Ultrasound during pregnancy: the first weeks. To do it or not?

In recent years, the diagnosis of pregnancy is increasingly made using ultrasound. How justified is ultrasound examination in early pregnancy? Is there any harm possible from it? Is it worth doing it to determine pregnancy - or is it better to use other methods?

If foreign doctors categorically do not recommend performing an ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy only to determine its presence or duration, with the exception of a number of indications, then doctors in post-Soviet countries not only encourage early ultrasounds, but also prescribe them several times in a row in the first weeks of pregnancy, which is associated with a desire for commercial gain rather than practical necessity.

Why do foreign doctors perform ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy strictly according to indications? At this time, ultrasound is not very informative, so there is a high risk of getting many false negative and false positive results. When the fertilized egg is implanted, the uterus needs rest. Interfering with this process (inserting vaginal sensors) just to see whether there is a pregnancy or not is fraught with disruption and termination of pregnancy. In addition, determining the gestational age before 11–12 weeks can be very inaccurate.

The idea that the earlier an ultrasound is done, the more accurately it will be possible to determine the gestational age is completely false.

Pros and cons of ultrasound in early pregnancy

Ultrasound examination is an indispensable diagnostic procedure that allows you to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, the likelihood of its termination and all kinds of pathologies in the development of the fetus.

The advantage of the procedure lies in the following:

  • early pregnancy can be confirmed;
  • it is possible to find out about the number of gestated fruits;
  • based on the results of the ultrasound, you can calculate the expected date of birth;
  • you can detect an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner and avoid complications;
  • parents have the opportunity to learn about possible developmental pathologies of the child or their absence in order to make a decision on maintaining or terminating the pregnancy.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy has a huge advantage for girls who, in the event of an unplanned conception, do not dare to save the fetus. And after hearing the heartbeat of an unborn child, many are able to change their attitude to the situation and become attached to it. This makes it possible to make an unplanned pregnancy very desirable, and the baby long-awaited.

Despite the significant benefits, early ultrasound may have disadvantages.

As a rule, this lies in the human factor, but there are exceptions:

  • possibility of fetal infection;
  • the results of the procedure do not provide a 100% guarantee of their veracity.

Even despite these disadvantages, examination of a pregnant woman in early pregnancy is mandatory.

What methods are used?

Ultrasound diagnostics has several varieties that allow you to examine a particular organ with maximum accuracy. So what kind of ultrasound is done to determine pregnancy? Depending on the indications, the doctor may choose the transvaginal or transabdominal method. Transvaginal ultrasound is performed using a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina. This method allows you to get as close as possible to the uterus and the embryo developing in it and diagnose the presence of pregnancy at 3-4 weeks, and sometimes even earlier.

Transabdominal ultrasound is performed using a standard technique in which the doctor moves the emitter along the lower part of the abdominal cavity, where the female reproductive organs are located - the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Due to the relatively distant location of the sensor from the uterus, pregnancy can be detected two weeks later, when the embryo has already reached a larger size. With this method, conception will be diagnosed at approximately 5–6 weeks

And if a woman is obese or there is a significant accumulation of fat on the abdomen, then the pregnancy can be examined by ultrasound at a later date. In certain situations, when, for example, there is damage to the vagina and it is impossible to carry out the procedure transabdominally, a transrectal ultrasound may be prescribed - which is done through the rectum. But this method is used very rarely.

The main differences in the types of ultrasound of the female reproductive organs

Is it harmful to do an ultrasound for pregnant women and the fetus?

Ultrasound in the early stages and in subsequent trimesters of pregnancy does not pose any danger to the expectant mother. But the study has a certain effect on the child, the harmfulness of which decreases with the age of the fetus.

Since ultrasound penetrates body tissues during the examination, this is accompanied by heating. Cells containing more water are especially “overheated”. In a child, the most “watery” part is the brain. Therefore, it is precisely on it that the strongest impact of ultrasonic rays is produced.

But today there is very little information about the consequences of such influence, and in fact there is no evidence of harm from ultrasound. That is why it is impossible to talk about the benefits or harms of ultrasound for the embryo.

Ultrasound machine and its effects

To understand how harmful it is to undergo the procedure, you need to understand the principle of operation of the device. Essentially, it is a sensor that displays data from the receiver. On the receiver (this is the same thing that the doctor moves over the tummy) there is a plate that emits high-frequency sound (ultrasound) and transmits it to the tissues. The reflected sound is analyzed by the device and converted into an image.

Are ultrasonic waves dangerous?

It turns out that ultrasound passes through human tissue (in this case, the abdomen and uterus), and no further impact occurs. It has been proven that these waves are absolutely safe and do not have any negative effects. But anxiety still persists, because the fetus, especially in the early stages of development, is a surprisingly fragile and delicate creature. So is it still harmful or not?

Serviceability of medical equipment

If the device is modern and in good working order, then ultrasound does not pose any danger. Their radiation levels are minimal, and they do not harm the fetus or the mother. Old rattling devices should cause caution, because too strong an ultrasound can actually provoke mechanical vibration of tissues. Because of this, gas bubbles can form, which, if ruptured, will damage the cells. Therefore, you should only visit qualified large medical centers with a good reputation.

The importance and significance of ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound examination, during normal pregnancy, is prescribed 3 times. One optional test may also be performed up to 10 weeks to confirm or refute pregnancy.

Standards for first screening (ultrasound) in early pregnancy

The first planned ultrasound is prescribed for pregnant women at 10-14 weeks. During this period, the development of the child’s organs, gestational age are assessed, and chromosomal abnormalities are monitored.

The second mandatory study is carried out from 19 to 24 weeks. During this period, the doctor evaluates the fetal anatomy, weight and gestational age. In this case, the amount of amniotic fluid, the placenta and the condition of the uterus, the structure of the fetal head, its chest, heart, internal organs, and the symmetry of the upper and lower extremities are examined. Parents can also find out the gender of their unborn child.

The third ultrasound is prescribed in the period from 28 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. The importance of the study at this time lies in the fact that the doctor studies the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of the fetus and placenta, the condition of the uterus and its contractile functions.

Already upon admission to the maternity hospital, a woman may undergo an additional ultrasound examination according to the doctor’s indications.

Harm from ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy

In Sweden, pregnant women undergo an ultrasound scan only once - at the 16th week. Swedish doctors are confident that ultrasound, both early and later, is dangerous. In South Korea and Egypt, ultrasounds are performed every month. In the United States and England, ultrasound is not performed in the early stages. It is prescribed only twice, starting from the 16th week. There is no consensus even in the scientific and medical community. Therefore, to do an ultrasound or not to do it is a voluntary choice of the expectant mother.

In order to understand at least a little the issue of the danger of ultrasound for the fetus and talk about the serious impact on its development, different opinions and points of view should be considered.

In the early stages of pregnancy, when the embryo is still very small and transparent, and its organs are just forming, ultrasound can actually cause harm. Doctors and scientists rarely talk about this, but it is especially dangerous to do it in the very first weeks of pregnancy.

How does ultrasound wave work in perinatal medicine? It penetrates through the amniotic fluid to the embryo itself, then is reflected from its hard tissues and produces an image on the device. When the wave passes through human tissue, it causes molecular friction and the tissue heats up. The temperature of cells that have a lot of fluid inside rises especially quickly. During this process, small gas bubbles are formed inside the tissues, due to which they are deformed and destroyed. Of course, the modern level of diagnostics reduces this process to a minimum. However, just as the harm from ultrasound has not been proven, its harmlessness has not been proven. In the early stages of gestation, most of the embryo's water is located in the developing brain.

This means that ultrasound can be most dangerous for its tissues. This is especially true for transvaginal ultrasound, during which the tissue temperature can rise 6 degrees more. Many expectant mothers complained that it was after a vaginal ultrasound that they were referred for preservation.

Yale University once conducted a study on the effect of ultrasound on pregnancy. Pregnant mice underwent an ultrasound procedure. When the pups were born, scientists discovered that there were no special abnormalities in the brains of newborns, except for one thing. Special neurons, which should move to the right place in the brain after birth, never moved.

In fairness, it is worth noting that in modern medical devices that conduct ultrasound examinations, the levels of acoustic power are very low, and the time of ultrasound procedures is short, so the harm from ultrasound is reduced to a minimum. But, in any case, many doctors themselves refuse to do an ultrasound in the very early stages of pregnancy, especially if there is a risk of interruption.

In addition, performing an ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy from the fifth to the twelfth week can be dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. Ultrasound at a short term has a very detrimental effect on the placenta, the unsatisfactory condition of which can provoke a miscarriage. But starting from the eighth week, ultrasound can have a bad effect on the condition of the fetal skin. Its cells begin to break down, as a result of which the mother’s body can reject the fetus.

The two main factors determining harm and harmlessness are the thermal index and the mechanical index. The first characterizes, in fact, the heating of tissues. For safe mode it should be less than 0.7. With an index range of 07.-1.0, the study can take about 60 minutes, and it will not be dangerous for the child. The indices above cannot be used in obstetrics.

The mechanical index is directly related to bubble formation and cavitation. The allowed range is also 0.7. With a heating index of 0.3 and a procedure time of no more than 10 minutes, namely, these are the parameters that ultrasound examination has for a short period of time, the fetus is absolutely not subject to harmful effects.

One of the ardent opponents of ultrasound is Petr Garyaev, a senior researcher at the Russian Academy. Together with his colleagues, he conducts research on the effect of ultrasound on DNA. It is known that each molecule has its own sound. If before exposure to ultrasonic waves the DNA molecules all sounded in different ranges from one hertz to several hundred, then after that they all had the same frequency - 10 hertz. Some chains of molecules unraveled and broke. The entire scientific community was especially shocked by the fact that the damage caused to DNA by ultrasound is reflected in heredity, that is, DNA remembers the injury caused to it and transmits information to future cells.

Doctors say that the embryo cannot feel anything special, since the research is carried out pulsed and the pulse duration is only one microsecond.

What week is the first planned ultrasound examination performed?

According to the plan, the first ultrasound is performed after 10 weeks of pregnancy, but no later than 13 weeks and 6 days. In terms of its information content, the 12th week is considered the most suitable period for diagnosis. It is during this period that the doctor can get a clear and timely picture of the development and formation of the embryo.

But it is not always possible to maintain consistency. If there are indications or if the pregnant woman’s well-being deteriorates, an ultrasound scan can be performed before the 10th week, or in the intervals between main scheduled examinations.

When should I have an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy?

The doctor will send the woman to do an ultrasound if her period is late, and if the test shows a weak second line. But before the examination, he will prescribe blood tests for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and the patient is advised to remember its level. This information may be needed during subsequent examinations.

The procedure will also be required if your next period is late, the test is positive, but if during a gynecological examination the doctor does not see the main signs of pregnancy. Another indication is pain of various types in the lower abdomen. An ultrasound examination will become mandatory if there is a delay of 1.5–2 weeks or more (small deviations of 5–7 days are considered normal), and after this bloody or brownish discharge of any volume appears.

What indicators are assessed?

Ultrasound in early pregnancy allows the doctor to evaluate the following important indicators:

  • the presence of a gestational egg in the uterus (this is what indicates pregnancy);
  • stage of fetal development;
  • possible signs of a “frozen” pregnancy;
  • developmental disorders and deviations from the norm, intrauterine anomalies.

With timely diagnosis of pathologies, it will be possible to avoid surprises and complications during pregnancy, as well as during childbirth.

About the gestational egg

The gestational egg (fertilized egg) is the main sign of pregnancy. It can be detected no earlier than 5 weeks of intrauterine development. If the fertilized egg is diagnosed 4 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, its size does not exceed 2.5-3 mm. Already at 5-6 weeks, the egg size reaches half a centimeter.

The increase in gestational egg from 1 to 3 months of pregnancy occurs quickly. It is during this period that vital organs are formed in the embryo. Every 2 days from 4 to 9 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the egg increases by 1.5-2 mm. This fact, as a rule, is not assessed; the indicator is only informative.

If the size of the gestational egg is 15-25 mm, but it cannot be diagnosed in the uterine cavity, it can be assumed that the pregnancy is fading. But don't panic ahead of time. To make sure that the pregnancy is fading, you need to repeat the ultrasound in a week.

Also a bad indicator is too active egg growth. This may indicate abnormal development of pregnancy, its fading, or “empty egg” syndrome.

About the yolk sac

The yolk sac is an anatomical formation that forms before the embryo is fully formed. Its formation is an absolute confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy.

The sac is located between the amnion and chorion. In the future, the fetal membrane and placenta develop from these formations. The size of the yolk sac directly depends on the gestational period. With a fertilized egg measuring half a centimeter, the yolk sac reaches about 6 mm. The normal value can vary between 3-5 mm.

About the amnion

The amnion is a membrane located in the fertilized egg in which the fetus is located in the amniotic fluid. From the inside, the amnion is attached to the chorion. The amnion can be clearly seen at 11-12 weeks. During this period, its size reaches 5-7 mm.

If the amniotic cavity is not sufficiently formed, pregnancy stops developing.

An upward deviation in amnion size from the norm indicates polyhydramnios. This may also indicate heterogeneity of the contents of the amniotic cavity. This may be a signal of the development of an infection.

About heartbeat

Heart rate is a special criterion that is monitored by ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy. The fetal heartbeat can be monitored as early as 6 weeks. But there are exceptions when the heart rhythm is not heard. There is no need to panic ahead of time; it is enough to repeat the ultrasound after 4-6 days.

As the fetus grows, the heart rate increases. At a period of 6 weeks, the number of beats per minute ranges from 100 to 116. By the 9th week, the heart rate reaches 145-160 beats per minute. After week 9 the rate decreases slightly.

If the heart rate is insufficient or the number of beats decreases prematurely, the doctor may suspect bradycardia. This may also indicate a fading pregnancy or pathology.

About the collar area

The size of the collar zone is an accumulation of lymph that is located between the soft tissues and skin of the fetus. This is an equally important criterion that is necessary to determine the size of the embryo. The normal size of the collar zone indicates the absence of chromosomal pathologies.

Nuchal translucency assessment is usually performed at 11–14 weeks. The thickness of the collar zone is compared with the coccygeal-parietal size, which is 45-84 mm. The normal thickness of the collar zone is 3 mm. Thickening of the collar zone up to 5 mm at 16-18 weeks, or up to 6 mm at 19 to 24 weeks indicates pathology.

About the nasal bone

The nasal bone is one of the important indicators that is assessed by doctors during the early diagnosis of pregnant women. Bone assessment makes it possible to diagnose genetic pathologies, even Down syndrome.

The permissible limits for the size of the nasal bone by week of pregnancy are shown in the table below:

Weeks of pregnancyPermissible minimum value, mmAverage normal value, mmAllowable maximum value

Typically, nasal bone assessment is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. If by this time the bone is missing or does not reach 2.5 mm, we can talk about the likelihood of Down's disease.


Pregnancy is associated not only with the joy of expecting such an expensive baby. The prenatal period of every woman is fraught with a lot of worries, worries and even risks, which, first of all, timely examination will help to avoid.

Providing the most suitable conditions for a woman during pregnancy is the main task of obstetricians and gynecologists. Monitoring the full growth and development of the embryo at the initial stage often allows doctors to react in time to possible pathologies and take appropriate treatment measures, if necessary.

Ultrasound is a fairly important diagnostic method, but there are many myths about its benefits and harms for the baby, which can only be dispelled by a detailed consideration of all the related issues.

Does ultrasound diagnostics really pose a threat to the child?

Considering that ultrasound at the beginning of pregnancy is harmful and dangerous, many women are seized with real panic and fear. Often, some expectant mothers deliberately refuse to undergo it, ignoring any medical prescriptions.

Indeed, to this day, discussions continue among gynecological specialists all over the world about whether there are any risks of negative consequences from exposure to ultrasound waves on the fetus. Foreign doctors came to conclusions confirming the detrimental effect of the study on the formation of embryonic brain cells.

It is not easy to put an end to this complex controversial issue, because in order to accept one or another position it is necessary to conduct numerous experiments and experiments. It is also not easy to find pregnant women willing to participate in the trial procedures, because this requires mothers with an almost perfect medical history who are willing to put their unborn child at probable risk.

It is almost impossible to verify how dangerous and harmful ultrasound is (especially in the early stages) and to study its direct effect on the embryo . Definitely, in order to protect your baby from the negative effects of ultrasonic waves, it is important not to overuse the procedure. For example, the analogy with taking medications will be quite clear: they are beneficial only if taken according to the schedule and dosage recommended by the doctor.

By neglecting the rules and instructions for treatment, you can cause considerable damage to your own health.

Is it possible to have an ultrasound scan early in pregnancy?

Naturally, an ultrasound examination in the first trimester is necessary at least so that doctors can make sure that the embryo is developing in accordance with the norms, and the condition of the mother’s uterus and placenta does not pose a threat to its further growth. An ultrasound is usually recommended only at 10-11 weeks. In most cases, if symptoms characterizing complications occur, the procedure can be prescribed earlier.

They have been talking about how harmful ultrasound is or not, as mentioned above, for more than 75 years, but no one has been able to justify a ban on the research method in question.

To this day, this diagnostic method is considered relatively safe and comprehensive, since based on its results, specialists are able to give an objective assessment not only of the condition of the embryo, but also of the mother’s organs and systems involved in gestation.

Since it can be done at the beginning of the first trimester, the chance of preventing complications or abnormalities in carrying a future baby is high.

What the results of the first examination show: natural indicators

To understand why an ultrasound examination is performed in the near future after a woman has learned about her “interesting” situation, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​its capabilities in this period. It turns out that with the help of diagnostics they determine:

1. The fact of fertilization (at 3-5 weeks, the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity becomes noticeable for visualization);

2. Gestation period (although experts may make errors in calculations, based on the size of the gestational sac or the embryo itself, they often draw conclusions about the expected number of days after conception);

3. Location of the ovum (for example, an ectopic pregnancy can be detected a week after a missed period);

4. Number of embryos (if there is more than one fetal sac in the uterus, diagnostic results confirming a multiple pregnancy are obtained already at week 5);

5. Cardiac activity or fetal viability (by 4 weeks, the beating of a tiny heart is displayed on the machine’s screen).

These are the main indicators that are of great importance for gynecologists, and they can only be obtained after an ultrasound procedure.

In addition, at the end of the first trimester, the expectant mother can find out about the gender of the baby under her heart. At approximately 12 weeks, external sexual characteristics will help determine who is in the womb - a boy or a girl, but only an experienced specialist can do this.

Determining the sex of the child. There is a boy in the photo.

It is extremely important to do an ultrasound in the early stages in order to assess the condition of the cervix. Deviation from the norm usually always indicates a serious pathology, because any disturbance in the uterine cavity can have the most disastrous consequences.

Possible pathologies detected in the first trimester

If a pregnant woman’s medical history is not as “crystal” as we would like, doctors recommend undergoing the first ultrasound at the earliest possible stage. In the presence of genetic abnormalities or previous infectious diseases, doctors often suspect the development of intrauterine pathologies. Late adoption of therapeutic measures is no less dangerous for the unborn baby.

In addition, if the chances of the child’s subsequent disability are high, at this stage any mother has the opportunity to choose the future fate and life of the baby. The most common pathological conditions of the mother or embryo in the first trimester that can be detected during ultrasound examination are:

1. Threat of miscarriage (a high probability of miscarriage is caused by excessive formation of bloody clots in the uterus that provoke placental abruption). In this case, diagnostics will help to identify the complication and, by choosing the right treatment, save the baby’s life.

2. Ailments of the pelvic organs that have a negative impact on the full-fledged condition of the fetus.

3. Developmental anomalies are confirmed, generally, no earlier than 11-12 weeks. Among the possible deviations, the most common are Down syndrome, heart disease and many others that can guarantee a child a disability for the rest of his days.

Down syndrome screening

4. Preeclampsia (a common phenomenon in pregnant women, which poses a threat to the mother and fetus).

5. Frozen pregnancy, which is almost impossible to determine in the early stages without examination. Without any manifestations, it is a failed miscarriage.

6. Uterine hypertonicity is the most common pathology in pregnant women, which also threatens miscarriage. It can be provoked by the mother’s nervous experiences, excessive physical activity and poor nutrition.

What are ultrasound diagnostics for pregnant women?

We should also dwell in detail on the types of ultrasound examinations performed in the first weeks. It is important that the equipment allows us to identify all the features of the development and formation of the fertilized egg and embryo, therefore, depending on the timing, the examination is carried out in the following ways:

  • Abdominal diagnostics: this type of ultrasound scanning provides an opportunity to give an objective assessment of the course of pregnancy, as well as the formation of the fetus at a specific stage of its development. The mother's pelvic organs also remain accessible for visualization. The abdominal sensor has proven itself to be an effective ultrasound examination tool for decades, especially in the early weeks.
  • The transvaginal diagnostic method is no less informative, but unlike the previous one, it has a lot of contraindications for use starting from the second trimester. Its principle of operation lies in the ability of the vaginal sensor to display data that is in an accessible view on the monitor screen. Before starting the procedure, you must first ensure that the bladder is empty.
  • Ultrasound examination in volumetric images can also be done in the first weeks. Of course, this method is innovative, and it is used, as a rule, in modern specialized clinics equipped with similar equipment. 3D or 4D photographs will allow you to view the embryo from different angles and get an actual picture of its development at a specific stage.

What is the research procedure like?

Speaking about the first ultrasound procedure, it is important to note how it goes. Ultrasound examinations in the first weeks of pregnancy are performed mainly using a transvaginal or abdominal probe. In fact, it is not too different from an ordinary examination for diseases of the genital organs or planning conception. The pregnant woman is also placed on the couch, the surface of the lower part of her abdomen is lubricated with gel, after which the doctor begins the examination.

Today, the use of a vaginal sensor is resorted to precisely in the early stages of pregnancy, since the principle of operation of such a device is in many ways similar to an echolocator: the silhouette of the embryo appears on the screen due to the reflection of ultrasonic waves. And if the expectant mother, having satisfied her own curiosity, looks at the monitor, it is unlikely that she will be able to understand anything from the black and white stains and circles without special medical education.

Meanwhile, diagnostics will provide the professional with the most necessary and important information about:

  • uterine cavity;
  • condition of the cervix;
  • sufficient development of the placenta;
  • gestational sac;
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the pelvis of a pregnant woman.


The result of an ultrasound scan of the first weeks of pregnancy can be regarded as a fundamental document containing information about the individual characteristics of the developing baby, its internal organs and systems. The ultrasound diagnostic protocol carried out in the first weeks records absolutely all abnormalities or deviations from the norm.

The advantage of the above method of examining pregnant women is that there is no need for special training. The main thing is not to worry about whether ultrasound examination is really harmful to the baby. And if scientists are still arguing about the dangers of the examination, then a long time ago no one doubts that stress hormones produced in the mother’s body can cause harm to the child.

How many times can an ultrasound be done in early pregnancy?

The gynecologist leading the pregnancy decides on the number of ultrasound examinations prescribed for a pregnant girl.

In addition to 3 scheduled examinations, additional ultrasounds may be performed, the indications for which are:

  • multiple pregnancy (with 2 or more fetuses);
  • pathogenic invasions of a pregnant woman;
  • fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the fetus);
  • insufficient ability of the uterine tone to hold the fetus;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • abnormalities in the establishment or formation of the placenta;
  • insufficient patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • previous caesarean sections;
  • frequent abortions (after frequent abortions, spontaneous miscarriages are possible);
  • polycystic disease;
  • lack of fetal activity in the mother's womb;
  • deviations from the norm in test results;
  • negative Rh blood factor (regardless of blood type).

Such indications pose a great danger for both the expectant mother and the child. To prevent premature birth and avoid complications, ultrasound can be prescribed as often as is justified by the indications.

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy: deciphering indicators of placental development

The formation of the placenta, which is of great importance in the life of the child, occurs at 16 weeks. During the screening ultrasound in the 1st trimester, the diagnostician pays considerable attention to the condition of the placenta, assessing it according to several parameters: the wall to which this organ is attached and the distance separating the placenta from the internal os of the uterus are determined.

The final examination of the placenta occurs during the screening period in the 3rd trimester, when its distance from the pharynx should be within 6 cm.

Overlapping of the internal os with the placenta indicates its presentation. This factor can cause bleeding and some difficulties during labor. During ultrasound in the 1-2 trimesters, the placenta may be visualized low, but this is normal for this period.

During the ultrasound procedure, in the first and subsequent screenings, the structure of the placenta is assessed, which is assigned one of the degrees of maturity (from 1 to 4), and its thickness is measured. The presence of bloody discharge may indicate placental abruption, which can be confirmed by ultrasound examination.

How is an ultrasound done for pregnant women?

Ultrasound in early pregnancy and during the trimesters does not require special preparation from the woman.

If the examination is prescribed at the antenatal clinic, you will need to acquire:

  • a diaper or towel to lay on the couch;
  • shoe covers or replacement shoes;
  • napkins or a towel to remove any remaining gel from the abdomen;
  • pregnancy card and documents.

When undergoing an ultrasound examination in the first trimester, a pregnant woman should also take with her a condom, which is placed on the sensor used for vaginal ultrasound.

If the examination is carried out in a private clinic or a paid diagnostic center, only documents are sufficient. All other women are provided directly in the doctor's office.

When conducting a study, the doctor can use different sensors:

  • abdominal (the doctor moves the sensor over the abdomen, moistened with gel);
  • vaginal (used for insertion into the vagina).

Basically, vaginal ultrasound is prescribed at the first examination. This way, the doctor can examine the patient in more detail and diagnose early pregnancy with greater accuracy. Before performing a transvaginal ultrasound, the girl must urinate so that her bladder is empty.

All subsequent ultrasounds are performed with trans-abdominal sensors. In this case, the doctor applies a gel to the patient’s stomach, which prevents the formation of air voids and improves contact of the sensor with the body. In the modern world, all kinds of technologies are increasingly used for ultrasound examinations.

On older ultrasound machines, ultrasound is performed in 2 dimensions (height and width of the embryo) - 2D. The result of such a study for future parents is a flat black and white picture as a keepsake, and the doctor receives all the necessary information about the formation and development of the fetus on the screen.

Three-dimensional ultrasound (3D) is considered more modern. When it is carried out, a color holographic image is displayed on the screen. This makes it possible to examine the facial features and facial expressions of the unborn child and obtain a high-quality image. The difference between 3D ultrasound and 2D is the duration of its implementation. For a two-dimensional study, 15-20 minutes are enough, and for a three-dimensional study, at least 45 minutes.

4D examination can be considered a novelty in the ultrasound field. In principle, it is similar to 3D ultrasound, but this technology allows the use of an additional criterion - real time. During a 4D ultrasound, you can examine the movements of the embryo, record its activity on a disk and store it in a family archive.

3D and 4D ultrasound is recommended to be performed at the 2nd and 3rd planned examination. By this time, the child will be formed, master facial expressions and become more active.

Preparatory activities

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs, performed to determine conception, requires certain preparation. In order to obtain the most accurate information about the structure of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes during the procedure, the patient should take care to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Since gas bubbles can interfere with inspection and lead to distortion of research results.

To reduce flatulence in the colon, you need to start following a diet 3-4 days before the test. This diet involves eliminating foods that contribute to flatulence. These include legumes, raw vegetables and fruits, sweets, baked goods and baked goods, fatty cheeses, meats, fish, first courses cooked in fatty broths, dairy products with the exception of low-fat cottage cheese.

Prohibited drinks are strong tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and water. The patient’s diet should consist of lean meats and fish, first courses based on their broths, boiled vegetables, and low-fat cottage cheese. You can consume no more than one boiled egg and a glass of kefir or milk per day. Meals should be small but frequent so that food has time to be digested and evacuated from the stomach and intestines without stagnating, causing fermentation.

Important! Before the procedure, you should refrain from smoking for several hours, which causes increased secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as chewing gum and sucking hard candies, as this promotes the swallowing of air. Such preparation is necessary for transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound, but the drinking regime immediately before the procedures is strikingly different.

Foods to Avoid When Preparing for a Pelvic Ultrasound

During transabdominal examination, adequate bladder filling will be required to improve visualization of the pelvic organs. To do this, you can use two methods - refrain from urinating 3-4 hours before the procedure, or drink about a liter of water about an hour before the test and do not empty the bladder.

Transvaginal ultrasound, on the contrary, does not require a full bladder, since the doctor has the opportunity to examine organs in close proximity and a full bladder will only interfere with the examination. In addition, any even slight movement of the emitter in the vagina can cause a strong urge to urinate, creating discomfort for the patient. Therefore, she needs to visit the toilet and empty her bladder before starting the procedure.

Is an ectopic pregnancy visible on an ultrasound?

Ultrasound in early pregnancy can diagnose ectopic pregnancy. That is why early diagnosis should not be neglected.

An ectopic pregnancy differs from a uterine pregnancy in that the fertilized egg attaches and develops not in the uterine cavity, but outside it or on the fallopian tube. There have also been cases when the egg was attached to the abdominal cavity and ovaries.

Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy cannot result in the birth of a child; the fetus dies . A woman’s life can be saved only with timely diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy through surgical intervention.

When is an ultrasound performed?

But if, nevertheless, the patient’s medical history contains prerequisites for performing an ultrasound, then it is necessary to clearly understand what the initial signs of successful fertilization may be on an ultrasound. There are several mandatory indications for such a study. Such cases may be:

  • the need to find out about the presence/absence of pregnancy;
  • exclusion of hydatidiform mole;
  • confirmation of the gestational process;
  • clarification of the gestational age;
  • in the absence of menstruation, determine the reason for its delay, identifying a gynecological disease or any pathological process.

It is important to understand that laboratory methods are not always informative in identifying the first signs. It turns out that the rounded glandular body may turn out to be not only a fertilized egg, but also a glandular polyp or even a myomatous node.

This is what an ultrasound image looks like at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy

Where to do an ultrasound early if there are pathologies or urgent need? This is a perinatal center, more often a maternity hospital or an antenatal clinic. An echoscopist knows the physiology of the female body and is familiar with pathologies of the genital area or embryology.

You should not carry out diagnostics in centers where all types of research are carried out, since the results of such diagnostics may be uninformative.

As for ultrasound and the threat to health at the beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to find out what the threat of miscarriage is.
For some reason, the myometrium contracts and the fertilized egg exfoliates. The main symptom can be considered hypertonicity of the uterus. During the examination, the doctor determines such signs as thickening of the uterine wall. But such a sign can be regarded as threatening pregnancy only in combination with other factors. In addition, during the examination, the vaginal sensor may accidentally provoke a short contraction of the uterus. Additionally, the shape of the fertilized egg may change due to thickening of the uterine wall. This shape can become teardrop-shaped. Protruding areas of the uterine wall may also be visible, which at the time of the study are in good shape. Another point is the discovery of a small blood clot near the fertilized egg. The source of blood is vessels that were damaged by the fertilized egg itself. A threatened abortion occurs when the hematoma, as it enlarges, begins to put pressure on the fertilized egg and on the walls of the uterus. Also, if the main symptoms of development and enlargement of the fertilized egg are not observed (it does not increase, it has an irregular shape).

Reliability of results at 2,3,4 weeks of pregnancy

In principle, ultrasound results are reliable information. But there is always a percentage of error: technology can fail, and no one cares about the human factor src=»https://kidteam.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/uzi-na-rannem-sroke-beremennosti-7 .jpg" class="aligncenter" width="600″ height="400″[/img]

The main factors that can affect the reliability of early ultrasound diagnosis during pregnancy are:

  • equipment malfunction or poor quality;
  • false information about the date of pregnancy;
  • inexperience or lack of qualifications of the doctor;
  • failure to conduct the examination in a timely manner.

False diagnosis of an existing pregnancy is possible too early. True data about the onset of pregnancy can be obtained no earlier than from the 5th week. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the reliability of the results at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy.

The fewest errors in diagnosing pregnancy are observed at 10-12 weeks. It is at this time that the doctor will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy down to the day.

Method of performing the procedure

Determination of pregnancy by transvaginal ultrasound is performed with an empty bladder. It is optimal if the patient empties it almost before the procedure itself. The subject is asked to remove clothing from the lower part of the pelvis and genitals, and lie down on the couch with legs bent at the knees. The doctor places a condom on the ultrasound emitter (for hygiene purposes) and inserts it into the vagina.

The procedure is not accompanied by pain, since the diameter of the sensor does not exceed 2–3 cm. This diagnosis allows you to determine conception from the 5th day of missed menstruation. Transabdominal ultrasound is even easier to do. The patient will only need to raise or lower the clothing from the lower abdomen so that the diagnostician has sufficient access to the uterus. During the procedure, the doctor will examine the projection of the reproductive organs, choosing a comfortable position and angle for the best visualization.

Using the same principle, a 3D ultrasound is performed to diagnose conception, and it will be effective in detecting pregnancy already on the 7-10th day of absence of menstruation.

Myths about ultrasound during pregnancy

Despite the fact that ultrasound allows you to diagnose pregnancy from the early stages of its development and monitor the full formation and development of the fetus, there are still myths that continue to frighten pregnant women.

MythIs it true
Ultrasound is dangerous and harmful to the embryoThis myth has long been dispelled by scientists who have proven that the impulses emitted by the device are minimal. Therefore, they do not have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.
The child is afraid of ultrasound and covers himself with his arms and legsThe child shields himself not from ultrasonic impulses, but from penetrating light, which forces him to dodge.
3D and 4D examinations are more dangerous for a child than 2DFor all types of ultrasound, the same wave power and scanning frequency are used, which does not affect the harmfulness of the procedure for the embryo.
Any fetal pathology can be diagnosed by ultrasoundAn ultrasound examination cannot detect all kinds of pathologies. But, fetal death, birth defects and developmental anomalies can be diagnosed. However, ultrasound does not always give a 100% result.
Frequent ultrasounds are dangerousIf there are indications, the doctor may recommend more than 3 scheduled examinations to the expectant mother in labor, if this is justified. But this does not mean that frequent exposure to ultrasound will affect the development or formation of the fetus.

You should not believe fiction and someone else's prejudices. Doctors do not make additional ultrasound appointments just like that. But more detailed and timely monitoring will help avoid irreversible consequences.

Benefits of ultrasound in the first trimester

Despite the loud statements of some scientists about the dangers of ultrasound, doctors say that, on the contrary, it is dangerous not to do an ultrasound. What are they referring to in this case? Firstly, before ultrasound there was a very high mortality rate of both women during childbirth and children. Often internal pathologies of the uterus, baby and placenta cannot be detected either by blood tests or by tactile examination. Only an ultrasound examination can help. For example, with complete placenta previa during childbirth, death occurs for both mother and child. With the help of ultrasound, doctors find out the baby’s health.

But is it worth doing it for a short period of time? In the first trimester, doctors send for an ultrasound to 100% diagnose pregnancy, set the exact date and determine multiple pregnancy. Specialists also determine the position of the embryo, exclude ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, and confirm the viability of the unborn child.

But in the short term it is quite possible to do without an ultrasound.

How many fruits will develop in the stomach is an interesting question, but in the first weeks it is not so significant

It is important to exclude hydatidiform mole, which threatens the development of the fetus. And for this it is worth doing an ultrasound

In addition, the doctor can detect fetal pathologies that will affect the pregnancy management strategy.

Such pathologies include the threat of miscarriage. In cases where pregnancy is at risk, ultrasound often shows blood clots in the uterus and placental abruption. These are the most important symptoms of a future miscarriage. Problems detected in time in a short period of time will help prevent it.

Most women rarely undergo a routine medical examination once a year and also rarely visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes. That is why at the first ultrasound they are often faced with a “surprise” in the form of various diseases of the female organs. Naturally, this may not have the best effect on the embryo. Timely detection of a mother’s disease helps her to be cured in a timely manner and avoid negative factors for the development of the fetus.

Currently, various fetal pathologies are often encountered in obstetric practice. They can be installed using ultrasound at the end of the 12th week. Down syndrome and heart disease are in first place in the ranking of diagnoses. If pathologies are detected, the expectant mother chooses the scenario for the development of pregnancy: to save it or not. Many of the detected pathologies are quite serious and threaten the child with disability for life.

Diseases and pathologies of the heart are easily detected during the first ultrasound procedure - between the sixth and eighth week. The normal heart rate is from 120 to 160 beats per minute. If it is less or more, this may be a symptom of a serious pathology. But if after the eighth week the fetal heart is not heard or seen at all, then this is a bad sign.

There are categories of women who absolutely need to have an ultrasound scan in their early stages, both to preserve their health and to preserve the life of the fetus. In the process of diagnosing pregnancy, the leading doctor collects anamnesis. If he finds some hereditary diseases of the expectant mother, or pathologies that aggravate the pregnancy of the child, he sends her for an ultrasound scan as early as possible. Such diseases include:

  • Oncological diseases and diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Previous miscarriage, missed abortions, or the presence of pathologies in the first child.

To summarize briefly, not a single medical institution can do without ultrasound. Despite the controversial harm, it is not so dangerous as to refuse to conduct research. Even if there are minor side effects or temporary inconveniences for the child, it is better to conduct research and be calm about the normal development of the baby than to subsequently encounter problems in the birthing chair or after the birth of the child.


Cost of ultrasound in Moscow, best diagnostic clinics

At antenatal clinics, ultrasound examinations are performed free of charge for pregnant women. To do this, a girl only needs to have a referral from a doctor.

If we consider private clinics in Moscow, the average cost of an ultrasound is:

  • two-dimensional examination - 2 thousand rubles;
  • three-dimensional ultrasound - 3 thousand rubles;
  • 4D - 3.6 thousand rubles.

In all clinics, the cost of the procedure increases depending on the stage of pregnancy.

The list of the most popular and highly professional clinics in Moscow includes the following private medical institutions:

  • "GMT" (Novinsky Boulevard, 20A);
  • “Diamed” (Dubravnaya St., 46);
  • “Soyuz” (Matrosskaya Tishina St., 14A);
  • “The First Doctor” (7B Northern Boulevard);
  • “Mother and Child” (Sickle and Molot plant passage, 3, building 2);
  • “Best Clinic” (Leningradskoye Shosse, 116);
  • (Mozhaiskoe highway, 16).

When choosing a place for an ultrasound examination, it is worth comparing the image of the clinic, the qualifications of the staff, the cost of the procedure by stage of pregnancy and read customer reviews. A high price is not always a guarantee of quality and professionalism.

Author: Plygun Elena

Article design: Vladimir the Great

How many times is it carried out?

At what stage is pregnancy visible on ultrasound?

The harmlessness and information content of ultrasound examination allows it to be carried out several times during the entire gestation period. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, as a rule, a woman undergoes it three times at 12–13 weeks, 22–23 and 31–32.

Such a study of the condition of the mother and fetus ensures control of its development, timely detection of possible pathologies and the development of further treatment tactics. At 12-13 weeks, ultrasound provides an opportunity to assess the anatomical characteristics of the embryo and find out the thickness of the collar zone - the main indicator that helps identify Down syndrome.

Also at this time, the first blood test is done. At 22–23 weeks, using ultrasound diagnostics, the presence of abnormalities in the development of the brain, cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys is established. At this stage, it is possible to exclude previously identified or suspected fetal malformations.

Determining Down syndrome is an important task of screening ultrasound

In addition, after 20 weeks it becomes possible to determine the sex of the child, so many parents look forward to this period, knowing that the likelihood of a doctor making a mistake is already negligible. An examination at 31–32 weeks helps to detect late developmental disorders of the heart and other internal organs. It examines the growth rate of the embryo and whether its size corresponds to the norm.

Despite the fact that ultrasound does not have any negative effect, doctors still try not to abuse this study. For almost 40 years of its use, not a single case of harm to the fetus has been identified, but it is better not to take risks. Therefore, in most cases, the first ultrasound is performed no earlier than 10–12 weeks, when the rudiments of systems and organs can already be visualized.

In addition, the procedure performed using the transvaginal technique increases the risk of spontaneous abortion. Based on these considerations, establishing the fact of conception is done only according to strict indications, and the desire to simply get checked or take the first photo for the album of the future baby is not such.

Most frequently asked questions

During the use of ultrasound diagnostics to confirm the fact of pregnancy, categories of issues that most concern future parents have already been formed. These include the following.

Why does the test show conception, but the ultrasound does not?

There may be several such situations:

  • Early visit for examination - you must wait at least 5 days after your missed period. And this is if the procedure is performed through the vagina.
  • The pregnancy develops outside the uterus, so it is not visible. In this situation, you need not to panic, but take a referral for an analysis of your hCG level. The indicator must be at least 1000 IU/l. Then you need to retake the test after a couple of weeks - during pregnancy at 4-5 weeks, the level will increase to 5,000-30,000 IU/l.
  • There is an additional source that provokes the production of this hormone, as a result of which a second line appears in the test. The cause may be hydatidiform mole (pregnancy pathology) or liver tumors. Then a repeat ultrasound and dynamic study of hCG levels are prescribed.

The absence of visualization of the embryo at the 7th obstetric week is a sign that even if there was a pregnancy, it is not developing.

When will the ultrasound visit be most informative?

The best time to visit an ultrasound diagnostic room is considered to be the 5th gestational week, which equates to 20–22 days from a missed period. Of course, it is possible earlier, but there is a high probability that the diagnostician may make a mistake in establishing conception.

At an earlier stage, when a fertilized egg is detected, it cannot be concluded that it is developing, since there is a pathology - anembryogenesis, in which only the membranes are present in the fertilized egg, but the embryo itself is not present. At week 5, the fetal heart begins to contract, and this can be monitored by the vaginal method, and by the abdominal method at 6–7 weeks. A later and more thorough examination of the heart and blood vessels is carried out from 24 weeks using Doppler ultrasound.

Is ultrasound at 12 weeks harmful?

It would be a mistake to believe that ultrasound diagnostics harm the human body. Any medical expert will confirm that there are many benefits from this procedure, but no harm has yet been recorded. The first ultrasound during pregnancy must be performed without fail. This procedure is indicated for absolutely all pregnant women without exception. Thanks to timely detection of abnormalities, the expectant mother, with the help of doctors, can positively influence the health of the fetus.

However, it is wrong to do this procedure at the slightest suspicion that the mother is at risk of miscarriage. The study should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Reasons and goals of early ultrasound diagnosis during pregnancy

Before the first scheduled examination, a woman is recommended to visit an ultrasound specialist in several situations:

  • previously there were problems with pregnancy (miscarriages occurred);
  • with positive tests and elevated hCG levels, the doctor does not see pregnancy during the examination;
  • According to calculations, the period has already been several weeks, and the second strip of dough is very pale;
  • after a long delay, brownish discharge appeared, not similar to menstruation;
  • there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • When pregnancy is confirmed by a doctor, bloody discharge suddenly appears.

Quite rare, but there are cases when the fertilized egg does not reach its final destination, but is fixed in the tube. This pathology is called an ectopic pregnancy. It can pose a danger to a woman's life. In the absence of timely measures taken, the risk of infertility is high. Ultrasound examination can identify a dangerous situation and help avoid serious consequences.

A hardware examination will allow you to find out whether there is a threat of miscarriage due to pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge. An ultrasound can be a lifesaver for the fetus. An ultrasound diagnostic method can detect the cause of a long delay when pregnancy is not confirmed. This could be a cyst, fibroma, or a very dangerous disease called “hydatidiform mole”, in which all the signs coincide, but conception has not occurred.

Indications and contraindications for examination

There are 2 types of ultrasound that are done to determine pregnancy - transvaginal and abdominal. It is advisable to go for examination no earlier than 5 days after the delay.

  1. Vaginal examination is more specific for the first month of pregnancy. With its help, the embryo will be visible within 21 days after conception.
  2. Abdominal ultrasound is unable to detect pregnancy at 3–4 weeks due to the fact that it is performed through the abdominal wall. Therefore, it can show conception later than transvaginal, with a difference of 2 weeks.

Ultrasound is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Lack of menstruation on the expected date.
  2. Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.
  3. Pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part.
  4. Delay in the presence of an intrauterine device.
  5. The presence of chronic gynecological diseases.
  6. Bloody discharge that does not coincide with the cycle.

The examination helps to identify the source of complaints, since it is not only during pregnancy that critical days are delayed.

There are no contraindications to ultrasound. The only factor that can be taken into account here is the woman’s personal reluctance to be examined.

The choice of method for determining pregnancy after conception, which can show it at the earliest possible date, remains with the doctor, but preference is given to the transvaginal ultrasound method.

For the most reliable confirmation of fertilization, determining the gestational age, examination and evaluation of the embryo, it is better to do a transvaginal ultrasound.

It is important to determine the timing of pregnancy as accurately as possible, as is examination of the embryo, because in the period up to 12 weeks it is possible to carry out an abortion for medical reasons if malformations incompatible with life are detected.

For more information about ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy, see the story:

How to prepare for the examination

According to examination standards, the primary ultrasound examination is used to determine pregnancy and to identify other likely culprits for the absence of menstruation, namely:

  • Endometrial polyps.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Ovarian cysts.

Any ultrasound examination is hampered by increased gas formation, which complicates visualization. To reduce the formation of gases, 2-3 days before the examination you need to reduce the following foods in your diet:

  • Legumes.
  • Fresh black bread.
  • Cabbage.
  • Whole milk.
  • Fatty meats.
  • Baking.
  • Carbonated drinks.

In case of severe gas formation, it is recommended to take Smecta or Espumisan once on the eve of the examination.

To perform an abdominal ultrasound, it is advisable to fill the bladder. To do this, 1–2 hours before the examination you need to drink 500–1000 ml of liquid, preferably clean drinking water. Before a transvaginal ultrasound, the bladder must be emptied after visiting the ladies' room.

Interpretation of ultrasound in the 1st trimester, norms

After going to an ultrasound screening procedure, every mother can’t wait to see the results. The protocol form that a woman receives at a clinic or perinatal center is replete with incomprehensible terms and abbreviations. All these indicators will be carefully studied by the gynecologist, focusing on the table in which ultrasound standards are prescribed.

Please note that based on the results of an ultrasound at 12 weeks, you should not draw your own conclusions about the state of health of your body and the child. Unnecessary suspicions and assumptions will not bring any benefit, but will only once again irritate the mother and child. It must be remembered that deciphering an ultrasound is the work of a gynecologist. Only he can reliably reveal the meaning of each indicator and voice the final verdict on the condition and development of the baby.


The average internal diameter of the ovum, or SVD, is the main indicator of the norm when carrying a child in the early period of gestation.

It must be said that at this time parts of the embryo’s body are underdeveloped, so at the initial stage its overall size is measured. It is also used to determine the approximate gestational age. The growth of SVD occurs every day, and the doctor, comparing it with ultrasound diagnostic standards, determines the day of conception. If the SVD is too small, then this may indicate fetal fading.

When determining and assessing the average internal diameter of an egg, specialists pay special attention to its shape. Deformation may indicate fetal death or a threatened miscarriage.


An ultrasound diagnostic specialist measures the size of the embryo, using the crown and tailbone as reference points for length. This indicator is called the coccyx-parietal size. It is necessary to assess the growth rate of the child, and is also used to determine the time of gestation and the date of upcoming birth.

If the CTE indicator is less than the norm, then this causes concern among doctors. One of the reasons may be the presence of an intrauterine infection or a genetic disorder. However, in some cases, concerns are not justified, because a reduced CTE may be a consequence of late ovulation and, accordingly, late attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. Conversely, too high an indicator is evidence of premature egg release and early implantation. In addition, a higher than normal CTE is recorded when the embryo is very large.


The thickness of the collar space is an indicator that shows the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities. The fact that there is a genetic deviation is indicated by swelling in the cervical area. If it is detected, the gynecologist will prescribe a repeat examination using a high-precision device to eliminate the possibility of medical error.

This indicator has informative value only in the first trimester. Later TVP is not measured. Experts note that if the diagnostician reported that the thickness of the collar space is exceeding the norm, expectant mothers do not need to be upset ahead of time.

Additional examination helps to make an accurate diagnosis, and it is confirmed only in 10% of all cases.

Nose bone length

The length of the nasal bones is another parameter that helps to identify the presence or absence of chromosomal diseases in a baby. In particular, the indicator is used to identify Down syndrome. With this pathology, the fetal nasal bones are not visualized. And if the bones are too short, then this may be evidence of Patau syndrome.

The accuracy of diagnosis largely depends on the qualifications of the diagnostician, as well as the class of ultrasound equipment. If a woman receives a screening result that deviates from the norm in terms of the length of the nasal bones, then she will have to be re-examined using a modern device, as well as a consultation with a geneticist.


Before going to the clinic, the expectant mother needs to prepare. If screening is carried out through the abdominal wall, then the woman should drink at least one and a half liters of water. The ultrasound procedure can only be done on a full bladder. It is allowed to empty it immediately after the procedure. A day or two before the examination, experts recommend that mothers follow a diet, removing fried and fatty foods from the diet. And immediately before the examination you need to wash your genitals.

Ultrasound screening at 10-13 weeks can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Transvaginally, when the sensor is inserted into the vagina of a pregnant woman. This examination method is called the most accurate and reliable; examination of the uterus and ovaries is carried out through the vaginal wall. It is often used in the early stages when there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, suspicion of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. Helps assess the condition of the cervix and cervical canal.
  2. Transabdominal, when the examination is carried out through the abdominal wall. Diagnosis at an early stage of gestation using this method is very difficult, but a little later it provides very detailed information about the condition of the fetus.

Before the procedure, the woman must undress, removing everything below the waist. Then you need to carefully position yourself on the couch. An ultrasound technician examines a patient while she lies on her back with her legs bent at the shins.

What can be seen in the photo of the fetus?

When doing an ultrasound in the first and second weeks, women most often do not know whether pregnancy will be visible during the examination.

The first time after conception, a number of biochemical processes and various changes occur in a woman’s body.

Some of them can be seen on the ultrasound image:

  • the precursor of the embryo - the dominant follicle, looks like a small tubercle, clearly visible during ultrasound examination;
  • the uterine mucosa thickens, this is a characteristic sign of an increase in the amount of estrogen that occurs during pregnancy;
  • The corpus luteum formed at the site of attachment of the egg is clearly visible.
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