Preparing for CT
Important tips and tricks when preparing for an abdominal CT scan
Preparing for a CT scan of the abdomen Preparing for a CT scan of the pelvis Preparing for a CT scan
Is cervical cancer visible on ultrasound?
Is cervical cancer visible on ultrasound: visualization of oncology in different types of examination
Oncological lesions in the uterine area are in 4th place in the frequency of diagnosis throughout
Blood test for electrolytes: description, testing, norm and deviations, features
Blood electrolytes: what they are, their functions and content levels
The body is a single and well-functioning system, any changes in which cause disturbances in
MRI of the pelvic bones.jpg
What does a CT scan of the pelvic bones show, preparation, contraindications
MRI of the pelvis is one of the most informative and safe methods
comparison of nerves
Magnetic resonance imaging for multiple sclerosis
In multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is destroyed. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central
MRI images of the liver
MRI of the liver - what contrast shows, preparation and indications
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver is a method of non-invasive examination of the gland and its ducts, which is based
X-ray diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction (AIO)
Currently, up to 15% of surgical interventions in patients admitted with symptoms of an acute abdomen are performed
Flora smear during pregnancy. Decoding and norm
Flora smear during pregnancy. Decoding and norm
A smear on the vaginal flora today is one of the most common tests that
colposcopy during menstruation
In what cases can colposcopy be done during menstruation?
In gynecology, a classic method for diagnosing cervical pathologies called colposcopy is often used.
MID in blood test: norm, interpretation and deviations from the norm
When receiving the results of a blood test, the MID is increased - what does this mean for
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