Cardiotocography device fixed on the abdomen of a pregnant woman
Fetal CTG is normal. Fetal CTG is normal at 36 weeks. How to decipher fetal CTG
When the expectant mother feels the movements of the fetus, it is wonderful: the pregnant woman knows that she has
Electrocardiography during pregnancy: a method that should not be neglected
An ECG is a procedure that allows you to track the rhythm of the heart. A graph of heart activity is displayed on a paper strip
Urine test jar
Types of unpleasant urine odors in women and their causes
Uncharacteristic odor of urine not associated with diseases Healthy people have a repulsive odor of urine
Norm and pathology
Is it possible to do colposcopy during pregnancy: the course of the study and its importance
Colposcopy is considered a non-traumatic type of diagnosis, which is of great importance in the early diagnosis of cervical pathologies
Interpretation of kidney changes on ultrasound, norms and diseases
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys is not only one of the most accessible procedures, but is also safe
What tests to take for infectious mononucleosis and what indicators are considered normal?
Filatov's disease, otherwise infectious mononucleosis, refers to contagious infectious diseases provoked by human herpes viruses: 4th
Hemoglobin and leukocytes in oncology
Microscopy of urine sediment: interpretation of results, description of indicators, norm
Women's health Urine tests Genitourinary system Men's health 09/02/2020 Chernenko A. L. 39 Views
ultrasound size of spleen
How to do an ultrasound of the spleen: preparation, normal results and pathology in adults and children
Functions of the spleen The main task of this organ is to filter blood and fill the body with enough of it
Everything for work: SOP Performing rectosigmoidocolonoscopy
Rectosigmocolonoscopy is the most accessible effective method for diagnosing intestinal diseases. The diagnostic procedure allows you to examine
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Thrombocytosis - what to do when the blood is too thick
Thrombocytosis is a hematological pathology characterized by an increase in the number of platelets in the blood. The provoking factor is associated with
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