Carrying out laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst: preparation, surgery, rehabilitation
An ovarian cyst is a benign formation that is often found in women of any age. Modern research methods
Ultrasound of the pancreas: preparation, interpretation of results, causes of deviations
According to official statistics, various forms of pancreatic diseases annually affect tens of thousands of residents of the Russian Federation.
diagram of the structure of the mammary gland
What is a hypoechoic formation, how dangerous is it and how to identify it
What is avascular formation in the mammary gland and what are its consequences? The female breast consists
Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels: what is it, what does it show and how is it done?
Characteristics of ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck is considered a modern diagnostic method. It is characterized by reflection
When to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and why is it needed?
It is a well-known fact that in the initial stages any disease can be cured easier and faster, therefore
Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages: preparation, performance, results
Ultrasound examination is popular due to its informativeness, reliability of results and painlessness. When choosing between others
Ultrasound in early pregnancy
Ultrasound during pregnancy: the first weeks. To do it or not?
In recent years, the diagnosis of pregnancy is increasingly made using ultrasound. How justified is ultrasound?
Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy - what is it, interpretation of fetal ultrasound, indicators, normal uterine vessels, uterine arteries. Table by week
At what stage is Doppler ultrasound of the fetus, arteries and placenta done: what does Doppler ultrasound determine, how to decipher the results from the table
Features of the Doppler method during pregnancy is one of the types of functional ultrasound diagnostics that examines
Ultrasound of the genitourinary system: how to prepare, what organs are examined in men and women
Who is examined? Most often, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed in women with clear
Ultrasound of the prostate gland: interpretation of results, norms and deviations, where it can be done
June 11, 2019 Prostatitis Yulia Kazakova One of the most effective methods for examining the prostate is
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