How harmful is fluorography and how long does it affect the human body?

Today, the most effective way to detect serious diseases of the bronchopulmonary system is considered to be fluorography - examination of the chest organs using ionizing radiation. A medical certificate with its results may be required in all areas of a person’s life - when entering work, study and military service, and during routine preventive examinations of employees of public institutions.

A black and white image of the chest organs, obtained with the help of fluorescent particles, makes it possible to detect the presence in their cavities of foreign objects, tumor formations, infectious and inflammatory processes, compaction and proliferation of connective tissue, amyotrophic sclerosis, accumulation of air or gases.

Timely fluorographic examination makes it possible to detect the early stage of a severe pathological process and carry out effective treatment and preventive measures. Very often, medical professionals are faced with a question from patients: “How long is fluorography valid?” In our article we will provide information about the need to perform this diagnostic procedure, which allows us to examine the organs of the chest and its shelf life.

The role of diagnostic testing in the fight against tuberculosis

There is a stereotype that tuberculosis patients are people who lead an antisocial lifestyle. Naturally, the quality of nutrition and living conditions give some impetus to the occurrence of this disease, but they are not fundamental factors. This is due to the fact that today every third person is recognized as a carrier of the Koch bacillus, and carriers of the pathology may not even be aware of it and continue to lead their usual lifestyle. The amazing vitality of this pathogen and the possibility of infection by contact or airborne droplets put every person at risk. In addition, the early stage of this disease can be completely asymptomatic, which significantly complicates subsequent treatment. The transition to the active phase threatens the life and health of the patient’s loved ones.

The main way to determine tuberculosis in people over 15 years of age is fluorography, the results of which can be obtained almost instantly. If a deviation from the norm is observed, the person is prescribed a blood test, after which it is recommended that the test be repeated.

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Is fluorography required?

Many people try to avoid fluorography, citing many reasonable arguments, for example, about the high harmfulness of radiation. However, there is also a fictitious danger, and such patients do not even realize how dangerous mycobacteria really are. Regular preventive examinations through fluorography are carried out in the interests of people. Early detection guarantees a positive outcome of the disease.

The obligation of the population to carry out fluorographic examination is prescribed in legislative acts. For example, Order No. 1011 of the Ministry of Health defines a list of mandatory medical examinations, which includes fluorographic examination. According to this law, the frequency of this diagnostic procedure must be at least once every two years.

In addition, the law “On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” came into force in 2001. According to it, an order or order must be drawn up for employees of a certain organization or residents of a certain area to undergo routine fluorography. Enterprises with hazardous production, as well as institutions with a high level of risk, determine the period of its validity, which is usually equal to 6 months or one year. So, how long does fluorography last? The certificate of completion of the study is valid for this particular period of time. For other citizens, the certificate is valid for one year.

What is the expiration date of fluorography results and can I be denied medical services if they are expired?

The point here is not the “validity period” of fluorography and not whether you are a decreed person or not, but the fact that HOSPITALIZATION requires a certain set of tests and examinations carried out NO BEFORE... (hereinafter, the validity period of the analysis) for example: (hereinafter - information from the website of one of the large hospitals) - clinical blood test (+ clotting time + platelets) - valid for 10 days; — general urine test — valid for 10 days; - biochemical blood test (glucose + bilirubin + creatinine + urea + AST + ALT) - valid for 10 days; INCLUDING a certificate of fluorography of the chest organs (valid for 1 year) like this - not six months, and not 2 years, but for hospitalization IN THIS hospital (as in most others, however) - a year. this is due, as a rule, to orders from local authorities. health departments / departments of the Ministry of Health “for the purpose of preventing and combating tuberculosis... etc...” exact number of the order ex. I won’t give you any health information from your place of residence, of course.

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