Carrying out fluorography at home for a bedridden patient

Perhaps there is no other science in the world that bears the name of its discoverer. Only medical radiology received such an honor, since the discovery of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen really turned out to be capable of working miracles. This type of research, such as radiography and fluoroscopy, gave rise to X-ray tomography, and with the introduction of computers into practice, it became possible to quickly obtain a digitized image without using the services of a photo laboratory. It was this opportunity that made it possible to perform x-rays at the patient’s home.

Portable X-ray machine

In what cases does a bedridden patient require fluorography?

Immobilized people are more likely to suffer from various pathologies. Lack of activity worsens blood circulation, since a prolonged horizontal position does not allow full breathing movements and provokes stagnation of blood in the pulmonary vessels. This creates all the prerequisites for hypostatic pneumonia.

Fluorography for a bedridden patient is necessary at the first appearance of the following symptoms:

  • slight cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • decreased appetite;
  • general weakness.

Important! If the pathology is not detected in a timely manner, the initial stage of pulmonary congestion in most cases will develop into double pneumonia.

In addition to congestion in the lung tissue, similar symptoms accompany the clinical picture of a number of diseases:

Disease Clinical picture Symptoms
Pneumosclerosis Replacement of pulmonary parenchyma with connective tissue Scanty cough with sputum, increasing as the disease progresses. Shortness of breath, aching chest pain.
Tuberculosis Lung infection (Koch bacillus) Dry cough, worsening at night, hemoptysis
Tumors Lung tissue proliferation Chest pain, shortness of breath

If you have a history of the above diseases and the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the lungs for timely treatment of pathological conditions.

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A portable x-ray diagnostic device will help you conduct research in any conditions, the quality of which is beyond doubt. In a short period of time, you will receive a diagnosis so that you can immediately contact the appropriate specialist and begin treatment.

How is an X-ray examination performed?

Bedridden patients are a certain group of people who cannot undergo preventive examination on a stationary device, since the filming of lung tissue occurs using X-rays, when the patient, standing, presses his chest against the screen, and the image of the organ is transferred to film in a reduced form. In another position (sitting or lying down), the traditional procedure cannot be performed.

Therefore, the natural question is how to perform fluorography on a bedridden patient. The advent of digital technology has made it possible to conduct X-ray examinations at home. Many clinics offer on-site services.

Note. Portable X-ray machines have a low tube power. If a person is obese (more than 120 kg), the image will be blurry due to the fat pad.

Fluorography at home for a bedridden patient has undeniable advantages, since the doctor arrives on the appointed day and time, performs the procedure on the spot and immediately gives a medical report. Relatives of a bedridden person save their time, maintain emotional balance, and do not worry about organizing transportation to the clinic. As a rule, an X-ray of the lungs at home is done with an unknown diagnosis, if the patient has a serious condition, accompanied by a severe cough and fever.

Fluorography of a bedridden patient can also be done in a hospital setting. To do this, you need to find out which nearby hospitals have a machine with X-ray capabilities in a horizontal position.

Next, you need to make an appointment and transport the patient to the destination and back.

Who gets x-rayed at home?

On-site diagnostics are necessary for people with limited mobility and people with disabilities who find it difficult or impossible to visit a clinic on their own.
As you get older, your risk of osteoporosis increases, which causes your bones to become brittle. Even slight falls can result in fractures. The doctor will take an urgent X-ray of the femoral neck, upper or lower extremities, and also apply a plaster or splint in a timely manner.

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What does a fluorographic image show?

After fluorography, the doctor receives an image on the basis of which he makes a conclusion.

An image from a portable device reveals the following deviations:

  • A pronounced pulmonary pattern indicates an inflammatory process, the presence of vascular pathologies and neoplasms. In this case, additional diagnostics are required.
  • The compacted roots of the pulmonary tree signal the formation of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Focal shadows indicate ongoing tuberculosis. Their sizes usually do not exceed a centimeter.
  • Pleural effusion indicates fluid accumulation in the lungs.
  • Areas of fibrous tissue indicate previous diseases.

Many conditions require confirmation of diagnosis and hospitalization. For more information, additional studies may be prescribed. Digital fluorography allows you to detect various pulmonary pathologies at the initial stage of development.

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Ensuring Patient Safety

There is an opinion that x-rays are harmful due to radiation. Therefore, relatives often ask the question of how to perform fluorography on a bedridden patient at home without harming their health. Modern digital devices can reduce radiation exposure several times. With X-rays of the lungs, the indicator ranges from 0.03 – 0.3 vSv per procedure. This is comparable to receiving a week's radiation during a normal life span.

According to the standards of the Russian Ministry of Health, the medical radiation dose should not exceed 1.4 VZm per year. Therefore, fluorography will not cause any significant harm to the health of a bedridden patient. Depending on the suspected disease, 1 or 2 pictures are taken. For annual diagnostics, only the front view is sufficient. The device has a special design that:

  • reduces lateral and scattered radiation;
  • does not leave residual radiation on pieces of furniture.

In addition, the patient is put on lead aprons that prevent radiation from penetrating into the body, and the thyroid gland area is covered.


You can order an x-ray at home in Moscow around the clock by calling the clinic or placing an order on a special website. Urgent diagnosis may be required in adult patients. A radiologist is called for a child only on clinical grounds.

Consultation with a local pediatrician is required.

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Indications for research:

  • Bruises, head and spine injuries.
  • Dislocations, suspected fractures of ribs, arms or legs.
  • Sprains of the hip, knee, elbow and ankle joints.
  • Long-term, severe infectious colds.
  • Pathologies of the lungs or bronchi.
  • Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, teeth.

A chest x-ray examines the organs, soft tissues and bones of this region.

Unlike fluorography, the method gives not only a general idea of ​​the lungs, bronchi, and heart, but also visualizes organs, vessels, and lymph nodes in a targeted manner with high accuracy.

Service cost

The cost of the service depends on the region of residence, the complexity of the diagnosis, the scale of the study and the number of projection images. Prices for 2020 range from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. If the doctor diagnoses a disease that requires hospital treatment, the patient is hospitalized.

Fluorography for a bedridden patient is an important diagnostic procedure that identifies pulmonary diseases of various etiologies. Based on the results of the examination, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment, which in most cases prevents the development of serious complications, which are not uncommon due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of X-ray examination at home include the ability to call a doctor around the clock, any day of the week, at a time convenient for the patient. The patient does not need to wait in line at the clinic; he is guaranteed an individual, attentive approach. The doctor will quickly take a picture and describe it.

After diagnosis, he will give recommendations on further actions, and, if necessary, provide first aid or organize emergency transportation to a medical facility.

To receive the service, you need to carefully choose a clinic. X-rays at home are always paid, and the cost of the service varies from one institution to another.

You need to study, compare price lists, and then call a specialist.

How are patients deceived?

The media repeatedly talks about cases of fraud that relate to radiologist visiting patients at home. People leave applications on specialized websites, and they are often visited by doctors who are not doctors. Usually, scammers come to pensioners and, easily gaining trust, accept payment for services and medicines.

X-ray machine

If the patient is attentive, he may suspect that the procedure is not being performed by real doctors. According to reviews from defrauded clients, the scammers provided low-quality photographs, refused to present a certificate for the activity being carried out, and did not leave receipts. The use of old and bulky devices was also noted.

Carrying out X-rays at home makes life easier for patients and allows you to stop the progressing disease in time. It is important to remain vigilant when calling doctors to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

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