What MR angiography will show - procedure and interpretation
Home MRI MRI of the head and neck 08/18/2017 With a lack of oxygen and nutrition, the first to die
When can you play sports after laparoscopy: features of physical activity
Why is the recovery period shorter with laparoscopy? The laparoscopic method of surgery is practiced in lung surgeries
Down syndrome causes, signs, diagnosis
When to take a blood test for Down syndrome and other tests
Having learned about the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, a woman does not immediately realize what a difficult path she has to go through.
Photo of the eye orbits
For what purpose are examinations of the retina and eye orbits prescribed and what eye diseases can MRI detect?
What will an MRI of the eye orbits show? Magnetic resonance imaging of the orbits is a study that produces
Fetal CTG
CTG non-stress test is positive what does it mean
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a prenatal diagnostic method that allows you to determine the condition of the fetus and whether
Is it possible to have a colonoscopy during pregnancy?
Colonoscopy during pregnancy in the early stages, in the 2nd and 3rd semester, details of the examination
Home » Colonoscopy » Can a woman have a colonoscopy during pregnancy - and in
Types of soft tissues in the human body.jpg
MRI as a method of choice for studying soft tissues of various areas of the body
Introduction Soft tissues are structures of the human body that vary in structure; soft tissues are usually classified as
The use of MRI and X-ray of the spine - is there a big difference?
Diseases and pathologies of the spinal column require high-quality diagnostics. They have similar symptoms, so when
X-ray of the stomach and intestines with barium: what it shows, preparation, consequences, reviews
Indications Passage of barium through the small intestine is used in several situations. First of all, he is prescribed
What you can eat before 1st trimester screening and what you can’t eat
What is blood taken for during the first screening? A blood test is done to determine the level
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