27th week of pregnancy - position and description of the stages of fetal development. Mother's feelings and tips for caring for a child

At 26-29 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is already fully formed. Subcutaneous white fat begins to accumulate. The fetus is no longer so thin, and cute skin folds are forming. The baby's face is almost the same as it will be at birth. In his features one can discern something similar to mom or dad. Parents can treat themselves to a photo of their unborn baby obtained during ultrasound diagnostics at this stage. What can an ultrasound tell you at 27 weeks of pregnancy? Let's figure out when and why you need to do 3D and 4D scanning of the fetus.

Fetus at 27 weeks gestation

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus enters the next phase of active growth. Now his weight reaches 900 g, and his size (full height) is on average 36 cm. He begins to grow quickly, and this is due not least to the active development of the brain. Thus, the pituitary gland produces the hormone somatotropin, which is responsible for the growth of the child.

Other endocrine glands are also activated. The pancreas produces insulin, the thyroid produces calcitonin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, which are responsible for the calcium content in the baby’s body, the development of mental abilities, and metabolic processes.

The baby becomes less and less dependent on the mother’s hormonal status and can even take over some functions, which the mother feels as an improvement in her health at the 27th week of pregnancy.

All the main organs and systems have already been formed by this time, mainly the immune and respiratory systems continue their active development, preparing to ensure the vital activity of the small organism in the “other” world. Alveoli and alveolar ducts continue to form. From the 27th week of pregnancy, surfactant begins to be produced - a special substance that will help the alveoli open after the baby takes his first breath. By the time of birth, the concentration of surfactant must be sufficient for independent breathing, otherwise the child will have to be connected to a machine. But even if for some reason the birth occurs now, then with adequate help from doctors and the use of modern equipment, the baby will be able to live!

It becomes more and more like a newborn: eyes and ears have formed, soft nails are growing, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are visible, the genitals are clearly visible, so during an ultrasound there are very high chances of seeing the sex of the child.

The skin is still quite wrinkled - this is understandable, because the body is always in the water. But on the other hand, it is no longer so bright red, and the further it goes, the lighter it will become - subcutaneous fat is deposited at a high speed.

Your baby's eyes are already opening and closing and by this time are responding well to light. In general, the little one behaves like a baby: he experiences emotions, feels tastes and smells, hears sounds coming from inside and outside, plays, and he has already developed a more or less stable sleep and wakefulness pattern.

Although the baby has already grown up enough, he still has enough room for active activities: he swims, tumbles, pulls his legs up to his face, trains his limbs, which are growing more and more muscles every day and becoming stronger. Mom already feels very well all the pushing, turning over and changing positions. Sometimes you can even guess which part of the child’s body is resting on the stomach. Sometimes he begins to hiccup: as a rule, fetal hiccups are short-lived and do not bring him any discomfort.

Fetal development

At this stage, the baby can already take a permanent body position in the womb. The
baby looks like a miniature newborn, and his organs and systems are so developed that in the event of premature birth, he may survive with qualified medical care from neonatologists and special care. Body weight at this stage reaches 0.8–1 kg, and the length is about 34–37 cm. There is less and less space in the uterine cavity for somersaults and other “maneuvers”; the fetus can already take a body position that will remain until birth. The following changes also occur in the development of the baby:

  • the fetus trains in breathing - it swallows amniotic fluid, and the chest rises, as if inhaling;
  • the tongue has many taste buds;
  • The pituitary gland of the brain produces the hormone somatotropin, which regulates metabolism;
  • the pancreas secretes insulin, which is necessary for the absorption of glucose;
  • the thyroid gland functions, produces hormones required for the proper functioning of all body systems;
  • the baby may hiccup, suck his thumb, yawn, touch the umbilical cord and his own face;
  • surfactant begins to form in the lungs - a substance necessary for their straightening after birth;
  • subcutaneous fat accumulates - the skin is no longer as transparent and wrinkled as before;
  • fetal movements become more coordinated;
  • facial expressions develop - the baby can smile, frown, make involuntary grimaces;
  • your own immunity begins to function;
  • most often the baby presses its arms and legs to its body in order to fit compactly in the uterus;
  • More and more advanced neural connections between the brain and the body are formed;
  • the baby actively moves his limbs, clenches and unclenches his fists, moves his limbs, turns his head;
  • lacrimal glands and ducts complete their formation;
  • your heart beats clearly, perhaps your spouse will even be able to hear it, leaning his ear to his stomach;
  • sleep and wakefulness patterns are formed;
  • the fetus’s body can react to allergens supplied with the mother’s diet;
  • facial features are formed;
  • there are hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, the body is still covered with fluff - lanugo;
  • the fetus can open its eyes, the pupils are able to react to light;
  • the development of parts of the brain responsible for thinking is activated;
  • the skeleton is strengthened due to the accumulation of calcium, cartilage tissue is replaced by bone tissue;
  • original feces - meconium - accumulate in the rectum.

If during an ultrasound the mother is allowed to look at the monitor screen, she can easily distinguish the contours of the baby’s body and be able to observe his actions. Perhaps at this very moment the baby will yawn touchingly or suck his finger. If the genital area is clearly visible, determining the sex of the fetus will also not be difficult. With a more advanced ultrasound machine (3-D), you can even see the baby’s facial features.


Almost all of these changes can be seen on an ultrasound at 27 weeks of pregnancy. During its passage, the location, growth and development of the fetus, its organs and systems, motor activity and heartbeat are assessed. So, at week 27, the baby’s heart makes 140-150 beats per minute, and it makes up to 40 breathing movements.

The parameters of the child are very important because they help to establish the correspondence of his development to the gestational age and assess his well-being. The ultrasound specialist will also certainly examine the location of the placenta, the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, the condition and size of the uterus and, if necessary, the cervix.

In principle, there is usually no need to undergo an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy. But in some cases, an ultrasound examination may be prescribed for the mother to exclude any suspicions. Indications for its implementation may be suspicions of a non-developing pregnancy, its unfavorable course, infections suffered by the mother and existing diseases, and so on. Of course, you don't have to worry if your doctor sends you for an ultrasound. It’s just that sometimes reinsurance is not superfluous.

But if by this time you do not yet know the gender of the child, then perhaps it will appear during an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy, because from this period the reliability of gender determination increases significantly.

Preparing for an ultrasound

When going for an ultrasound, you must have with you:

  • referral from your gynecologist;

The doctor must give you a referral for an ultrasound

  • a diaper or small sheet to cover the couch;
  • condom for ultrasound. It is necessary for transvaginal examination. Please note that in the pharmacy you have to say this: a condom for ultrasound, otherwise they will sell you regular condoms for sex.

For the first ultrasound when the fetus is a few millimeters in size, or for a gynecological examination of a non-pregnant woman, it is recommended to drink about half a liter of water, tea or other drinks before the procedure to ensure that the bladder is full. Water amplifies the ultrasound signal and shows the condition of the uterus. To conduct ultrasound examinations in the second and third trimesters, there is no need to fill the bladder, since amniotic fluid serves as a signal amplifier.


The uterus must be examined during an ultrasound. An assessment is made of its location, size, fundus thickness, condition of the myometrium, and so on. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus rises 5-7 cm from the navel or 27-28 cm above the womb.

The weight of the uterus increases sharply at 26-27 weeks, and you will feel it: it is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position. The uterus is already quite large and heavy, so in some positions it can infringe on the vena cava, blocking the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, which can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In this regard, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, cross your legs, or lie on your back. The most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.

Emotional condition

The 27th week of pregnancy is a period when a girl is worried about conflicting feelings. On the one hand, she is haunted by fears about the upcoming birth, and on the other, she can’t wait to meet her baby as soon as possible.

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At this stage, mothers often experience “nesting syndrome.” It lies in the desire to equip the apartment, start renovations, and prepare things for the newborn. This is a completely normal phenomenon, so loved ones are advised to treat mommy’s wishes with understanding. Of course, the pregnant woman herself cannot perform any physical work, so she can only manage the situation.


All the main events in your life are now happening in your stomach, so both yours and the doctors’ attention is focused mainly on it. The attention of others also first falls on the tummy, because at the 27th week of pregnancy it has already grown quite enough.

You may experience some discomfort due to your expanding belly. These are insomnia, shortness of breath, heartburn, bloating, constipation - the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, so they often malfunction slightly. In addition, sometimes the mother feels rhythmic shuddering inside - this is your baby hiccupping. You already feel him very well, you can guess what he is doing now and in which direction he is turned. Sometimes the child’s excessive activity and movements cause discomfort and even pain and are especially annoying at night, preventing sleep. In this case, try to calm the baby as if you had already done it with a newborn baby: stroke your tummy, sing a lullaby, “lull to sleep” (walk around the room).

The skin on the abdomen continues to tighten as it grows, which can cause itching. But if the itching becomes unbearable and spreads to other parts of the body, and also noticeably intensifies at night, then it is necessary to undergo liver tests.

If your stomach becomes stiff or painful at 27 weeks of pregnancy, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Possible complications

Premature birth is possible at 27-28 weeks. You need to know the symptoms that should alert you. So, you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice:

  • unusual nagging pain in the lower abdomen, very similar to menstrual pain;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, as if something were pressing on the bladder and vagina;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge;
  • cramping pain lasting more than half a minute;
  • Lack of fetal movements;
  • leakage of clear liquid.

Pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

In general, a pregnant woman is a living person and anything can make her sick. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary. Although many pains are truly harmless and are temporary in nature associated with pregnancy, including pain on the sides of the abdomen. Firstly, the ligaments continue to stretch, holding the growing uterus (you especially feel such pain when you suddenly change your body position). Secondly, training contractions begin as preparation for childbirth. But such pains are unexpressed and passing, if they intensify and grow, or are accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, then it is necessary to exclude the onset of premature labor.

Abdominal pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy may also be associated with disruption of the digestive organs. Usually such pain is easily recognizable.

27 week pregnancy video

27 week pregnancy photo

Under the weight of weight, the spine, back, lower back and legs may begin to hurt at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Try not to walk for a long time, wear comfortable shoes, do not stick your stomach forward, and take care of the prevention of thrombosis. A massage or a water bath with cool or slightly warm water will help relieve tired legs. The appearance of cramps in the calf muscles indicates a lack of calcium in the body - its deficiency should be replenished.

You should know that sometimes pain radiating to the lower back and lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system. If at the same time you notice painful urination, pain and burning in the vagina during urination, increased body temperature or other symptoms associated with pain, then be sure to tell your doctor about it.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the mother’s body is already beginning to actively prepare for childbirth, and in connection with this, pain may appear in the pelvic area and in the pubis. The bones gradually soften and begin to separate, opening the birth canal. You may develop a “duck walk” - this indicates symphysitis.

In addition, pain in the rectal area may well indicate the development of hemorrhoids. But if you immediately react to the situation, then it can only be corrected by correcting your diet.

Mom's feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, your body is preparing for the final stage.

Quite a long time has already passed, and it is not surprising that you often get tired, the body’s need for rest and sleep increases. The long-awaited maternity leave is coming soon, you will be able to relax and pay more attention to yourself. If you have the opportunity to go on maternity leave earlier, be sure to take advantage of it! Adequate rest and proper daily routine will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby! Moreover, in the third trimester you are increasingly worried about pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower back, general malaise, frequent urination, and good rest will help you a lot! Enjoy the changes in your sensations and the movements of your baby! At home you will have more opportunity to read books about child development, you will be able to go to training courses, breastfeeding school.

At this stage, new sensations may appear that bring anxiety. Very often during this period, pregnant women notice the appearance of swelling of the hands. They often bother you during sleep. In order to prevent them, try not to take a position during sleep that compresses your limbs. Also try not to overload your wrists. It is very useful to periodically do light exercises for your arms, lifting them up.

An enlarged belly often causes shortness of breath, sleep disturbances, and heartburn. Remember that these phenomena are not a cause for concern. Be sure to discuss all your feelings with your doctor - he will help you cope with them.

At the end of the second and beginning of the third trimesters, leg muscle spasms often occur. They are usually caused by low calcium levels in the body, as well as high phosphorus levels, fatigue, and strain on the veins. To relieve pain, you can do the following:

  • Special calcium tablets help restore the level of microelements, but be sure to consult your doctor: he will help you choose the best ones;
  • try to eat more foods rich in calcium;
  • the cause of painful sensations in the legs may be an increased load on the venous apparatus, and in such a situation it is very useful to wear special compression tights;
  • be sure to do gymnastics for your legs: you can choose any set of exercises that you like, the main thing is that absolutely all joints and muscle groups are involved;
  • Foot massage is very useful: it will help reduce the load on the veins, relieve muscle fatigue, and it is easy to do even on your own. Using light stroking movements and then more intense kneading movements, massage your legs from bottom to top - along the venous and lymphatic vessels. This massage even relieves swelling of the legs.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant

Your baby is already quite large, and the uterus almost reaches the level of the ribs. The fundus of the uterus is located 27 centimeters above the womb, 5-7 centimeters above the navel. The weight of the uterus increases significantly by the beginning of the third trimester, and this must be taken into account. The uterus may press on the inferior vena cava, which may cause severe dizziness. For this reason, you should not lie on your back for a long time. Try to sleep on your side.

An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially affecting the functioning of the intestines. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition that prevents constipation.

The 27th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by the fact that the uterus is already resting on the costal arch. The double weight of babies brings more trouble to the mother; it is already quite difficult to maintain normal activity; it is necessary to rest more often, lie down, to reduce the load.

Weight at the 27th week of pregnancy normally increases by 9 kilograms. Until the end of pregnancy, it is quite acceptable to gain another 3-5 kilograms. You should control your weight, as you cannot gain more than these numbers: this can harm both the baby and the mother.

At this stage, the baby often changes position. Don’t worry if during a routine examination the doctor says that the baby is in a breech presentation: the position of the fetus can still change even several times!

Fetal movements at 27 weeks

Your baby has grown even more, and even without an ultrasound, you can clearly see how he moves, see the movements of his arms and legs on the surface of his abdomen, and feel how the baby kicks if he doesn’t like something, for example, music. When you take a contrast shower in the morning, your baby becomes more active, and when you are calm and resting, he also rests.

Every woman who feels the ever-increasing movements of her baby is overwhelmed with joy. And if the baby is calm, there may be concern that the fetus is not moving much... The baby’s movements are not only a reflection of his health, but also his temperament, even his mood. If a woman does not have any risk factors, the baby is developing well, then his rest period should not be disturbed. Surely every expectant mother by this time already knows and understands her baby and his level of activity well.

In some cases, the doctor may ask you to count your baby's movements. This is very easy to do. You need to choose a period of maximum activity - often this is the time after meals or before bed. Sit comfortably, relax and count how much time it takes for 10 baby movements. Follow all your doctor's recommendations. Experts note that a clear figure for the number of movements is not very informative; concern should only be caused by a complete lack of movement for 1-2 hours at the usual time for activity.

Pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, a woman may experience rather unpleasant, but not at all dangerous, painful sensations. Often this is pain and heaviness in the lumbar region. Such sensations are associated with the increasing size of the fetus, uterus, and compression of the nerve plexuses. To alleviate them, it is necessary to do special gymnastics for pregnant women.

Often at this stage, pain on the sides of the abdomen begins to bother you. They are associated with sprained uterine ligaments. Its size increases, the ligaments stretch more and more. Such sensations decrease when changing body position and resting.

At this stage, the woman may feel training contractions. They are still quite weakly expressed. Typically, women note that their stomach often becomes stiff. If these periods are short and do not cause pain, this is quite normal. If pain increases, and especially if pain in the abdomen is accompanied by discharge, this is a reason to contact the clinic.


In some cases, your doctor may prohibit you from having sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Most often this is due to increased uterine tone. Please note that in this case, any actions that can lead a woman to orgasm are contraindicated, since at the peak of pleasure the uterus begins to actively contract.

However, if everything is fine with health and pregnancy, there are no threats to pregnancy, then sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy can bring a lot of pleasure to future parents. And don't let your big belly bother you. Yes, some positions will be uncomfortable and even dangerous; deep penetration and sudden rough movements should be avoided. But in no case do not deny yourself intimate intimacy if you have a desire and there are no contraindications to this. Pleasant emotions will only benefit everyone, and often it is sex during pregnancy that brings spouses together and reunites like never before.

Of course, this should be sex not just with a regular partner, but also with the one with whom you were sexually active before pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing sexually transmitted infections, even if the man is healthy. The fact is that the female vaginal microflora gets used to the male one, a change in which can provoke a “conflict” between microorganisms. First of all, discharge from the genital tract will help you suspect something is wrong.

Recommendations for mothers

It will not be difficult for specialists to determine the sex of the fetus at week 27.
Due to the increasing volume and weight of the uterus, the mother needs to constantly monitor the position of her body. When sleeping, it is recommended to sleep on your side, preferably on your left. Use a pregnancy pillow or place small pillows under your stomach or back to relieve muscle tension. If you are prone to varicose veins, wear compression stockings at all times to protect the veins from stretching. To reduce the load on the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen and spine, wear a prenatal bandage.

You now need only positive emotions, because your baby’s well-being largely depends on your mood. It is known that blood circulation is impaired during stress, so there is no need to be nervous.

It is recommended to avoid excessive heat exposure. Do not spend time under the scorching sun, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or taking a hot bath. High temperatures relax the cervix and can trigger premature labor.


Before going to the sea, get your doctor's approval.
If you are planning a vacation, don't go far; postpone your trip until after giving birth. Air travel is now undesirable - due to pressure changes, premature labor may begin. If you need to fly, get a doctor’s certificate indicating the duration of your pregnancy and permission to fly. Without this document, you may not be allowed on board the airliner. Long trips by car or bus are now also undesirable due to the need to be in the same body position for a long time. This can impair blood circulation and lead to poor health. The optimal mode of transport now is rail.


If there are no contraindications, sex is not prohibited.
If the condition of the expectant mother and baby is stable, and the doctor does not prohibit intimate life, there is no reason to refuse sex. Some mothers even note that the baby becomes quiet during intercourse, as if trying not to interfere with parental privacy. After sexual intercourse, the baby may, on the contrary, be too active under the influence of the happiness hormone transmitted from the mother. It is also believed that sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix. It is recommended not to make sudden movements during lovemaking, to choose positions that do not put pressure on the stomach and do not require physical stress from the woman. If your spouse is afraid of harming the baby, explain to him that the fetus is reliably protected from mechanical stress in the walls of the uterus.

Contraindications for sex are:

  • threat of premature birth;
  • short cervix;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • low placenta previa.

Physical activity

There are sets of exercises designed specifically for pregnant women.
Any type of physical activity is allowed, excluding excessive muscle tension, aerobic exercise, heavy lifting, and sudden movements. Breathing exercises are useful for the expectant mother, improving oxygen exchange between her body and the fetus. It is recommended to take more walks in the forested area at a calm pace.

Swimming, gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women will help strengthen muscles and maintain body tone. To ease the labor process and speed up recovery afterward, perform Kegel exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the perineum.


Increase your protein and calcium intake
Eating healthy, small meals can help relieve heartburn and constipation. Choose fresh ingredients and cook them gently. Fresh vegetables and fruits and cereals will improve intestinal motility. During an attack of heartburn, drink milk. Minimize the consumption of allergenic products - cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, because the baby’s immune system has already begun to function and an allergy to these products may develop.

Avoiding rapid weight gain will help avoid high-calorie and carbohydrate foods. Choose a worthy alternative to such products - replace sweets with dried fruits, for example. Provide a balanced diet, eat daily:

  • porridge;
  • soups;
  • dairy products;
  • fish or meat dishes;
  • vegetables and fruits.

If swelling occurs, your doctor may recommend limiting your fluid intake and avoiding salty foods. If you really want to try something harmful but tasty, don’t torment yourself - eat it, but in reasonable quantities, and as an exception to the rule.


You should be alerted mainly by colored and odorous discharge. White, yellow, green, purulent, earthy, scarlet, brown, red discharge with a pungent odor of beer, fish or some other is a sign of sexually transmitted infections, and the onset of bleeding may indicate placental abruption or the threat of premature birth. Serious sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others rarely develop during pregnancy. But candidiasis (or thrush) worsens very often, and it must be treated before labor begins, since the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal is very high, and this has its consequences.

You should also pay attention to the consistency of the discharge. In case of pathology, they become thick, curdled, bubbly, and flaky.

But discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy may well be normal and physiological. Don't be scared by translucent liquid discharge of a uniform consistency. However, towards the end of pregnancy they may become a little cloudy and smell sour.

Watery, liquid, clear discharge with or without a sweetish odor may be amniotic fluid. If they leak, you will have to go to the hospital. It’s bad if the water starts gushing out – call an ambulance or go straight to the hospital.

In addition, discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy can also be observed from the breast. This is colostrum, and apart from maintaining hygiene, nothing else needs to be done. Never try to squeeze milk out of your breasts!

Questions and answers

Tell me, is liquid discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy not dangerous?

During pregnancy, and especially towards its final stage, it is quite normal to increase the amount of discharge. Normally, the discharge should be clear and liquid, but by the end of pregnancy it may become slightly cloudy. However, if the color, consistency or smell of the discharge changes, this is an alarm. White, yellow, earthy, cheesy, purulent discharge, an unpleasant odor are signs of an infectious pathology. Scarlet discharge can be a symptom of placental abruption, as well as premature labor.

I am 27 weeks pregnant, my stomach hurts... The sensations are not too pronounced. It doesn’t hurt much, it aches periodically. This is fine?

At this stage, painful sensations may appear in the abdominal area, which are associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, and pressure of the uterus on the nerve plexuses. If these sensations gradually increase with increasing pregnancy and are not intense pain, this is normal. If abdominal pain occurs suddenly, its intensity is high, or constant aching pain has been bothering you for a long period, this may be an alarm signal. If your sensations are too intense and cause concern, do not put off visiting a doctor.

Please tell me, is it normal if my stomach feels tight periodically for several minutes?

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman may already feel training contractions - short, low-intensity pulling sensations in the abdomen. Many women describe these sensations as follows: the stomach tenses and turns to stone. Such feelings are normal.

Is sex contraindicated at 27 weeks of pregnancy? My husband is very sensitive about the long-awaited pregnancy and is worried, is it possible?

If your pregnancy is progressing normally, then sex is not contraindicated and is even quite useful. Positive emotions are only beneficial for future parents. Naturally, you need to avoid sudden movements and pressure on the stomach, and then there is no danger.

If labor occurs at this stage, can the baby survive?

By this time, the fetus is already sufficiently ripe, and according to statistics, the chance of survival is more than 80%. The respiratory system has not yet fully matured, and special equipment is needed for life support, but the baby may well survive.

I went for an unscheduled ultrasound, and in the conclusion they wrote: 27 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation. What to do?

First of all, don't panic. At your stage of pregnancy, the baby is very active, and there is enough space in the uterus for full movements. He can change position several more times, so if now the presentation is breech, this does not mean that it will remain so at the time of birth.

I periodically have the feeling that my stomach is turning to stone. What is this? How to distinguish tone at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

Uterine tone is the contraction of its muscle layer before labor begins. This condition requires consultation with a doctor, as the causes may vary. It can increase with coughing, sneezing, stress, and negative emotions. But this may be a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. Women usually feel the tone as a nagging pain, reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation, which radiates to the lower back. The feeling that the stomach is turning to stone may occur during training contractions. In any case, to prevent a possible threat of changes in your well-being, you should discuss it with the doctor who is caring for your pregnancy. Especially if such sensations are accompanied by discharge or other changes in condition.

Tests at 27 weeks of pregnancy

So that you do not have any reason to worry, do not neglect scheduled visits to the gynecologist and taking the necessary tests. During this period, visits to the clinic should be made once every two weeks.

During each examination of his ward, the doctor will certainly measure the abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus, the woman’s blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s pulse.

A routine laboratory test, as before, includes determining the woman’s blood sugar level, the level of leukocytes, red blood cells, and the presence of protein. A urine test is also mandatory.

Don't be alarmed by elevated blood cholesterol levels at 27 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary for the placenta, which produces hormones, in particular progesterone, which is involved in preparing the breast for feeding and milk production.

Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing gestosis, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and the occurrence of edema. But if you regularly get tested, then there is nothing to worry about.

Also, if you have a negative Rh factor, then you may additionally be prescribed a blood test for Rh conflict.

It is possible and it is not possible

A pregnant woman in the 27th week of pregnancy is recommended to follow some simple rules that will ensure suitable conditions for the development of the fetus, reduce the discomfort that appears during this period, and maintain health.

  • avoid alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
  • household and construction chemicals can lead to undesirable consequences. if it is necessary to use them, it is better to ask someone else to resolve the issue;
  • follow a diet and daily routine. Eat 5-6 small meals a day and sleep about 8 hours at night;
  • cleanliness is the key to health. Take care of your own hygiene and order in the house.
  • involve loved ones in solving everyday issues: do not hang curtains yourself, do not lift heavy objects, avoid staying in a bent position for long periods of time;
  • take care of your health. Avoid contact with sick people, do not go to places where there may be infected people. During the period of infections, it is better not to visit large stores and other crowded places, choosing a time when there are fewer visitors;
  • Walk outside every day, preferably in a park, forest or near a pond. Try not to sit on a bench, but to walk;
  • Do not sit in one position for a long time and cross your legs. It is recommended to warm up every 10-20 minutes during sedentary work;
  • strive to maintain a good mood without getting upset due to absent-mindedness or forgetfulness.


In the absence of direct instructions from the gynecologist, sex at 27 weeks is not prohibited. If the expectant mother feels well and there are no unpleasant sensations, sexual intercourse is possible, subject to certain precautions:

  • the chosen position eliminates pressure on the stomach;
  • the pregnant woman is in a comfortable position, nothing bothers her;
  • there are no sudden movements, rough deep penetrations, or elements that cause discomfort or pain to the pregnant woman.

It’s a good idea to use a condom during sexual intercourse from the 27th week. Semen contains large amounts of the hormone prostaglandin, which promotes cervical ripening. There is no point in stimulating this process this week.


At 27 weeks of pregnancy, you are already starting to feel tired of your position. You may be plagued by multiple inconveniences and unpleasant sensations: various pains, heaviness, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, insomnia... Your arms and legs may now begin to go numb.

Remember that this condition is temporary and that much can be avoided by following certain rules and recommendations. Try to establish proper nutrition, do not spend a lot of time on your feet, do not bother yourself or lift heavy objects, control your posture, refuse difficult work, try to sleep on your left side. Be sure to take a walk every day, especially before bed. Avoid smoky rooms and other harmful factors that can affect your well-being and the development of your baby.

Listen to your little one. If you have established contact with him, then you already know how to recognize his different movements. Every movement of a child can tell his mother a lot: either he is playing, or is excited or dissatisfied with something, or is demanding something.

Now the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman is extremely important. Try to eliminate from your life everything that can upset or excite you and learn to react calmly to any situation, no matter what. This makes a big difference!

Nutritional Features

Twenty-seven weeks of pregnancy is a milestone. Now the baby is fully formed and is just gaining weight. During this period, we must not forget about proper nutrition, because your little one eats with you.

For strong immunity of the newborn and its normal development, the mother must follow the following nutritional principles:

  • limit smoked, fried, fatty, slightly salty, spicy foods;
  • saturate the body with vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • the daily diet must be replenished with cereals and proteins;
  • when choosing meat, it is better to give preference to dietary varieties - chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • it is important to include fish and seafood in the menu;
  • It is recommended to eat in small portions, it is important not to overeat.

A pregnant woman's menu at 27 weeks should contain a large amount of phosphorus and calcium. These microelements are necessary for mother and baby for normal growth. It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol. You should also limit drinks containing caffeine (strong green and black tea, coffee).

We recommend reading the article about mother’s nutrition in the first months of lactation. You will find all the detailed information here.


Nutrition does not undergo any special changes at the 27th week of pregnancy. The recommendations remain the same: everything healthy, natural, preferably in small portions, but often. Try to minimize the consumption of salt, flour, sweet, fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods. Be sure to get enough calcium into your body and eat protein every day.

It is better to have a carbohydrate-rich breakfast (muesli, porridge), but a protein-rich one is ideal for lunch. It is well absorbed and does not burden the digestive system. In general, you shouldn’t overeat at night, so if you’ve already had dinner, but your appetite has returned, try tricking your body with low-fat yogurt or fruit.

Drinking is also important. You definitely need to drink enough so that you don’t feel thirsty. The best thing is simple clean water. You can also use unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks. Fresh juices are also healthy, but very high in calories. Therefore, be careful with them - you don’t need excess weight now.

If your weight exceeds the permissible norms, then in addition to sweets and flour products, eliminate or reduce the use of spices when preparing dishes.

Weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Excess weight during pregnancy is fraught with a number of complications in the present and future, so it should definitely be kept under control. By 27 weeks pregnant, you could have gained 7.6 to 8.1 extra pounds. The increase mainly consists of an increase in the weight of the uterus and child, the amount of amniotic fluid and blood volume, and heavier breasts. Actually, mom should have recovered only a little.

If you have not abused forbidden foods and have not gained more weight than expected, then do not be upset about your size: during childbirth and during breastfeeding, it will quickly decrease. Also remember that the increase is a rather relative number and may normally differ in each individual case. But don't make excuses for yourself when your weight is really much over the acceptable limits.

How is ultrasound performed?

An obstetrician-gynecologist gives a referral for an ultrasound scan. If the clinic where a pregnant woman is being observed has its own ultrasound room, the gynecologist tries to be present at this examination in order to see the condition of the fetus and have an idea of ​​what surprises can be expected during childbirth.

Ultrasound can be performed using two main methods

Ultrasound of the uterus is performed in the following ways:

  • transabdominal, that is, through the anterior abdominal wall;
  • transvaginal, when the sensor is inserted into the vagina. With this test method, filling the bladder is not required.

To obtain the most complete picture of a woman’s condition, the examination is carried out simultaneously in two ways.

Reviews from mothers about 27 weeks

In general, we have an interesting situation: 27 weeks, and I have only gained about 2.5 kg (with an initial weight of 56). The doctors grumble a little, but the baby seems to be developing normally. I eat whatever I want. Basically, it is meat, vegetables, fruits. I don't really have a craving for sweets. My belly is growing, especially lately. And the weight is quite a bit. They say there is no need to worry. It’s just that everything is well absorbed and suits the child.



At week 27, the increase is +8 (according to my scales) and +10 (according to the doctor’s scales). We have such a difference from the very beginning. I feel good. I limit myself in food, I don’t eat cakes, but I treat myself to cookies. And I don’t eat at night, but sometimes I can eat enough, then in the morning it’s +1. We also move very actively, but in the evening I can’t fall asleep because of this, I generally began to sleep poorly. I go to the toilet very often, I don’t even know what will happen next.



but on the contrary, I experience too much excitement... At work, at least climb on the ceiling. And constant sexual fantasies creep into your head))) at least go to a sex therapist for a consultation) In general, there is nothing wrong with sexual desire or its absence. If you don't want to, then don't. The body itself knows what and how much it needs.



We are also at 27 weeks))) Mostly I feel good! I work a lot physically, and strangely enough, I don’t feel tired! I want to work and work!))) Sometimes I get heartburn, but we can bear it. The baby pushes when I sit down to eat and in the evening, on average every hour and a half he moves. I gained about 9 kg, but I don’t feel heavy!



Week 27 is already harder than before. Weight gain 7 kg, I feel like a ball. I’m very tired, my back hurts... the baby is normal, - we had an ultrasound, 935 g. so cute...



And I’m 27 weeks old, the baby kicks so little that I began to worry ((also the placenta is low-lying((and I’ve already gained as much as 8.5 kg, I already so want to give birth to our little one as quickly as possible so that I can know and see exactly what’s wrong with him Everything is fine!



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