, and then analyze the offers of the clinics providing it.

But it’s even more convenient that on the website you can make an appointment at any of the clinics presented at a time convenient for you or even arrange a doctor’s call to your home.

Answers on questions

Despite the fact that almost all clinics, as well as private centers near your home, have ultrasound examination rooms, there are a lot of emergency and unforeseen situations when you may need an on-site ultrasound scan at home, working around the clock. For example, a small child suddenly feels ill, a bedridden relative’s condition worsens or sharp pain appears, alarming signs or complications appear during pregnancy - these are just a number of cases when you urgently need to dial the number of the 24-hour Hotline line.

For emergency cases, we have a 24-hour ultrasound service in Moscow, which carries out visits within 350 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

By contacting our medical service, you can not only call an ultrasound at home, but also immediately order an appointment with a specialist:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • surgeon

The price for a joint home visit by an ultrasound diagnostician and a doctor is lower, but you will receive comprehensive assistance, covering both examination and manipulation.

You can call an ultrasound with doctors at home in Moscow and the Moscow region on Tuesday and Thursday. On these days, ultrasound examinations can be performed from 9 am to 10 pm.

Cost of services and capabilities of mobile diagnostic equipment "Hotline"

Our website provides a detailed price list for basic services provided on scheduled (working) days: Tuesday, Thursday. If you need to do an ultrasound at home urgently for a fee, the price for a gynecological examination, as well as 3D/3D, of the heart, abdominal cavity and other organs will be higher.

Thanks to modern multifunctional portable equipment, which is used by specialists from the Hotline medical service, you can perform an ultrasound of all organs at home around the clock in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in particular:

  • kidney;
  • uterus (3D during pregnancy, common with gynecological diseases, bleeding);
  • cerebral vessels;
  • brachiocephalic vessels (USDG);
  • lower extremities (including their veins);
  • abdominal cavity (possibly 3D, but its cost is higher), etc.

If you want to undergo an abdominal ultrasound at home, you will need preliminary preparation for this two-stage ultrasound. It includes a special diet 3 days before the examination, taking sorbents or Espumisan.

The price of an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) at home consists of the cost of calling an ultrasound doctor and the price of the ultrasound examination performed:

Cost of calling an ultrasound doctor to your home.

The basic price for calling an ultrasound doctor to your home, country house, etc. on weekdays from 8:00 to 14:00.

When calling a doctor from 14:00 to 8:00, or on weekends and holidays, 200 rubles are added to the cost of the call.

Does accuracy depend on the quality of the device?

It can be said that ultrasound is like a very modern computer, so the progress in the development of ultrasound equipment is as dynamic as in the development of computer technology.

The best analogy to illustrate the speed of ultrasound machine development is to compare it to mobile phones - more than 20 years ago, GSM phones came to market with small displays with one line of text and traditional buttons. Nowadays, we have smartphones with high-resolution touch displays where the image quality is amazing. Such devices have many different functions, for example, we can make video calls in high definition. Today no one is surprised by this. Likewise with ultrasound machines - just a dozen years ago the picture was of low quality and “inaccurate” - today we can see much more. Therefore, before testing, it is worth checking what equipment a given laboratory uses. The “Class Clinic” technology, combined with many years of experience of the doctors performing the studies, guarantees results at the highest level.

Price for ultrasound at home.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
Ultrasound of the gallbladder with determination of function
Transabdominal ultrasound of the internal female genital organs
Ultrasound of the internal female genital organs transvaginally
Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy
Ultrasound of the uterus and fetus in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy
Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum
Ultrasound of the bladder
Ultrasound of the prostate gland transabdominal
Ultrasound of the prostate gland transrectal
Ultrasound of the scrotum
Ultrasound of the bladder with determination of residual urine
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland
Ultrasound of the mammary glands
Ultrasound of lymph nodes of 1-2 regions
Ultrasound of soft tissues
Ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities
Ultrasound of the arteries of the upper extremities
Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities
Ultrasound of the great vessels of the neck (B-mode)
Ultrasound of the knee joint
Ultrasound of the hip joint
Ultrasound of the ankle joint
Ultrasound of the shoulder joint
Ultrasound of the elbow joint
Doppler ultrasound of the upper extremities with physiological tests
Ultrasound of pleural cavities

Ultrasound at home is an indispensable discovery that makes it possible to establish a diagnosis in cases where a person cannot be transported to a medical institution for examination on a stationary scanner, or such transportation may aggravate his condition. Preparation for such a study may vary, depending on which organs need to be examined. The interpretation is also based on the type of ultrasound examination.

Is ultrasound diagnostics safe?

This method was carefully studied before being widely introduced into medicine. When using ultrasound, there is no harmful effect on the body. Over the years, technology has developed, the quality of the study has improved - it began to take less time, modern equipment allows you to give a very clear picture. Ultrasound is used for any indication; there are virtually no contraindications to its use (it is prohibited only in cases of skin damage of a certain nature).

Types of home examinations

At home, you can undergo examination of almost any organ that can be examined using ultrasound.

It is performed by a qualified sonologist using a portable ultrasound machine. You will receive a transcript, as in the case of an inpatient examination, immediately after the procedure is completed.

On-site (this is the same as at home) the following types of ultrasound diagnostics are performed:

  • brain
  • pelvis (uterus, appendages - in women, prostate, seminal vesicles - in men)
  • abdominal organs
  • kidneys, ureters, bladder
  • mammary glands
  • thyroid gland
  • any ultrasound examination of a child, including neurosonography and thymus
  • Doppler study of the vessels of the limbs, neck, head
  • joints
  • salivary glands
  • scrotal organs
  • hearts
  • pleural cavity
  • examination at any stage of pregnancy (both a transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound sensor can be used).

Ultrasound on site

In what cases is an ultrasound at home needed?

Anyone can undergo this study, especially since almost any organ can be “examined” with ultrasound. Having arranged a home visit, you:

  • avoid standing in line
  • greatly reduce the risk of infection
  • you will not be involved in traffic jams
  • save your nerves

which is especially important for pregnant women, people with immunodeficiency conditions (including after chemotherapy or radiation therapy) and people with heart disease.

It is important to undergo an examination at home in the cases listed below:

  • dizziness
  • loss of consciousness followed by full recovery
  • bleeding from the vagina - especially in pregnant women
  • increase in joint volume
  • lower back pain that radiates to the groin, scrotum, and genitals.

Service information

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a method for diagnosing diseases that is widely used in medicine. It is used for almost all areas of the human body, allowing specialists to have a greater understanding of the patient’s health in order to promptly identify possible malfunctions, the presence of pathologies or neoplasms.

Ultrasound is safe and does not require contrast agents (as with some types of MRI) or radiation. Diagnostics using ultrasound is the most informative. The affordability of this diagnostic method is also a big plus. Ultrasound is used to study patients of any age (even during pregnancy in women, to see how the baby is positioned and to determine its gender). The procedure is absolutely painless and often does not require any complex preparation measures.

Prices for ultrasound at home

Name of services and proceduresPrice
obstetrics and gynecology
Ultrasound examination of folliculogenesis (folliculometry)2100
Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages2700
Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands with regional lymph nodes2900
Early diagnosis of pregnancy2700
Transabdominal ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages2000
Ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, transabdominal and transvaginal2900
Comprehensive ultrasound examination for women (pelvic transabdominal, transvaginal, mammary glands, thyroid gland)5000
Kidney ultrasound1900
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands2900
Ultrasound examination of the adrenal glands1600
Ultrasound examination of the bladder with determination of residual urine1800
Ultrasound examination of the urinary tract3200
Ultrasound examination of the scrotal organs3200
Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland (with determination of residual urine) transabdominal and transrectal (TRUS)3000
Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands2000
Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland (with determination of residual urine) transabdominal2200
Abdominal organs
Ultrasound examination of the hepatobiliary zone2100
Ultrasound examination of the liver1900
Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and ducts1900
Ultrasound examination of the pancreas1500
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs (comprehensive) (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen)3900
Ultrasound examination of the spleen1500
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and kidneys4800
Endocrine and exocrine glands
Ultrasound examination of the salivary glands1600
Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland2600
Other ultrasounds
Ultrasound examination of regional lymph nodes (1 area)1050
Ultrasound examination of the pleural cavity2000
Ultrasound determination of fluid in the abdominal cavity1900
Preparing for school (boys) (ultrasound of the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, scrotal organs5000
Preparation for school (girls) (ultrasound of the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, uterus and appendages)5000
Ultrasound examination of soft tissues (one anatomical zone)1900


The doctor's visit is carried out by appointment.
Applications are accepted around the clock by calling the contact center: 8 495 532 13 13
(free call). Registration will not be carried out without confirmation of the application!

Ultrasound diagnostics is an integral procedure in making a diagnosis. Without ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor does not see the full clinical picture. For many years, such research has been actively used in all areas of medicine, and modern equipment makes it possible to examine internal organs and systems almost without error.

Rules for preparing for a home ultrasound

But, despite the fact that the ultrasound will be performed at home, it is necessary to prepare for it in a certain way, for which some standard rules are followed:

  • It is required to follow a diet three days before the study is carried out, as a result of which less gases will form inside the intestines and the results of the study will be more accurate. But it is allowed to eat cereal porridges, beef, poultry, boiled eggs, fish and cheese products, if they are not fatty. As for drinking liquid (regular water without gases!), you need to drink at least one and a half liters per day.
  • The ultrasound procedure itself should be performed on an empty stomach, so that at least 15 hours have passed since you last ate or drank.
  • It is not recommended to consume baked goods, bread products, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, sweet desserts, fatty fish, alcohol and soda, and strong coffee and juices.
  • For better digestion, it is recommended to use Festal, as well as Mezim, three times a day and this will help reduce the formation of gases. Drugs like disflatil, activated carbon, simethicone, and so on will also help.
  • People who often suffer from constipation are recommended to take some laxative drug, such as guttalax, duphalac or naturilax, before dinner the night before dinner. You can insert a suppository into the rectum along with glycerin, dulcolax, and so on.
  • You should not smoke before the ultrasound, chew gum, or suck on lollipops.

If a person is constantly taking any important medications, they should not be discontinued. However, it is necessary to warn the doctor. If you have the results of an ultrasound scan that you have had previously, it would be a good idea to show them to a medical specialist so that he can correctly assess the dynamics of the changes that have occurred in the body.

Price list. Ultrasound at home and additional examination
1An ultrasound doctor will visit your home. On weekdays during the daytime within the Moscow Ring Road. 1400
2An ultrasound doctor will visit your home. On weekends, holidays, after hours, outside the Moscow Ring Road. Check by phone.
3Ultrasound of the following organs at home: liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder, uterus, ovaries, thyroid gland, mammary gland, lymph nodes, prostate gland, scrotal organs, soft tissues, salivary glands. (the price is indicated for each organ for adults and children over 6 years old when examining more than 3 organs). +500
4A minimum set of examinations with an on-site ultrasound diagnostic doctor for adults and children over 6 years old (less than 3 organs).3200
5Ultrasound at home of the following organs: liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, soft tissues. The doctor, KMN, leaves. (the price is indicated for each organ for children from 0 to 6 years old when examining more than 3 organs). +700
6A minimum set of examinations with an on-site ultrasound diagnostic doctor for children from 0 to 6 years old (less than 3 organs).4200
7The use of color Doppler mapping (CDC) for additional diagnosis of pathological changes in organs.+1200
8Determination of residual urine.+500
9Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with a transvaginal sensor at home.+2300
10Ultrasound of the fetus at home (2nd and 3rd trimester)+4100
11Fetal ultrasound with Doppler at home (2nd and 3rd trimester)+5900
12Fetal Doppler at home (2nd and 3rd trimester)+2400
13Joint (shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, ankle).+2000
14Joints of the same name (pair).+3000
15Renal vessels and abdominal aorta (duplex scanning of veins and arteries)+3200
16Duplex scanning of veins of the lower extremities/upper extremities+5500
17Duplex scanning of the arteries of the lower extremities / upper extremities+5500
18Duplex scanning of vessels of the lower/upper extremities (veins and arteries).+7300
19Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic vessels of the neck. (BCA) +5500
20Duplex scanning of head vessels with functional tests for children from 1.5 to 6 years old.+5000
21Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck with functional tests for children 1.5 to 6 years old.+6500
22Duplex scanning of head vessels with functional tests for adults and children over 6 years old.+6000
23Duplex scanning of head and neck vessels with functional tests for adults and children over 6 years old.+7500
24Echocardiography of the heart with Doppler analysis. (Ultrasound of the heart). Adults and children over 6 years old. +3000
25Echocardiography of the heart with Doppler analysis. (Ultrasound of the heart). Children from 0 to 6 years old. +4100
26Hip joints in newborns.+3100
27Neurosonography with Doppler analysis. NSG for infants. +3100
28Additional examinations after ultrasound.
29Holter ECG monitoring (24 hours) at home. The examination conclusion is issued at the clinic after the Holter is returned or sent by email. +2700
30Combined 24-hour ECG+BP monitoring at home. The examination report is issued at the clinic after the equipment is returned or sent by email. +3900
31ECG at home (with interpretation and recommendations).+1300
32Consultation with a cardiologist at home.+1500
33Consultation with a therapist at home.+1500
34Consultation with a urologist at home.+1500
35Consultation and examination by a gynecologist at home.+1800
36Tests at home. (Blood sampling after ultrasound). For free.
37Tests at home (cost of tests)according to the price list for field studies
38Puncture of the thyroid gland, mammary glands, lymph nodes, soft tissues under ultrasound control (fine-needle aspiration biopsy) with cytological examination of the material - 1 formation+3100
39Delivery of test results, ECG, Holter monitoring by courier in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)400
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