What is duplex scanning of blood vessels and brachiocephalic arteries, its importance and rules of conduct
Ultrasound duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries or abbreviated USDS BCA is a modern ultrasound method for
Total filling of the left maxillary sinus with fluid (blood?), damage to the nasal septum on a computed tomogram
Sinusitis on CT: computed tomography of the maxillary sinuses
The paranasal sinuses (sinuses) are depressions in the bones of the skull. The mucous membranes of the cavities are sensitive to
Benefits of MRI with contrast
Contraindications and techniques for MRI of the pituitary gland
Benefits of MRI with contrast Using contrast agents, usually gadolinium salts,
Hypoplasia of the nasal bone in the fetus
Hypoplasia of the nasal bone in the fetus: causes and diagnosis
Mom's health Medicine has advanced a lot in recent years. If just ten more years
vein arrangement diagram
What is MRI of the brain in vascular modes?
Introduction The veins of the brain are divided into superficial and deep. Superficial veins mostly collect blood
How many times a year can fluorography be done - for adults and children?
X-rays of the lungs can be done as often as the doctor prescribes. X-ray examination is accompanied by radiation
Computed tomography (CT) of the lumbosacral spine
Computed tomography (CT) is a diagnostic method. It is carried out using a tomograph, which examines a certain
Pulmonary function test
Pulmonary function test (RPF): what is it?
Home » Methods » Study of external respiratory functions: indications and methods March 18, 2020
FGS procedure
What types of pain relief are performed during gastroscopy?
Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS, EGDS) is an endoscopic method for examining the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenal bulb
How many times a year and how often can an X-ray of the lungs be taken?
X-ray is a common diagnostic procedure that is used as a screening for certain diseases, as well as
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